Carne Ross discusses the fallout over the diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.
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Carne Ross said similar things on “Democracy Now!” the same day….the important thing about the leaks is that they prove all the suspicions of foreign policy watchers. I’m suprised nobody has said anything on how the cables reflect the bizarre relationship between Israel and the US where we support them, and yet we try to spy on them intensely because we know they have spies deep within the US government.
As Glenn Greenwald blogged, this is an amazing conversation, as noted by the moderator, that the editor of the NY Times is going to clear their articles with the US Government! Aren’t the media supposed to hold the government’s feet to the fire and expose muck, even rake it? Once the secrecy gets going, then the Gov can reward and punish the media by doling out tidbits to the docile and obedient, while denying them to those that seek transparency and truth. No check on power at all, now…
I like that Carne Ross guy. Seems like a smart dude
Keller doesn’t argue with Ross’ assertion that he’s basically just a lap-dog for the govt..
Well, atleast he’s honest.
Right on Vebinz, the new york times ah ah ah they ‘ve been a lap dog for decades, even its director admitted it in the 30’s …We know that democracy is a charade especially in the US we are in a Orwellian state ….
that’s all american new politics games,
you see that, the saudia arabia urges usa to attacke nuclear facilities of iran
that’s stupid :0000000
I don’t get it. He takes Keller to task for going over content of the cables with the U.S. government before releasing them, but he also thinks the wikileaks release has been done clumsily and potentially dangerously. Which is it, you British tart? If there are risks associated with this release of information, why shouldn’t the New York Times go to the government to minimize those risks?
@ARASHME11 yep, this is a load of grade A bullshit
remember this golden rule: if it’s on the news, it just aint true
Nuke the mainstream media.
They exist to maintain the status quo.
Rich get richer conning young people into kill brown people
to launder the tax dollars that they steal from us.
The first question was basically a chance for Keller to address a criticism that other people seem to buy into, and should have been expected. The follow up question was unrelated to the first; the two questions are not mutually exclusive. The NY Times should be taken to task for seeking government approval before publishing.
Mr. Assange I applaud to you!
The most gruesome scandal exposed by WL is the fake ‘credibility’ of the ‘free’ western MSM burning up faster than Halley’s Comet in the backdrop. Swine like Keller are literally criminally culpable co-conspiritors in heinous War-Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, a fact now becoming evident to the legally blind – but of course it’s the last thing you’ll hear them discuss, as they labour instead to cover-up this ongoing slomo-train-wreck and avert necessary consequences, i.e. War-Crimes Trials.
It is interesting to see how our diplomats have become used to a strange form of confidentiality. The biggest edge in the arsenal of democratic governments is how everyone is a stakeholder. That’s not true in dictatorships, monarchies, current implementations of communism. Confidentiality does two things: it lets you work in confidence with someone unwilling to be open; but it keeps stakeholders from knowing what’s going on. We should use confidentiality less.
@jonahansen I, too, read Green Greenwald’s comments on this particular interview which is why I’m watching it now.