Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] Let me see if I got this right Reverand? You don’t like Obama very much, do you? LOL.
[..YouTube..] Let me see if I got this right Reverand? You don’t like Obama very much, do you? LOL.
[..YouTube..] Let me see if I got this right Reverand? You don’t like Obama very much, do you? LOL.
The government was holding blacks down. Then the people fought for equality, and we got it. Now we’re all slaves to the government.
The government was holding blacks down. Then the people fought for equality, and we got it. Now we’re all slaves to the government.
The government was holding blacks down. Then the people fought for equality, and we got it. Now we’re all slaves to the government.
[..YouTube..] The government was holding blacks down. Then the people fought for equality, and we got it. Now we’re all slaves to the government.
[..YouTube..] The government was holding blacks down. Then the people fought for equality, and we got it. Now we’re all slaves to the government.
[..YouTube..] The government was holding blacks down. Then the people fought for equality, and we got it. Now we’re all slaves to the government.
And lastly let me call you out for one of your many contradictions: On several of your posts you are making reference to AL Sharpton by calling him ” Nappy Head”. That sounds exactly like the tone of a self-hating Uncle Tom ignorant Negro and then you jump in on Gabby Douglas side in that fake ass drama because some people made comments about her hair. Hey Pastor ….Youre not representing God very well right now!
And lastly let me call you out for one of your many contradictions: On several of your posts you are making reference to AL Sharpton by calling him ” Nappy Head”. That sounds exactly like the tone of a self-hating Uncle Tom ignorant Negro and then you jump in on Gabby Douglas side in that fake ass drama because some people made comments about her hair. Hey Pastor ….Youre not representing God very well right now!
And lastly let me call you out for one of your many contradictions:  On several of your posts you are making reference to AL Sharpton by calling him ” Nappy Head”. That sounds exactly like the tone of a self-hating Uncle Tom ignorant Negro and then you jump in on Gabby Douglas side in that fake ass drama because some people made comments about her hair. Hey Pastor ….Youre not representing God very well right now!
[..YouTube..] And lastly let me call you out for one of your many contradictions: On several of your posts you are making reference to AL Sharpton by calling him ” Nappy Head”. That sounds exactly like the tone of a self-hating Uncle Tom ignorant Negro and then you jump in on Gabby Douglas side in that fake ass drama because some people made comments about her hair. Hey Pastor ….Youre not representing God very well right now!
[..YouTube..] And lastly let me call you out for one of your many contradictions: On several of your posts you are making reference to AL Sharpton by calling him ” Nappy Head”. That sounds exactly like the tone of a self-hating Uncle Tom ignorant Negro and then you jump in on Gabby Douglas side in that fake ass drama because some people made comments about her hair. Hey Pastor ….Youre not representing God very well right now!
[..YouTube..] And lastly let me call you out for one of your many contradictions: On several of your posts you are making reference to AL Sharpton by calling him ” Nappy Head”. That sounds exactly like the tone of a self-hating Uncle Tom ignorant Negro and then you jump in on Gabby Douglas side in that fake ass drama because some people made comments about her hair. Hey Pastor ….Youre not representing God very well right now!
Obama is evil!! Of all the evil men in America and he is your pick for the most evil!!! You should choke yourself in your sleep for being a destructive force to 500 years of oppression. Him stepping unto that Air Force One is a dream realization of possibilities for all of us. What are you ” A Pastor of a Church” Oh we don’t have enough of those in the black community!
Obama is evil!! Of all the evil men in America and he is your pick for the most evil!!! You should choke yourself in your sleep for being a destructive force to 500 years of oppression. Him stepping unto that Air Force One is a dream realization of possibilities for all of us. What are you ” A Pastor of a Church” Oh we don’t have enough of those in the black community!
Obama is evil!! Of all the evil men in America and he is your pick for the most evil!!! You should choke yourself in your sleep for being a destructive force to 500 years of oppression. Him stepping unto that Air Force One is a dream realization of possibilities for all of us. What are you ” A Pastor of a Church” Oh we don’t have enough of those in the black community!
[..YouTube..] Obama is evil!! Of all the evil men in America and he is your pick for the most evil!!! You should choke yourself in your sleep for being a destructive force to 500 years of oppression. Him stepping unto that Air Force One is a dream realization of possibilities for all of us. What are you ” A Pastor of a Church” Oh we don’t have enough of those in the black community!
[..YouTube..] Obama is evil!! Of all the evil men in America and he is your pick for the most evil!!! You should choke yourself in your sleep for being a destructive force to 500 years of oppression. Him stepping unto that Air Force One is a dream realization of possibilities for all of us. What are you ” A Pastor of a Church” Oh we don’t have enough of those in the black community!
[..YouTube..] Obama is evil!! Of all the evil men in America and he is your pick for the most evil!!! You should choke yourself in your sleep for being a destructive force to 500 years of oppression. Him stepping unto that Air Force One is a dream realization of possibilities for all of us. What are you ” A Pastor of a Church” Oh we don’t have enough of those in the black community!
[..YouTube..] We love James Manning! YouTube will NOT stand in the way of him and THE WORD OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] uhhhh manning, excuse me rev…in the past haven’t white administrations done to white people (tax payers) exactly what you say the obama administration is doing to ‘white folks’ but you wait until a black man is president to speak out?!? makes you go ….hmmmmmmmm!
[..YouTube..] had he been speaking out against bush/cheney/neocons after they needlessly killed over 4000+ of our troops and God knows how many iraquis…had he done that…he would have some credibility…its called consistency!!
manning is a loud mouthed, hypocritical coward…he says all this about obama after 1 year…but said nothing about bush raping the country for 8 years???!!!!!!
manning is a sell-out working for the repubs..period! yassuh massa don’t gits dem white folks mad at us..what a joke.
[..YouTube..] AMEN BROTHER!
[..YouTube..] where was this self righteous, manipulative coward when bush and company was raping the united states and the world for 8 years plus???
[..YouTube..] Obama is being enabled by the white liberal who have turned him into the front man for the quasi communist.
[..YouTube..] God bless you Dr. Manning. You are 110% correct. Our country is being pulled right out from under us and converted into something abominable. The culprits in this situation are the so called main stream media. They trumped up Obama’s candidacy and shoved him down our troats like they did Schwarzenegger in California. The native born provision for presidency was created to specifically revent what is happening now. I hope they all go to hell soon.
[..YouTube..] Had he been speaking out against Bush He would have been applauded by YouTube and most likely you as well.
[..YouTube..] Fat Idiot Manning got banned frrom posting anymore hate videos and rightly so. Even Youtube have had enough!
[..YouTube..] Radical white people don’t you all let this negro write a check that your asses can’t cash. He is the type of negro that is saying “the baddest man hit my hand” and throwing dirt in your face. He is playing on weak white peoples mind and got them thinking they are about to shake something….NOT!!!!!
[..YouTube..] Living in sin at the holiday inn.
[..YouTube..] Sometimes the truth gets ugly. Rev. Manning has colorful ways of exposing Obama and his evil, freedom-loathing hordes of supporting HATERS. Believe truth and regain our citizenship, or believe in the sensationalism of Obama lies and become subjects willing to perform Satan’s bidding.
[..YouTube..] What the fuck is this guy talking about? All I hears is “dibbidy dub dub dibiddy dun”
“We jus naw gon take it” i mean the man has a PHD cant he speak without the ebonics..
Long legged mac daddy? WTF?!
[..YouTube..] you ghetto low lifes better listen to this man.white people are tired of paying for you lazy bastards.
[..YouTube..] white nigga?
[..YouTube..] It won’t be the first I fought beside a black man, but the fools won’t here you god bless you & keep you safe
[..YouTube..] Im white by the way. I also have black friends who strongly feel this same way and will stand with me! ITS ABOUT FREEDOM and CONSTITUTION
[..YouTube..] i would rather die free then become a government slave. THANK GOD FOR THE SECOND AMENDMENT. join NRA
[..YouTube..] This type thing is ‘inciting to riot’, Validating the act of rioting, Wrong is wrong, and 2 wrongs never make a right. This guy is worse than any actions he is acusing our president of. In Jesus name I am telling you that we are to pray for our leaders and write and call our congressmen and let them know good ideas for the good of the USA. Linnia
[..YouTube..] “Uncle Ruckus” that’s pretty good you should write for HBO!
[..YouTube..] Anyone who takes this fellow seriously has problems.
[..YouTube..] brother manning, you make me laugh and smile. please post more outrageous videos. * love them *
[..YouTube..] Why do any of you believe this man? He is obviously insane! I’M JOINING THEM!!!!! Man, this guy is soooo deluded, he’s hilarious.
[..YouTube..] im white and i will stand with any man black, white, or mexican, who sands for truth and who fights for freedoms, we need to under god almighty and not a government, a dead free man is better than a living slave to a god hating government
[..YouTube..] im white and i will stand with any man black, white, or mexican, who sands for truth and who fights for freedoms, we need to under god almighty and not a government, a dead free man is better than a living slave to a god hating government
[..YouTube..] please stop talking about race. its not an issue. its a distraction. no one cares about race anymore. i care more about the constant usurpation of the constitution, our freedoms and liberties. half breed? illegal alien? wow. that muslim? wow who cares? stooping so low as to resort to name calling. this would be laughable if it wasnt so sad. homosexual? chris matthews? lol focus on the real issues. watch fall of the republic to get a better idea of the real issues.
[..YouTube..] please stop talking about race. its not an issue. its a distraction. no one cares about race anymore. i care more about the constant usurpation of the constitution, our freedoms and liberties. half breed? illegal alien? wow. that muslim? wow who cares? stooping so low as to resort to name calling. this would be laughable if it wasnt so sad. homosexual? chris matthews? lol focus on the real issues. watch fall of the republic to get a better idea of the real issues.