Donald J Trump is certainly multi-faceted man. Here are two stories, from two women who each met Donald Trump in business, at social events and in an elevator. There stories […]

Alone with Trump in an Elevator. Two polar opposite stories about Trump from two women who met him in person.

Donald J Trump is certainly multi-faceted man. Here are two stories, from two women who each met Donald Trump in business, at social events and in an elevator. There stories […]

They don’t hate her. The difference is that the Russian is not afraid to say it as it is, while the Western media is trying not to offend. All the […]

What do Russians think of Greta Thunberg?

They don’t hate her. The difference is that the Russian is not afraid to say it as it is, while the Western media is trying not to offend. All the […]

The only possible purpose of this law is to destroy the firearms industry. By imposing third-party liability for lawfully manufactured, lawfully sold products later used in crimes outside the manufacturers’ […]

Why are the Democrats introducing a bill that allows victims of shooting events to sue the gun industry?

The only possible purpose of this law is to destroy the firearms industry. By imposing third-party liability for lawfully manufactured, lawfully sold products later used in crimes outside the manufacturers’ […]

Rachel M Johanson: Social strategy & implementation. will work for shoes. Lives in New York City No, Donald Trump did not tell anyone to “go home“. Here’s exactly what Donald […]

Did Trump actually tell anyone to go home?

Rachel M Johanson: Social strategy & implementation. will work for shoes. Lives in New York City No, Donald Trump did not tell anyone to “go home“. Here’s exactly what Donald […]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDNxvw2fZ04 Below are some random comments from the house proceedings. Sarah Taylor​Instead of trying to improve conditions for migrants, this is what they bring to the floor.?!  Amber Sullivan​What a […]

Live Video: House to vote on resolution condemning Trump’s remarks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDNxvw2fZ04 Below are some random comments from the house proceedings. Sarah Taylor​Instead of trying to improve conditions for migrants, this is what they bring to the floor.?!  Amber Sullivan​What a […]

Serious and troubling allegations of hypocrisy. Attorney Gayle Trotter discusses how a conservative group filed a FEC compliant against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti for potentially violating […]

New allegations could destroy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez political career and possibly send AOC to prison.

Serious and troubling allegations of hypocrisy. Attorney Gayle Trotter discusses how a conservative group filed a FEC compliant against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti for potentially violating […]

Lars Larson: I have too many questions, and not enough answers. Lives in Chicago Look at it this way: If you have 100 business owners, and 25 are liberal women, […]

If women in America get paid less than men, why don’t more businesses just hire women and save money?

Lars Larson: I have too many questions, and not enough answers. Lives in Chicago Look at it this way: If you have 100 business owners, and 25 are liberal women, […]

Series of indictments nearly wipes out Llano Police Department LLANO, Texas (KXAN) – Grand jury indictments against a city of Llano police officer and a Llano County deputy are the […]

How one Texas city lost nearly all of it’s police officers.

Series of indictments nearly wipes out Llano Police Department LLANO, Texas (KXAN) – Grand jury indictments against a city of Llano police officer and a Llano County deputy are the […]

Molly Fischer explains why she feels two presidential term is enough for any president. I like Trump, but I like a government free of corruption and oppression much, much, much […]

Would you support repealing the 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution which prohibits more than two terms for any president in order to allow Donald Trump to run for a third term?

Molly Fischer explains why she feels two presidential term is enough for any president. I like Trump, but I like a government free of corruption and oppression much, much, much […]

Does social media hate black conservatives? Facebook determined the power duo Diamond and Silk were “unsafe for the community” and began suppressing their exposure inadvertently and hilariously causing the ultimate Streisand […]

Diamond and Silk determined “unsafe” by Facebook

Does social media hate black conservatives? Facebook determined the power duo Diamond and Silk were “unsafe for the community” and began suppressing their exposure inadvertently and hilariously causing the ultimate Streisand […]

The Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, or “KGB” was the Committee for State Security in the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991. We’ve heard of them, seen them in movies, listened to conspiracy […]

What did the KGB do? (VIDEO)

The Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, or “KGB” was the Committee for State Security in the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991. We’ve heard of them, seen them in movies, listened to conspiracy […]

It seems like lately we keep hearing about this federal judge blocks this and that federal judge blocks something else. How much power does the President of the United States […]

Do federal judges have too much power?

It seems like lately we keep hearing about this federal judge blocks this and that federal judge blocks something else. How much power does the President of the United States […]

According to Brit Hume, yes.  Barack Obama fuels racial tension by spouting lies concerning racial bias and police shootings. VIDEO

Is Obama causing racial tension?

According to Brit Hume, yes.  Barack Obama fuels racial tension by spouting lies concerning racial bias and police shootings. VIDEO


Islamic Scholar Says Muslims Can Rape Non-Muslim Women


May Day Mayhem: three officers hurt as protesters gather in Seattle, but who’s to blame? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcqdivj0acg Seattle police are claiming May Day protesters were throwing tools and stones at the […]

Video shows police starting and escalating violence at peaceful protests

May Day Mayhem: three officers hurt as protesters gather in Seattle, but who’s to blame? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcqdivj0acg Seattle police are claiming May Day protesters were throwing tools and stones at the […]

Police Admit to Faking 911 Calls to Illegally Enter Homes   A Durham, North Carolina police officer recently admitted under oath that he has lied about 911 calls in order […]

Police Admit lying about 911 Calls to enter homes Illegally.

Police Admit to Faking 911 Calls to Illegally Enter Homes   A Durham, North Carolina police officer recently admitted under oath that he has lied about 911 calls in order […]

American Soldiers, stationed in America told to fast during ramadan!? Brigade Commander Col. Kevin Glasz gave his troops the following directive: Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims.. […]

American Soldiers, stationed in America told to fast during ramadan!?

American Soldiers, stationed in America told to fast during ramadan!? Brigade Commander Col. Kevin Glasz gave his troops the following directive: Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims.. […]

This was filmed in a small town in Southern New Jersey. The structure is being built as a new High School. FEMA Camps do exist and locations like this have […]

NJ Tyranny Response Team Exposes New FEMA Camp

This was filmed in a small town in Southern New Jersey. The structure is being built as a new High School. FEMA Camps do exist and locations like this have […]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRQ3GuzeI8 The truth to what FEMA has REALLY been up to. Including mass produced coffins, concentration camps, secret executive orders, and more. I highly encourage you to get informed. What […]

FEMA- American death plan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRQ3GuzeI8 The truth to what FEMA has REALLY been up to. Including mass produced coffins, concentration camps, secret executive orders, and more. I highly encourage you to get informed. What […]

http://www.youtube.com/v/0bg84g8NnnE State Trooper Throwing Owner Off His Own Property This video has sparked widespread attention and controversy. It captures a tense confrontation between a property owner and a state trooper, […]

State Trooper Throwing Owner Off His Own Property

http://www.youtube.com/v/0bg84g8NnnE State Trooper Throwing Owner Off His Own Property This video has sparked widespread attention and controversy. It captures a tense confrontation between a property owner and a state trooper, […]