About Author: Editor

Posts by Editor

www.prisonplanet.com Alex Jones rails against the 1984-style “Telescreens” that Homeland Security, not content with airport Gestapo tactics alone, plans to unroll in over 800 Wal-Mart stores and other retailers to […]

Alex Jones Rant: DHS & TSA Invading America

www.prisonplanet.com Alex Jones rails against the 1984-style “Telescreens” that Homeland Security, not content with airport Gestapo tactics alone, plans to unroll in over 800 Wal-Mart stores and other retailers to […]

خطب سماحة الدكتورعمرعبدالكافي من مسجد يوسف أهلي المزهر دبي His Eminence Dr Sheikh Omar Abdel Kafi Weekly Sermon from Yousef Aheli Mosque-Mizher-One Dubai Arabic learned volunteers are invited to BRIEF-TRANSLATE […]

Satanism Critical Anthology Anatomy of Radical Subculture فبعزتك لأغوينهم

خطب سماحة الدكتورعمرعبدالكافي من مسجد يوسف أهلي المزهر دبي His Eminence Dr Sheikh Omar Abdel Kafi Weekly Sermon from Yousef Aheli Mosque-Mizher-One Dubai Arabic learned volunteers are invited to BRIEF-TRANSLATE […]

Assista à versão editada do vídeo que originalmente tem 17 minutos e foi gravado por policiais num helicóptero da polícia de Nova York em 11 de setembro de 2001. Somente […]

Vídeo inédito do atentado às Torres Gêmeas (editado)

Assista à versão editada do vídeo que originalmente tem 17 minutos e foi gravado por policiais num helicóptero da polícia de Nova York em 11 de setembro de 2001. Somente […]

Check out full fight: adf.ly news Reported Beaten :adf.ly    

Wall street protest 2011 Fight

Check out full fight: adf.ly news Reported Beaten :adf.ly    

once again I “get down” in Trellick Tower…… And you can see the Solstice Power… www.abovetopsecret.com A blast of the brightest X-rays ever detected from beyond our Milky Way galaxy’s […]

Equinox (nowthatswhatImtalkingabout)

once again I “get down” in Trellick Tower…… And you can see the Solstice Power… www.abovetopsecret.com A blast of the brightest X-rays ever detected from beyond our Milky Way galaxy’s […]

Fresh Kills landfill was used for forensic investigation of the debris from World Trade Center barged from Manhattan to Staten Island. Air space over the WTC site and Fresh Kills […]

World Trade Center Disaster Fresh Kills Forensic Site 25 January 2002

Fresh Kills landfill was used for forensic investigation of the debris from World Trade Center barged from Manhattan to Staten Island. Air space over the WTC site and Fresh Kills […]

(3.7.11) It is a difficult video to watch especially for New Yorkers. It is recorded from the vantage point of an NYPD helicopter and it shows the Twin Towers on […]


(3.7.11) It is a difficult video to watch especially for New Yorkers. It is recorded from the vantage point of an NYPD helicopter and it shows the Twin Towers on […]

Greetings citizens of the world. The denial of service attacks on our internet relay chat servers serves no purpose, and will not delay our revolution. Legions of Anons have morphed […]

ANONYMOUS on latest DDoS attacks (watch in full screen)

Greetings citizens of the world. The denial of service attacks on our internet relay chat servers serves no purpose, and will not delay our revolution. Legions of Anons have morphed […]

Malcolm Suber, AFSC Project Director in New Orleans, discusses efforts to enlist the Dept. of Justice in the struggle to confront police abuse in New Orleans. (at USSF)    

“Fighting Police Abuse in New Orleans” – Malcolm Suber, AFSC (USSF)

Malcolm Suber, AFSC Project Director in New Orleans, discusses efforts to enlist the Dept. of Justice in the struggle to confront police abuse in New Orleans. (at USSF)    

Alex covers the imploding stock market on today’s show. On Thursday, a massive sell-off swamped global markets, erased all the hard-won gains of 2011 to date, and trashed the three […]

The Special Interest Groups Are Going for Broke! – Alex Jones Tv 3/3

Alex covers the imploding stock market on today’s show. On Thursday, a massive sell-off swamped global markets, erased all the hard-won gains of 2011 to date, and trashed the three […]

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the dangers of Gardasil, a topic that has found its way into the spotlight following Rep. Michele Bachmann’s comment that Big Pharma’s HPV vaccine is dangerous. […]

Gardasil Vaccine a Death Injection!(2 of 2)Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the dangers of Gardasil, a topic that has found its way into the spotlight following Rep. Michele Bachmann’s comment that Big Pharma’s HPV vaccine is dangerous. […]

Douglas Dietrich: Veteran/ ex-Defense Research Librarian for the San Francisco Presidio Military Base, was interviewed at the UFO Convention in Santa Clara where he exposes the truth about Roswell. This […]

Douglas Dietrich Responds To ATS comments! MUST SEE!!! pt. 11/12

Douglas Dietrich: Veteran/ ex-Defense Research Librarian for the San Francisco Presidio Military Base, was interviewed at the UFO Convention in Santa Clara where he exposes the truth about Roswell. This […]


CALEA and the Stellar Wind (6/6)


Assange recorded the entire meeting for transparency. The PBS documentary was incredibly bias and distorted and unfair to the truth of both what Wikileaks does and to the accused leaker […]

WikiSecrets Julian Assange FULL Interview Footage PBS Frontline

Assange recorded the entire meeting for transparency. The PBS documentary was incredibly bias and distorted and unfair to the truth of both what Wikileaks does and to the accused leaker […]

Alex talks with Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and columnist specializing in intelligence and international affairs, Wayne Madsen. He publishes the Wayne Madsen Report. Madsen will talk with Alex about […]

The Alex Jones Show 3/21/11: Wayne Madsen, Webster Tarpley – The Final Countdown!!

Alex talks with Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and columnist specializing in intelligence and international affairs, Wayne Madsen. He publishes the Wayne Madsen Report. Madsen will talk with Alex about […]

there has been speculation that the tragic events that have befallen Japan may have been HAARP related. could somebody be trying to lay a nuclear ley-line or otherwise damage the […]

Feng-Shui Arc Intro.avi

there has been speculation that the tragic events that have befallen Japan may have been HAARP related. could somebody be trying to lay a nuclear ley-line or otherwise damage the […]

Irish Hunger Memorial, New York City, 10 July 2009    

Irish Hunger Memorial, New York City, 10 July 2009

Irish Hunger Memorial, New York City, 10 July 2009    

WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange in an explosive revelation to TIMES NOW’s Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami on Swiss bank data, said there are Indian names in the Swiss bank list that is […]

The Julian Assange Interview-1

WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange in an explosive revelation to TIMES NOW’s Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami on Swiss bank data, said there are Indian names in the Swiss bank list that is […]

‘Researcher Alan Watt features in this exclusive interview for Prison Planet.tv members, in which he discusses how the same laws are enacted at the same time across different countries under […]

Alan Watt – PrisonPlanet.tv Interview

‘Researcher Alan Watt features in this exclusive interview for Prison Planet.tv members, in which he discusses how the same laws are enacted at the same time across different countries under […]


