ICN 06/20/10 2nd amendment, solar storm, wikileaks, whistleblower, BP Oil Spill

ICN Informed Citizen News broadcast Sunday June 20th, 2010. The news you should have heard, but didn’t. This week’s stories… #1 10 dead and 54 wounded in one night – chicago www.suntimes.com #2 NASA: a ‘huge space storm’ will cause widespread power blackouts and knock out critical communication signals for long periods of time. www.telegraph.co.uk www.wnd.com science.nasa.gov #3 Supreme Court: Innocent civilian who was imprisoned and tortured by the US government for 10 months is denied any compensation or even acknowledgement of wrong-doing by his captors. www.salon.com #4 US Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan www.nytimes.com www.dailymail.co.uk #5 Wikileaks founder sought by pentagon www.thedailybeast.com www.brasschecktv.com www.youtube.com #6 What will Iceland’s new media laws mean for journalists? breakthematrix.com #7 BP buys key words from search engines www.examiner.com