Far Left Archive

Our universities have nurtured and foisted on America and Canada an extreme radicalism that vilifies American and Canadian history, society, and culture. This radicalism stems in the first instance from […]

Defund the Police? How About We Defund the Universities.

Our universities have nurtured and foisted on America and Canada an extreme radicalism that vilifies American and Canadian history, society, and culture. This radicalism stems in the first instance from […]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dmoy7LqixE”They didn’t want Joe Biden, they settled for Joe Biden” Former White House press secretary and Fox News contributor Sarah Sanders says Democrats have ‘settled’ for Joe Biden while President […]

Sarah Sanders warns Biden would be a ‘dangerous’ president. He’s not a moderate, he’s far left.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dmoy7LqixE”They didn’t want Joe Biden, they settled for Joe Biden” Former White House press secretary and Fox News contributor Sarah Sanders says Democrats have ‘settled’ for Joe Biden while President […]