Teens and drinking and drugs statistics and important information


In a recent study, 80% of high school students and 44% of middle school students see drugs used and sold at school on any given day.

57% of substance abusers nationwide are children between the ages of 12 and 17.

Thirteen years old is the average age when kids start experimenting with drugs; some are younger, some are older but the average is 13!

What is the scariest of all these statistics? 50% of all parents feel their schools are drug free!

75% of all parents believe that their children are have never and never will try drugs!

88% of all parents believe that their children will never be addicted to drugs!

79% of all parents feel their children are not influenced by drugs!

By graduation, 66% of teens are regular drinkers and 40% are frequent binge drinkers.

Ninety percent of teen drinking is binge drinking

http://www.howdoigetmysonoffdrugs.com If you feel your child may be at risk for drug abuse or alcohol abuse or if your child is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, My heart goes out to you.  There IS hope, There IS help. please watch this short videohttp://www.howdoigetmydaughteroffdrugs.com It just might save a life.  Do not delay, do it now, before it’s too late.
