Michael Moore makes light of serious problem with police

This isn’t our usual type of video, but it was so appropriate we had to post it here on CopsuckersTV. Michael Moore very cleverly lampoons and satirizes the increasing problem with police freely shooting people down and using the scapegoat that they thought a wallet, or a phone, or a set of keys was a weapon. Bullshit! Here in Florida, we have the right to blow away anyone pointing a gun at us, so why can’t I just go on a rampage and use this lame ass fucking excuse? I thought it was a weapon! I recently saw a home video here on youtube of an officer (illegally) asking a citizen to stop filming them ticketing drivers in their speed trap. He immediately started warning them that any of the officers would think that his camera was a weapon–even though somefuckinghow that officer himself had no trouble discerning that it wasn’t. Police are adrenaline-pumped liars, and just like bad little children, when they know daddy (the government) won’t punish them for the same things his other children (us citizens) do, they take full advantage. And kill innocent Americans who succumb to the overpowered, small dick compensating pig fags with trigger happy fingers clenched over a gun, ready to go off at the slightest infraction. The worst part of society become criminals, and the 2nd worst become police. And we Americans are caught in the middle.