presence Archive

Sponsor: – Keene, New Hampshire politician leans in favor of the right to be outside a controversial new jail. Even if you *are* holding signs and singing (gasp). Updated […]

Councilor questions arresting protesters for mere presence on jail land

Sponsor: – Keene, New Hampshire politician leans in favor of the right to be outside a controversial new jail. Even if you *are* holding signs and singing (gasp). Updated […]

The Siskiyou County Sheriffs Dept and the Siskiyou County Probation Dept decide to use the McCloud Lumberjack Feista as an opportunity to sweep the town and search citizens on thier […]

Police Presence at the McCloud Lumberjack Feista 7 26 09

The Siskiyou County Sheriffs Dept and the Siskiyou County Probation Dept decide to use the McCloud Lumberjack Feista as an opportunity to sweep the town and search citizens on thier […]