About Author: Editor

Posts by Editor

Playlist www.youtube.com Free The Slaves: Boys for Sale www.archive.org media.abovetopsecret.com Newspaper stories here – www.voxfux.com    

Free The Slaves: Boys For Sale – 8

Playlist www.youtube.com Free The Slaves: Boys for Sale www.archive.org media.abovetopsecret.com Newspaper stories here – www.voxfux.com    

info go to cryptome channel ITS VERY INTERESTING STUFF HE HAS THERE The video has been uploaded as provided by NIST without modification. Original in VOB format, 700MB. A related […]


info go to cryptome channel ITS VERY INTERESTING STUFF HE HAS THERE The video has been uploaded as provided by NIST without modification. Original in VOB format, 700MB. A related […]

we are appalled by this act of violence towards a homeless man in a wheelchair by stupid idiotic cops    

AWFUL: DC Police Abuse Homeless Man in Wheelchair

we are appalled by this act of violence towards a homeless man in a wheelchair by stupid idiotic cops    

Was amerikanische Diplomaten und Politiker von ihren Kollegen in Deutschland halten hat Wikileaks enthüllt. Darin kommt die deutsche Politprominenz alles andere als gut weg.    

Wikileaks: Wie Amerika Deutschland sieht

Was amerikanische Diplomaten und Politiker von ihren Kollegen in Deutschland halten hat Wikileaks enthüllt. Darin kommt die deutsche Politprominenz alles andere als gut weg.    

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Video from – October 26,2009 To […]

Police Officer Threatens to Arrest Man for Defending His Rights

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Video from – October 26,2009 To […]

“Please sign the following petition to show your support for those that were unjustly arrested during G-20: www.petitiononline.com Police used teargas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets against University of Pittsburgh […]

Pittsburgh Riot Police Trap University Students on a Staircase and Deploy Chemical Weapons

“Please sign the following petition to show your support for those that were unjustly arrested during G-20: www.petitiononline.com Police used teargas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets against University of Pittsburgh […]

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. If you feel you have been […]

Police Officers Spy on Cell Phone Pictures and Data During Traffic Stops

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. If you feel you have been […]

A real time documentary that will be a testament to future generations of the War Crimes Committed by the US, France, Britain, Germany, and all other weapons manufacturing countries against […]


A real time documentary that will be a testament to future generations of the War Crimes Committed by the US, France, Britain, Germany, and all other weapons manufacturing countries against […]

Illinois Gun www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net. www.prisonplanet.com May 19, 2011 With the recent Indiana Supreme court ruling giving police unfettered access to people’s homes, Newton county Sheriff Donald Hartman Sr. believes […]

The Alex Jones Show: We Are Turning into A “Hardcore Police State”1/3

Illinois Gun www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net. www.prisonplanet.com May 19, 2011 With the recent Indiana Supreme court ruling giving police unfettered access to people’s homes, Newton county Sheriff Donald Hartman Sr. believes […]

Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Friday, April 22, 2011 — UPDATED 12:30 CST Despite the fact that the United States is embroiled in three major conflicts and can […]

Paul Watson: Kissinger Wants Wars in Middle East to Last Indefinitely!!

Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Friday, April 22, 2011 — UPDATED 12:30 CST Despite the fact that the United States is embroiled in three major conflicts and can […]

HI-RESOLUTION PHOTOS: cryptome.org Three pages of high resolution photos of the Fukushima nuclear reactor plant’s damage. *7.5 million times legal limit of iodine in sea* The operator of the stricken […]

7.5 MILLION x legal limit of RADIATION leaking into OCEAN from Fukushima

HI-RESOLUTION PHOTOS: cryptome.org Three pages of high resolution photos of the Fukushima nuclear reactor plant’s damage. *7.5 million times legal limit of iodine in sea* The operator of the stricken […]

“Çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar´´ ın Åžarkıcısı ve Oyuncusu OÄŸuzhan Koç´un 2011 Åžarkısı “Wiki Wikileaks´´.    

“OÄŸuzhan Koç´´ – Radio – Wiki Wikileaks 2011 (Official Video) (ÇGHB)

“Çok Güzel Hareketler Bunlar´´ ın Åžarkıcısı ve Oyuncusu OÄŸuzhan Koç´un 2011 Åžarkısı “Wiki Wikileaks´´.    

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. policecrimes.com If you feel you have […]

If Police Officer Michael Kallman Was Shot in the Head Would We Laugh?

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. policecrimes.com If you feel you have […]

To learn more about the struggle to end torture in Egypt, go to tortureinegypt.net.    

Torture In Egypt

To learn more about the struggle to end torture in Egypt, go to tortureinegypt.net.    

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Police chase police shootout police brutality […]

Police Officers Harass Man in Fayetteville NC

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Police chase police shootout police brutality […]

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Mimi Lee, 34, filed a federal […]

Police Officers Abuse Woman At Police Station

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Mimi Lee, 34, filed a federal […]

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Police chase police shootout police brutality […]

Police Officer Shootout

Police Officers and your rights: policecrimes.com Know your rights never talk to police officers and NEVER open your door to cops when they knock. Police chase police shootout police brutality […]

Bilderberg 2011 Attendee Photos www.prisonplanet.com    

Aaron Dykes Final Bilderberg Report Day 2: David Rockefeller Arrives!

Bilderberg 2011 Attendee Photos www.prisonplanet.com    

Iconoclast Radio – Interview with Dev Samael Daval Pt.7 Iconoclast Radio 04/13/2010 – Icono Interviews Heavyweight Hitter: Dev Samael Daval (John Alan Martinson Jr.) Alex Jones Infowars.com PrisonPlanet.tv Iconoclast radio […]

Iconoclast Radio – Interview with Dev Samael Daval Pt.7

Iconoclast Radio – Interview with Dev Samael Daval Pt.7 Iconoclast Radio 04/13/2010 – Icono Interviews Heavyweight Hitter: Dev Samael Daval (John Alan Martinson Jr.) Alex Jones Infowars.com PrisonPlanet.tv Iconoclast radio […]

Ok people usually I tell people to go do their own research but I have decided to help you out this time. Here are link to read up on what […]

01-04-2011 Spraying

Ok people usually I tell people to go do their own research but I have decided to help you out this time. Here are link to read up on what […]