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BBC News Bureau New York NY 19 February 2010 Video made during visit to the BBC bureau for an interview of Cryptome by BBC Radio reporter Chris Vallance from Britain. […]

BBC News Bureau New York NY 19 February 2010

BBC News Bureau New York NY 19 February 2010 Video made during visit to the BBC bureau for an interview of Cryptome by BBC Radio reporter Chris Vallance from Britain. […]

Filtraciones destaparon secretos políticos    

El Salvador ‘salpicado’ por WikiLeaks

Filtraciones destaparon secretos políticos    

Time to shoot beanbags and take names!    

Lets Play SWAT 4! Part 1 1-1

Time to shoot beanbags and take names!    

When police arrested Anthony Graber for speeding on his motorbike, the 25-year-old probably did not see himself as an advocate for police accountability in the age of new media. But […]

US Serviceman Faces 16 Years In Prison For Filming Crazy Cop

When police arrested Anthony Graber for speeding on his motorbike, the 25-year-old probably did not see himself as an advocate for police accountability in the age of new media. But […]

www.abovetopsecret.com No matter what you think, no matter what your race, no matter what your religion, what is happening in Gaza/Palestine right now is very wrong. Innocent unarmed people are […]


www.abovetopsecret.com No matter what you think, no matter what your race, no matter what your religion, what is happening in Gaza/Palestine right now is very wrong. Innocent unarmed people are […]

Spain – Riot Police Beat Random People – We Must Unite! One Person wrote… With this communication we want to show how the Spanish police treated us and that the […]

Spain – Riot Police Beat Random People – We Must Unite!

Spain – Riot Police Beat Random People – We Must Unite! One Person wrote… With this communication we want to show how the Spanish police treated us and that the […]

(VIDEO) Chávez afirma que Hillary Clinton debería renunciar Por: Prensa Presidencial / Aporrea.org Fecha de publicación: 30/11/10 29 de nov. 2010.-El presidente Hugo Chávez afirmó este lunes que la secretaria […]

Hugo Chávez Wikileaks Hillary Clinton test mental Injerencia Venezuela Cristina Fernández Kirchner

(VIDEO) Chávez afirma que Hillary Clinton debería renunciar Por: Prensa Presidencial / Aporrea.org Fecha de publicación: 30/11/10 29 de nov. 2010.-El presidente Hugo Chávez afirmó este lunes que la secretaria […]

REPORT: Protests in Sidi Ifni – a poor coastal town in southern Morocco – have been put down with police brutality. (J.-M. Lemaire)    

Moroccan police accused of brutality

REPORT: Protests in Sidi Ifni – a poor coastal town in southern Morocco – have been put down with police brutality. (J.-M. Lemaire)    

My blog on the incident: my2commoncents.wordpress.com Today I was leaving downtown Richmond, I saw a police officer out of his vehicle. While I was talking to a friend on the […]

VCU Police Attack Free Speech

My blog on the incident: my2commoncents.wordpress.com Today I was leaving downtown Richmond, I saw a police officer out of his vehicle. While I was talking to a friend on the […]

Back in the 70’s, three workers walked off the job at Fukushima because they said the reactor was so unsafe. Now it turns out, some of the reactors in the […]

US Nuclear Plants Unsafe!

Back in the 70’s, three workers walked off the job at Fukushima because they said the reactor was so unsafe. Now it turns out, some of the reactors in the […]

uyghur.nl www.infowars.com www.jordanmaxwell.com www.redicecreations.com www.rense.com truthfrequencyradio.com www.jimmarrs.com www.lloydpye.com www.davidicke.com www.michaeltsarion.com www.vaticanassassins.org iamthewitness.com    

Agenda 21 – President Obama’s Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils

uyghur.nl www.infowars.com www.jordanmaxwell.com www.redicecreations.com www.rense.com truthfrequencyradio.com www.jimmarrs.com www.lloydpye.com www.davidicke.com www.michaeltsarion.com www.vaticanassassins.org iamthewitness.com    

I can feel my Hindu blood boiling together with my Amazonian indian blood the only thing keeping it under control is my African and European Blood www.abovetopsecret.com www.boston.com    

The Wild Goose . . ..

I can feel my Hindu blood boiling together with my Amazonian indian blood the only thing keeping it under control is my African and European Blood www.abovetopsecret.com www.boston.com    

Don’t Panic! Assange is CIA? December 5, 2010 – recorded 13:30 EST Government Workers Ordered Not to Read Cables: tinyurl.com Talking about WikiLeaks’ cablegate can hinder job placements: tinyurl.com Is […]

Don’t Panic! Assange is CIA? Julian Assange in full

Don’t Panic! Assange is CIA? December 5, 2010 – recorded 13:30 EST Government Workers Ordered Not to Read Cables: tinyurl.com Talking about WikiLeaks’ cablegate can hinder job placements: tinyurl.com Is […]

Mos mendoni se ” rrjedhja ”e shume perfolur e informacionit nga sherbimet sekrete amerikane eshte e vertete..kjo eshte nje loje e re e elites qe kontrollon boten materiale, qellimet e […]

Bomba Wikileaks

Mos mendoni se ” rrjedhja ”e shume perfolur e informacionit nga sherbimet sekrete amerikane eshte e vertete..kjo eshte nje loje e re e elites qe kontrollon boten materiale, qellimet e […]

This video is from “The AntiTerrorist” who has kindly given me permission to re-post it here – NufffRespect The information in this video is so empowering that you simply can’t […]

(1/2) How To Deal With The Police

This video is from “The AntiTerrorist” who has kindly given me permission to re-post it here – NufffRespect The information in this video is so empowering that you simply can’t […]

Another great RT interview that you won’t find on mainstream news as friend and supporter of Bradley Manning, David House gives the chilling details of a US Government gone wild […]

US Govt. Operating “Constitution-Free” Zone At Borders To Search Laptops of Manning Supporters

Another great RT interview that you won’t find on mainstream news as friend and supporter of Bradley Manning, David House gives the chilling details of a US Government gone wild […]

Continuing my series on the fraud of peak oil. There are so many people who just won’t accept an open debate that I have to get more militant and enlist […]

Alex Jones’ War on Peak Oil

Continuing my series on the fraud of peak oil. There are so many people who just won’t accept an open debate that I have to get more militant and enlist […]

Joseph Alan Sanchez July 12, 2011 www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Legal guns originating in the United States are the illegal guns that are being used to slaughter citizens in Mexico. And in […]

Mexican Outlaws Get Guns Via ATF – Alex Jones Tv

Joseph Alan Sanchez July 12, 2011 www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Legal guns originating in the United States are the illegal guns that are being used to slaughter citizens in Mexico. And in […]

Alex talks with architect John Young, who runs the website Cryptome. The site is a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance. In February 2010, Cryptome […]

The Alex Jones Show LIVE – December 9th 2010 – Part 3 of 12

Alex talks with architect John Young, who runs the website Cryptome. The site is a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance. In February 2010, Cryptome […]

Como funciona la oganizacion de divulgación de información clasificada mas importante de los ultimos tiempos.    

Que es WikiLeaks, en 3 minutos. www.explainers.tv

Como funciona la oganizacion de divulgación de información clasificada mas importante de los ultimos tiempos.