Has Ben Shapiro been put on the FBI no-fly list? Do you think Ben Shapiro should, or should not be on a do not fly list? Here’s the opinion of […]

Has Ben Shapiro been put on the FBI no-fly list?

Has Ben Shapiro been put on the FBI no-fly list? Do you think Ben Shapiro should, or should not be on a do not fly list? Here’s the opinion of […]

Well, you heard it from the lips of Candace Owens herself, she would like to run as Donald Trump's Vice President of the United States of America. Would you vote for a Trump, Owens ticket?

Is Candace Owens running for Vice President? VIDEO

Well, you heard it from the lips of Candace Owens herself, she would like to run as Donald Trump’s Vice President of the United States of America. Would you vote for a Trump, Owens ticket?

According to her campaign, Ilhan Omar identifies herself as a “Democratic Socialist” She further clarifies that although she doesn’t define herself as a full socialist, she supports socialist ideals. One […]

Is Ilhan Omar a socialist?

According to her campaign, Ilhan Omar identifies herself as a “Democratic Socialist” She further clarifies that although she doesn’t define herself as a full socialist, she supports socialist ideals. One […]

Will the media coverage of protests, riots, and looting be reduced after Biden’s election? COUNT on it. Gone will be all negative news and ol Joe will be showered with […]

Will the media coverage of protests, riots, and looting be reduced after Biden’s election?

Will the media coverage of protests, riots, and looting be reduced after Biden’s election? COUNT on it. Gone will be all negative news and ol Joe will be showered with […]

Yes. Yes Black Lives Matter is a political party. Here are some interesting answers to the question of Is Black Lives Matter a political party? They’ve been a wing of […]

Is Black Lives Matter a political party?

Yes. Yes Black Lives Matter is a political party. Here are some interesting answers to the question of Is Black Lives Matter a political party? They’ve been a wing of […]

Ghislaine Maxwell requests bail due to ‘significant’ coronavirus risk. Do you think Ghislaine Maxwell should be allowed bail? Click here to cast your vote! Accused sex trafficker Ghislaine has more […]

Do you think Ghislaine Maxwell should be allowed bail?

Ghislaine Maxwell requests bail due to ‘significant’ coronavirus risk. Do you think Ghislaine Maxwell should be allowed bail? Click here to cast your vote! Accused sex trafficker Ghislaine has more […]

Our universities have nurtured and foisted on America and Canada an extreme radicalism that vilifies American and Canadian history, society, and culture. This radicalism stems in the first instance from […]

Defund the Police? How About We Defund the Universities.

Our universities have nurtured and foisted on America and Canada an extreme radicalism that vilifies American and Canadian history, society, and culture. This radicalism stems in the first instance from […]

What do you see here? What I see is a child, of migrant descent clearly from his skin tone, attempting to burn the nations flag with a cheap lighter. I made “migrant […]

Erasing history is not just the the tactic of the Nazis and ISIS

What do you see here? What I see is a child, of migrant descent clearly from his skin tone, attempting to burn the nations flag with a cheap lighter. I made “migrant […]

I’m here in Williamsburg Brooklyn, hipster Mecca to get insight on how cops treat black people in America. I’ve seen videos not necessarily in New York where just looks like […]

Ami Horowitz asks Blacks, Whites & Hispanics if they support the police and feel safe & if cops lives matter.

I’m here in Williamsburg Brooklyn, hipster Mecca to get insight on how cops treat black people in America. I’ve seen videos not necessarily in New York where just looks like […]

https://youtu.be/E_wKLOq-30M?t=2040erin branson29 minutes ago (edited)This story about the slippery ramp is HILARIOUS.  37  REPLY     View 6 replies Bhekizulu Magagula8 minutes ago🤗Hearing those boos after the President says fake news, just […]

Trump holds MAGA rally in Tulsa City in Oklahoma June 21st 2020

https://youtu.be/E_wKLOq-30M?t=2040erin branson29 minutes ago (edited)This story about the slippery ramp is HILARIOUS.  37  REPLY     View 6 replies Bhekizulu Magagula8 minutes ago🤗Hearing those boos after the President says fake news, just […]

This video discusses how ANTIFA justifies attacking people with opposing political views. It mentions the different groups within ANTIFA, such as those focused on animal rights or anti-capitalism. The passage […]

Who or What is ANTIFA?The Truth Behind the Mask

This video discusses how ANTIFA justifies attacking people with opposing political views. It mentions the different groups within ANTIFA, such as those focused on animal rights or anti-capitalism. The passage […]

When the mobs came, they abandon us. The nation went up in flames this weekend. They did third and they cowered and they openly sided with the destroyers and many cases they exited them on. Later, they deny doing any of this and...

Possibly the most important video Tucker Carlson has ever made. #TRUTH

When the mobs came, they abandon us. The nation went up in flames this weekend. They did third and they cowered and they openly sided with the destroyers and many cases they exited them on. Later, they deny doing any of this and…

Warren buffett who is no fan of Donald trump discussed america’s Past and future trial. You have this testing period And people really, they have Lost faith to some degree. They just didn’t see the Potential of what america could Do

Warren Buffett comments on the liberals betting against America. Shameful.

Warren buffett who is no fan of Donald trump discussed america’s Past and future trial. You have this testing period And people really, they have Lost faith to some degree. They just didn’t see the Potential of what america could Do

Here’s an interesting answer to a very sarcastic and smug question: What is Donald Trump’s plan for what he does after getting out of jail? Clearly he’s about to go […]

What would happen if Donald Trump went to prison?

Here’s an interesting answer to a very sarcastic and smug question: What is Donald Trump’s plan for what he does after getting out of jail? Clearly he’s about to go […]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dmoy7LqixE”They didn’t want Joe Biden, they settled for Joe Biden” Former White House press secretary and Fox News contributor Sarah Sanders says Democrats have ‘settled’ for Joe Biden while President […]

Sarah Sanders warns Biden would be a ‘dangerous’ president. He’s not a moderate, he’s far left.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dmoy7LqixE”They didn’t want Joe Biden, they settled for Joe Biden” Former White House press secretary and Fox News contributor Sarah Sanders says Democrats have ‘settled’ for Joe Biden while President […]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF6MwdorVaY If you stockpile groceries even though you don’t need them you are harming seniors and other people who may have disabilities. The stores may appear to be empty, but […]

Don’t hoard, don’t overstock, don’t buy everything in the store.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF6MwdorVaY If you stockpile groceries even though you don’t need them you are harming seniors and other people who may have disabilities. The stores may appear to be empty, but […]

“Hate is their crusade, overthrow is their mantra. They use impeachment to overturn the will and the election of the American people.” – Judge Jeanine Pirro

Thank you democrats!

“Hate is their crusade, overthrow is their mantra. They use impeachment to overturn the will and the election of the American people.” – Judge Jeanine Pirro

I have been seeing this image all over my friend’s walls lately and it disturbs me but not for the reasons you may assume. I think the creation of this […]

“All white Owsley County gets more welfare than any black community” [SIC]

I have been seeing this image all over my friend’s walls lately and it disturbs me but not for the reasons you may assume. I think the creation of this […]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO9N0TgAblE YAFONOOB President Trump is one of the greatest things to ever happen to the United States of America. He fulfilled his promise to make America great again, now we need […]

Trump Keep America Great Rally in Des Moines, Iowa with commentary and Opinions.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO9N0TgAblE YAFONOOB President Trump is one of the greatest things to ever happen to the United States of America. He fulfilled his promise to make America great again, now we need […]

Quick disclaimer here: I am not White. I am not European. I am Asian, and I come from such a part of the world where History lessons are not tied […]

Where is the Muslim guilt over white slavery?

Quick disclaimer here: I am not White. I am not European. I am Asian, and I come from such a part of the world where History lessons are not tied […]