Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case …
Those offending officers and their commander should be sent to GITMO for a nice water boarding vacation!!!
Bitch shouldn’t of resisted!!! She was drunk and being an idiot.
None of us have enough information to see who is truly at fault. this news program sucks.
Riiiight, not enough information. I see plenty. Apoligists like you are sickening.
Pitiful. Police acting inappropriately. Hope she sues and wins.
more images surfacing from Abu Ghraib?
Until someone defends our rights as citizens these officers will not be held accountable.
Fire with Fire.
This is what we pay for >.>
being a victim of the lorain county sheriff myself, how do you stop this abuse? they have government control… the people are gonna have to rise…
there is a reason why the are called pigs and are hated by most people.
shut up,as much as i hate cops i arbitrarily support cops.If you ae screaming and acting crazy cops will use more force upon you,even if you are wrongfully arrested,yelling and behaving crazy will only make the cops go to drastic measures to get you under control
amazing that this video was release by the pigs, and ironic that she is the victim and victimized by the law, hands down about 70% of the people weather good or bad hate the cops for a reason, if they shoot once they might loose thir job if shoot twice you loose your life and they become firemen, fuck up world.
when will these fucking media understand that a coin has two sides and both shud be shown to us..
and this shit will continue until humanity rises as one and does somethign about it. these god forsaken pigs ruin the world
I’m tired of always saying that “people should rise up”. From now on, if I ever see abuse by these fucking no-good cop-pigs, I will resist. I will resist. I will resist. I don’t give a fuck anymore. Fuck ’em.
I hope those pigs get killed in the line of fuckin duty.
Kill the fucking pigs ..”I hear your family’s grieving …fuckem ” kill the pigs no peace ever
Believe me if you saw the “other side” of this it would be WORSE!!!
I have a whole chitload of videos posted that show the cops lies for what they are.
I am STILL trying to get more evidence from officials after a year of looking into this, and even after the county has settled the case.
But it looks as though they STILL have more to hide in this case.
These cops are scum!
police have the brains of turtles
I have to agree David.
For one I have a LOT of relation that are LEO’s & friends in the sheriff’s dept that I have worked with for years.
These scum make all my relation & friends look bad, and put their lives at risk.
But I don’t want them killed, that’s too easy. I want them to be responsible for their actions, and suffer as much as their victims have.
And I would like to show that HONEST cops won’t let crap like this blacken all their reputations.
Unfortunately that hasn’t happened.
Steffey’s lawyers got the video, but only by going back and asking for it specifically a second time. The sheriff’s dept did not release it the first time they asked for all the evidence.
They are the ones that released it to WKYC. I suppose to generate publicity, since I doubt people would have believed it if they hadn’t seen it.
The rest of the videos I have posted, I got from the state, I had been asking for them for over a year from the sheriff. But they had not, even though its the LAW!
Don’t resist! Report them, video tape them, file complaints, write your state delegates, your federal congressman, contact your senators and your local F.B.I., contact your local news media in your area, if you can’t get any response from local law enforcement! The court of public opinion, is more powerful, than any court in the U.S.A., Exposing these abuses is our only defense. If you turn to violence, you become what you ultimately despise, the local law enforcement abusing you!
Don’t resist 2242, video tape them, report them, expose them! Contact your state delegates, local F.B.I., Federal congressman and senators. If they do not respond, contact your local media outlets. Put the video evidence on youtube! Expose them at every level! They want you to resist, then you become what you despise! You become them!
i hope those pigs r getting fucked by other men in the showers