So now I understand WHY President Obama is so AGAINST the new law Arizona has come up with.. When is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT going to step in and stop this? Or are they?? Do you that Mexico has their own laws regarding ILLEGAL ALIENS? If you cross their border without papers, you may get 2 years in Jail? Or if you go back across a 2nd time, you will see the prison for 10 years.. What do we do with repeat offenders? LOL Read up on Mexico and compare to US.. michellemalkin.com INS, ICE and the Government have the power to do what this new law states but yet they REFUSE to enforce it.. They raid houses everyday and take illegal aliens away.. Police abuse power all over this country so why all of a sudden fear that these police will do the same thing? ARE YOU PROFILING THE POLICE????? SEE ALL MY CNN I-REPORTS- www.ireport.com



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