There actually seems to be some benefits from letting a leech suck on your mosquito bites. What would happen if you put a leech on your mosquito bite? Obviously I’m […]

What would happen if you put a leech on a mosquito bite?

There actually seems to be some benefits from letting a leech suck on your mosquito bites. What would happen if you put a leech on your mosquito bite? Obviously I’m […]

Why are gas prices rising after Biden was elected? Since Joe Biden became president, the price of gas has hit record highs! Is Biden responsible for gas prices? Are oil […]

Why Are Gas Prices Soaring Under Biden’s Administration?

Why are gas prices rising after Biden was elected? Since Joe Biden became president, the price of gas has hit record highs! Is Biden responsible for gas prices? Are oil […]

El Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador has demanded 20 billion dollars per year from the United States or else “the flow of migrants will continue”. As if that wasn’t outrageous […]

Mexico is Trying To Extort Billions from the United States. Here’s What I Would Do.

El Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador has demanded 20 billion dollars per year from the United States or else “the flow of migrants will continue”. As if that wasn’t outrageous […]

The hypocrisy of the liberals: hating the police, yet demanding not only protection but even more laws! In a world where the thin blue line once represented safety and order, […]

The Liberal Paradox: Anti-Police Rhetoric and the Push for More Laws

The hypocrisy of the liberals: hating the police, yet demanding not only protection but even more laws! In a world where the thin blue line once represented safety and order, […]

In recent times, there has been considerable debate surrounding the allocation of funds by our government. While some say supporting Ukraine is important, it’s crucial that we prioritize our nation’s […]

Prioritizing and Protecting America’s Power Grid VS Hemorrhaging Money for Ukraine

In recent times, there has been considerable debate surrounding the allocation of funds by our government. While some say supporting Ukraine is important, it’s crucial that we prioritize our nation’s […]

We all should be proud of who we are. I know I’m proud of my Dakota blood. Our ancestors were very powerful people. I know that’s where I get my […]

Books the Mdewakanton people are mentioned in. Native American History

We all should be proud of who we are. I know I’m proud of my Dakota blood. Our ancestors were very powerful people. I know that’s where I get my […]

It seems to me that perhaps the banks need to get bigger signs? #nogunsallowed #nofirearmsallowed #bankshooting

Perhaps larger no guns allowed signs are needed for banks?

It seems to me that perhaps the banks need to get bigger signs? #nogunsallowed #nofirearmsallowed #bankshooting

The Ingenious TRICK of Juneteenth Hey guys! I’m traveling today, so for this episode I wanted to share a reaction I did last year when the U.S. Government first declared […]

The Truth About Juneteenth and the Democrats Strategy.

The Ingenious TRICK of Juneteenth Hey guys! I’m traveling today, so for this episode I wanted to share a reaction I did last year when the U.S. Government first declared […]

wouldn't be caught dead wearing a T-shirt with Adolf Hitler's face on it in public. But Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Che Guevara? They're cool, bro. Communist red stars as a fashion statement. Proudly supporting—religiously preaching, even—the same ideas that have killed over 20 times more human beings than the Holocaust. As if they knew. Which they don’t. And most seemed to sleep through that history class anyway.

Why are conservatives worried about the future?

wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a T-shirt with Adolf Hitler’s face on it in public. But Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Che Guevara? They’re cool, bro. Communist red stars as a fashion statement. Proudly supporting—religiously preaching, even—the same ideas that have killed over 20 times more human beings than the Holocaust. As if they knew. Which they don’t. And most seemed to sleep through that history class anyway.

Here’s an interesting opinion from Kirk Wilson. Oh I don’t know. It was pretty hard being a Caucasian male during the time of the Romans. Oh it was great if […]

Is this the worst time in history to be a Caucasian male?

Here’s an interesting opinion from Kirk Wilson. Oh I don’t know. It was pretty hard being a Caucasian male during the time of the Romans. Oh it was great if […]

Here are two very interesting and similar questions. What’s your opinion? Are more people moving to, or moving from liberal cities? What about you, would you prefer to move to […]

Are more people moving away from liberal cities or conservatives cities?

Here are two very interesting and similar questions. What’s your opinion? Are more people moving to, or moving from liberal cities? What about you, would you prefer to move to […]

According to her campaign, Ilhan Omar identifies herself as a “Democratic Socialist” She further clarifies that although she doesn’t define herself as a full socialist, she supports socialist ideals. One […]

Is Ilhan Omar a socialist?

According to her campaign, Ilhan Omar identifies herself as a “Democratic Socialist” She further clarifies that although she doesn’t define herself as a full socialist, she supports socialist ideals. One […]

Will the media coverage of protests, riots, and looting be reduced after Biden’s election? COUNT on it. Gone will be all negative news and ol Joe will be showered with […]

Will the media coverage of protests, riots, and looting be reduced after Biden’s election?

Will the media coverage of protests, riots, and looting be reduced after Biden’s election? COUNT on it. Gone will be all negative news and ol Joe will be showered with […]

Yes. Yes Black Lives Matter is a political party. Here are some interesting answers to the question of Is Black Lives Matter a political party? They’ve been a wing of […]

Is Black Lives Matter a political party?

Yes. Yes Black Lives Matter is a political party. Here are some interesting answers to the question of Is Black Lives Matter a political party? They’ve been a wing of […]

What do you see here? What I see is a child, of migrant descent clearly from his skin tone, attempting to burn the nations flag with a cheap lighter. I made “migrant […]

Erasing history is not just the the tactic of the Nazis and ISIS

What do you see here? What I see is a child, of migrant descent clearly from his skin tone, attempting to burn the nations flag with a cheap lighter. I made “migrant […]

I’m here in Williamsburg Brooklyn, hipster Mecca to get insight on how cops treat black people in America. I’ve seen videos not necessarily in New York where just looks like […]

Ami Horowitz asks Blacks, Whites & Hispanics if they support the police and feel safe & if cops lives matter.

I’m here in Williamsburg Brooklyn, hipster Mecca to get insight on how cops treat black people in America. I’ve seen videos not necessarily in New York where just looks like […]

When the mobs came, they abandon us. The nation went up in flames this weekend. They did third and they cowered and they openly sided with the destroyers and many cases they exited them on. Later, they deny doing any of this and...

Possibly the most important video Tucker Carlson has ever made. #TRUTH

When the mobs came, they abandon us. The nation went up in flames this weekend. They did third and they cowered and they openly sided with the destroyers and many cases they exited them on. Later, they deny doing any of this and…

Here’s an interesting answer to a very sarcastic and smug question: What is Donald Trump’s plan for what he does after getting out of jail? Clearly he’s about to go […]

What would happen if Donald Trump went to prison?

Here’s an interesting answer to a very sarcastic and smug question: What is Donald Trump’s plan for what he does after getting out of jail? Clearly he’s about to go […]

101 Things Parents Can Do to Help Children to be Successful in life. 1. Use Socratic questioning when teaching your children.  2. Teach them to be critical thinkers and to […]

101 Things That I Would Like To Teach My Children To Make Their Lives Easier

101 Things Parents Can Do to Help Children to be Successful in life. 1. Use Socratic questioning when teaching your children.  2. Teach them to be critical thinkers and to […]”They didn’t want Joe Biden, they settled for Joe Biden” Former White House press secretary and Fox News contributor Sarah Sanders says Democrats have ‘settled’ for Joe Biden while President […]

Sarah Sanders warns Biden would be a ‘dangerous’ president. He’s not a moderate, he’s far left.”They didn’t want Joe Biden, they settled for Joe Biden” Former White House press secretary and Fox News contributor Sarah Sanders says Democrats have ‘settled’ for Joe Biden while President […]