The value of the dollar, the role of citizens in maintaining its worth, and the potential influence of secret societies on the monetary system are intricate and interconnected topics. Understanding these facets is crucial for grasping the broader implications on society.
Fiat Currency System: The dollar’s value is not anchored to any physical commodity. Instead, it derives its worth from the government’s decree that it is legal tender for all debts.
Societal Trust: The belief in the value of the dollar is pivotal. If societal trust wanes, the currency risks becoming worthless.
Creation of Money: The government essentially creates money out of thin air, a process that draws parallels to the production of counterfeit money.
Secret Societies: Entities like Freemasons or other secret societies may wield significant influence over the monetary system.
Symbolism of 13: The number 13, prominently displayed in symbols on the dollar, may carry significance related to cycles or ancient calendars.
Systemic Issues: The monetary system’s flaws contribute to broader societal problems such as financial stress, marital conflicts, and crime.
Root Causes: Identifying and addressing the root causes of these monetary issues is vital for implementing effective solutions and improving the system overall.
Nature of the Dollar’s Value: The dollar’s value is rooted in societal trust rather than physical assets. This societal belief is crucial for maintaining the currency’s worth.
Impact of Citizens’ Beliefs: The stability of the currency is heavily influenced by the collective faith of citizens. A loss of trust can lead to the currency’s devaluation.
Monetary Systems and Counterfeiting: The process by which governments create money mirrors the production of counterfeit currency, prompting a reflection on the nature and mechanisms of monetary systems.
Influence of Secret Societies: The potential involvement of secret societies like the Freemasons in the monetary system raises questions about hidden influences on economic structures and policies.
Symbolism and Deeper Meanings: Symbols on the dollar, such as the number 13, may offer insights into deeper meanings related to ancient traditions or mystical beliefs.
Broader Societal Issues: Financial problems are linked to systemic issues within the monetary system, suggesting that addressing these root causes is crucial for societal well-being.
Critical Examination: A deeper understanding of monetary issues and a focus on fundamental solutions encourage a critical examination of the current financial system and its implications for society.
Understanding the complexities of the dollar’s value, societal trust, and potential hidden influences can shed light on broader economic and social challenges, paving the way for more effective solutions and a healthier financial system.

Great video.
thanks for the video
I read this article a few days back. I think that it’s interesting that it was put out the day after Osama bin Laden told the world to boycott the USD.
Hay endless,,, google “”The Missing 13th Amendment”” if you 13 is a powerful number you aint seen nothing yet!
Listen to the lyrics of The O’jays “For the Love of Money”. It says just what you did but with a kick ass beat ;)
Great message and info.
Its a balancing act. They get away with what they can without completely collapsing the system. This ensures a continued onslaught of rape and pillage.
I don’t believe for a second the elite do anything from they’re heart. They’re centered around greed and selfishness.
greed and selfishness?? u think???
the government is the largest mafias in the world!!!
your name look like amero
I have money in Canada that will be turned into silver in the near future.
get rid of all shackles to the system:
credit cards, bank accounts, registrations, licences, bank cards etc etc yes it can be down
everytime i see this guy i fell like im tuning into “sesame street” in the beginning. Good info though, thanks…
Well i do have to also say bill clinton, and a few others i can’t think up. But never the less we’ll have it fixed one way or another. If the government trys anything we fight back 10 times harder.
awesome idea, but how is everyone going to be paid? btw i already got rid of credit cards so i guess thats a start and i will never use one again in my life.
how ironic google has placed an add for amex card on the bottom of your video dude!
so, buy your illegal drugs with counterfit money.. easy fix.. print your cash, then buy your illegal drugs with it.. if it fools the dealers your doing the system some good.. lol.. then when they attempt to spend it, then well, they get what they deserve.. the damn scammers have been scamming people with fake drugs, time to fake them back.. lol.
Seriously, Americans will become poorer because obama’s reckless fiscal and monetary policies are devaluing the USD resulting in higher taxes and inflation.
Anyone with basic knowledge of economics knows that higher taxes and inflation are the main reasons why people get poorer. And, at this moment obama controls both.
The cost of living will go up and people will be forced to rely on govn’t. If you control the economy you control the people.
Think about it’
Fact: obama is the modern hitler.
i enjoy Derek’s vid openings – calming, gets me focused (since it’s a close variant every time)… perhaps you sense its a little goofy, but from my POV, when i watch MSM newz i find its presentation goofy since it’s mostly just acting and puffery… you’re right though, derek’s got some gr8 knowledge and ideas!
@danratsnapnames: perhaps the root cause is you’ve been supporting drug dealers who are scammers or thieves – which exists all over the retail world as well.
if you were more informed of the drugs you are consuming, as a consumer, you would be able to make better consumer choices and only support those dealers (aka retail distrib) you have good relationships with…
then, that grey market system would take it’s course and gradually reward the good dealers and put the liars out of business.
lol.. sorry, but i dont smoke weed or do illegal drugs. it was only a suggestion.
Surely the ‘powers-that-be’ you spoke of are, as you quoted, “not SO bad” because they are in a balance act. They are bad enough to expropriate those subject to capitalism, but not so bad as to generate a loss of subscription to capitalism. Such a loss, you see, would be hurtful to capitalism in so far as there would be a loss of surplus population and labor-power.
Nice post btw.
good on you u r on the right path now I have a firend who has been living with no shackles whats soever for over 20 years now he is nice and almost overweight he owns only his boat and thts an unregistered one gets paied cash or silver coins for the little jobs doesn’t pay taxes, taxes are illegal as you know he is the happiest dude I know…….but if you want a complete cash less resorce based society check out the VENUS Project
broncos suck, long live the raider nation
i laughed pretty loud when someone says Broncos suck with “Long live Raider nation”
I admit the Broncos suck, and I hope big time that you can admit the same about your Raiders and obvious observation states they worse in Oakland.