Martin Ward (Colm Feore) and David Bouchard (Patrick Huard) couldn’t be more different: one speaks English and is from Toronto, and the other is a francophone from Quebec. One obeys the law, the other makes his own. When they are forced to work together on an investigation whose geographic jurisdiction is as mysterious as the motive of the crime they are out to solve, their differences both threaten the investigation and help pierce its mystery. International sales: Les Films Seville Pictures…
haha yea its true, but the cultures are so different that it usually is referred to either Canadian film or Quebecois Film
I luvs this movie. Its awesome
C’est vraiment trop bon cte film la.
Un film Québécois en plus. I’M HAPPY TO BE A QUÉBÉCOIS :)
my favorite movie
love this movie, makes me want to brush up on my francais!
I jaime a lot cette movie :D
l’annonce en anglais est mauvaise… en francais est bin meilleure !!!
le film est TROP TOP
Esti colis? “It’s swearing” lol
Yay but its consider as quebecois since there is a detached movie industry in Quebec.
You’ll most probably have the best laugh if you speak francais quebecois. If you’re pure anglo it’s not as funny. I really enjoyed the movie =)
Ste film la est bin trop drole! XD
dead beat french cop
pure anglo –haha thats hilarious
Im 3 quarters french though i speak english i found the movie hillarious even though i only understand about half of what their saying in french.
Aug 2007 or 2008? lol]
I LOVE this movie! Even though I had to rely heavily on the subtitles (I’m learning French, but at the time I could usually only make sense of the spoken words with help), I still found it hilarious XD
I’ve never saw that preview before today :) I love the voice-off ahah :D
Pretty good movie in general. Really nice to learn how to speak like a real Québécois :) ahah
I like to feel sexy….knowing someone is watching me ..wanting me…turns me on!BADLY! I like to flirt and pose..and sometimes i like to get WILD! how? ..he he..come in video and youll see:-)) maybe u can teach me something..or maybe i will ! come visit me at MeetYourFling (.COM) my user-id there is reina-vbdh chat soon on cam :-) tgofduc
This is a great movie for a great laugh but even better to learn something about Canadian culture.
A jewel of the canadian cinematography where both cultures finally instead of fighting!
I think you missed a word there. :)
yes, definitely!!! it was meant to be: “A jewel of the canadian cinematography where both cultures finally collaborate instead of fighting! “
Think “Lethal Weapon” meets Canada’s deux solitudes and you get the idea. Absolutely one of the funniest movies of the last few years. Definitely not for the kids, though, not with the extreme violence.
On parle d’une galaxie près de chez vous 2 dans l’émission ” the masked reviewer episode 3″ sur youtube!!