Love him or hate him, you certainly can not accuse him of being boring.
Below are some quotes from James Manning, a man who really, REALLY hates Obama.
“White Folk Ain’t Gonna Take It No More, and Thank God for that!”
“there’s gonna be a peace embargo by white folks, they not gonna take it no more”
“Ya’ll thought it was something when the black folk rioted, hold on, wait till you see the white folks come to town, I don’t blame em…. I wanna join ’em!”
“Y’all gonna push these white folk till they can’t take it no more!”
“Obama and Larry Sinclaire had a steamy love affair in the back of a limo and in the Holiday Inn…”
“If this emissary of the devil, vice president of genocide in hell, long legged mac daddy, half breed, illegal alien, two tongued, lying, quasi Muslim, socialist, communist, Marxist freak usurper called Barrack Hussein Obama doesnt resign, white people are going to riot in the street”
He then calls Keith Oberman and Chris Mathews homosexual Obama idolaters.
Oh man, this video is too much! Hope you get a kick out of it.
[..YouTube..] you guys are wasting your energy speaking on topics that do not even need to be mentioned. educate yourself on pertinent, relevant subject matter, instead of bickering about trivial non sense. understand what is necessary for a free society to exist, read the constitution, study Jefferson. You will quickly understand our current reality and what you should be discussing and doing to make things better for yourself, your family and humanity. Understanding truth means seeing beyond the lies.
[..YouTube..] you guys are wasting your energy speaking on topics that do not even need to be mentioned. educate yourself on pertinent, relevant subject matter, instead of bickering about trivial non sense. understand what is necessary for a free society to exist, read the constitution, study Jefferson. You will quickly understand our current reality and what you should be discussing and doing to make things better for yourself, your family and humanity. Understanding truth means seeing beyond the lies.
[..YouTube..] Uncle Ruckus?
[..YouTube..] The media will never show you that people are still dying to come to America to this day, the Hon. Manning cares enough about the United States to speak up about it’s destruction, and all some of you can do is hate. You haters out there are the problem with the United States. Keep sitting on your @sses and complaining.
[..YouTube..] “u cant keep pushing white folks” LOL this nigga is hilarious. how can anybody take him serious. this nigga actually started singing! LMAO he went from screaming to singing and then talking normal. can anyone say “BI-POLAR” hahaha hate blacks and love white people… but are they going to love u back? hahaha what a dumb nigga
[..YouTube..] obama and davis st clair had a steaming love affair bwahahaha
[..YouTube..] this guy is pretty crazy lol
[..YouTube..] OOOOh Blues Down. Sing It. I’m getten it. Wooooe.
[..YouTube..] keep shucking and jiving
[..YouTube..] keep shucking and jiving
[..YouTube..] another old nigga hating on obama cause he didnt get to be the first afro american president
[..YouTube..] another old nigga hating on obama cause he didnt get to be the first afro american president
[..YouTube..] The Bible tells it another way…
[..YouTube..] The Bible tells it another way…
[..YouTube..] this guy is stupid, old man go home
[..YouTube..] this guy is stupid, old man go home
[..YouTube..] this video gets 5 stars for being hilarious. HAAAHAHFIWJEOF. but in all seriousness, this is the reason i worry about old people.
[..YouTube..] The word not should be after would in the first sentence.
[..YouTube..] So here’s a broad, evolutionary historical synopsis:
1) Some blacks leave Africa
2) They become Europeans and Asians, among other races, over time
3) Europeans and Asians develop higher civilization due to their higher intelligence evolved over thousands of generations in new, harsh evolutionary habitats.
4) Europeans and Asians make contact with Africans
5) Some Africans are sold into slavery by other Africans, but overall Africa itself benefits from contact with these civilizations.
[..YouTube..] “They don’t need you, you need them, for if not for them YOU WOULD NOT EXIST.”
This is akin to saying that humans would exist without worms, therefore worms are superior. The Cambrian extinction nearly wiped out all life, and if it were not for worms no multi-celled life would be on Earth. But worms are not better than primates.
I do not mean to compare blacks to worms, but I just carried your argument to its logical conclusion.
[..YouTube..] Of course “blacks” existed first – the people we call whites and Asians we emigrants from Africa between 1 million and 250 thousand years ago. This fits with the hypothesis, confirmed by fMRI data, that whites and Asians have larger brains because of the selective pressures of dealing with new environments. I accept all of you premises and carry them to their logical conclusion. Whites and Asians evolved from Africans, and thinks explains behavioral differences.
[..YouTube..] Umm… I guess you didn’t know that black Africans existed long before whites? And how do you think they survived before whites? They don’t need you, you need them, for if not for them YOU WOULD NOT EXIST. If Africans never migrated to Europe you would be BLACK or darker skinned right now. In fact, that’s basically what you are, an African albino.
[..YouTube..] But you can’t swap the two, because there are differences in behavior of the two groups. The Enlightenment civilization that allows ten times the number of black Africans to support themselves argiculturally was created by whites. There are more Africans alive today because of European intervention than there would be if whites had never gone to the continent. Furthermore, the blacks living in white countries live much better than blacks in black countries. That should tell you something.
[..YouTube..] It’s hilarious how whites love this man. Whats so funny is that if you replace ‘white’ with ‘black’, the same white folks praising him would be the same ones attacking him or completely ignoring him.
[..YouTube..] Well good for you. Hopefully the two of you can move somewhere far, far away where he will preside over you there.
[..YouTube..] What civilization? And he tells what like it is?
[..YouTube..] Actually, the civilization that my created is what makes me proud. My hard work and family values are what make me feel great about myself. The fact that I would never turn to the government to support me gives me fuzzies. This guy is just calling it as it is.
[..YouTube..] I would vote this guy for President before Obama.
[..YouTube..] preach it bro preach it , you are welcome to join me
[..YouTube..] Pastor “poke chop” Manning should start a church for white people, because he makes them feel great about themselves.
[..YouTube..] I like this man.This isnt about race.This is about right and wrong..aboout freedom and oppression.I am not for anyone being oppressed no matter what color they are.I am against liberals dividing people by race and by social class…and this man is calling it as it is.Don’t get on the side of whites,blacks,or hispanics.Dont get on the side of the rich.Dont get on the side of the poor. get on the side of what is RIGHT.
God bless brother Manning! I love this guy!!
[..YouTube..] We are getting ready to rise up.. .hope your all ready.
[..YouTube..] Awesome….you are still making this a white and black thing…its much deeper!
Go and watch
enjoy &
God Bless
[..YouTube..] I have a skeptical, keen eye for truth and integrity and Manning is the real deal. Pray for him. Pray that God uses him to do much good for the world and America. I hope everyone watching realizes that this man is AWESOME and is a true lover of man who is created in God’s image. I am brought to tears rarely, and Manning is a pro at plucking the strings of my heart and logic. I would be HONORED to have Manning as my president and I’m a white man! Where is the race card now, liberals!?!?!?!?
[..YouTube..] what is scary is the fact that people actually takes this man seriously..but then it is America
[..YouTube..] Rev. James David Manning = Clown.
[..YouTube..] This man is so smart, everyone needs to hear this guy out, he is like nostradomous of our time, funny thing is, its SOOOOO OBVIOUS!! OPEN UR EYES!!!!
[..YouTube..] This wont be funny if it is true. Maybe you had better focus on what he is saying.
[..YouTube..] This wont be funny if it is true. Maybe you had better focus on what he is saying.
[..YouTube..] more funny than anything. who cares if hes not a citizen.
lets focus on the real issues.
those issues and guys like this discredit the truth movement.
these are distractions.
focus on the men behind obama. obama is a puppet.
focus on the rights that are being taken away.
and what we can do to reclaim those basic human -necessary for a free individual- rights.
arm yourself, arm others.
do not riot in the streets thats just silly.
however, be prepared to defend yourselves and your family.
[..YouTube..] more funny than anything. who cares if hes not a citizen.
lets focus on the real issues.
those issues and guys like this discredit the truth movement.
these are distractions.
focus on the men behind obama. obama is a puppet.
focus on the rights that are being taken away.
and what we can do to reclaim those basic human -necessary for a free individual- rights.
arm yourself, arm others.
do not riot in the streets thats just silly.
however, be prepared to defend yourselves and your family.
[..YouTube..] Now this is some funny stuff. This man should be in comedy. He makes Rush look like a Sunday school teacher.
[..YouTube..] Now this is some funny stuff. This man should be in comedy. He makes Rush look like a Sunday school teacher.
[..YouTube..] Tell me how you really feel;don’t hold back ! LOL
[..YouTube..] finally a person of color not condemning the whites. A teacher of common sense and love for all, for the good of all. 2010 can make a difference…don’t forget all, to make your voice heard loud and clear. Yes.. clear them out of office in 2010. Watch your reps so you can watch your ass.
[..YouTube..] finally a person of color not condemning the whites. A teacher of common sense and love for all, for the good of all. 2010 can make a difference…don’t forget all, to make your voice heard loud and clear. Yes.. clear them out of office in 2010. Watch your reps so you can watch your ass.
[..YouTube..] I wanna shake this mans hand
[..YouTube..] Pastor Manning is a genius
[..YouTube..] Listen…
Can you hear it?
Can you hear the low grinding?
The doors are quietly being shut in the street…
[..YouTube..] Listen…
Can you hear it?
Can you hear the low grinding?
The doors are quietly being shut in the street…