ALIEN AGENDA: What the US Navy is hiding on the California coast???

Following a hint posted in a thread of ATS forum, about possible UFO activity on the San Clemente Island, southern California, I got in the website of Tim Kano, a WWII veteran and expert and military dioramas. Kano built a stunning scale-model of San Clemente and supposedly made up a story jamming real historic facts and sci-fiction elements, to promote his work. According to him, during the north-american civil war, local people of Californian coast started to report weird activities on that island, mainly after the supposed mysterious vanishing of some troops of Federation, that had a outpost settled there. The elder Californian indians have been claiming that San Clemente is an “evil place” and totally avoided the island, since old times. In the ’30s the US navy owned the island and during the WWII, supposedly occurred an incident involving navy vessels and a mysterious force that fired up against them. In the exact words of Tim Kano – “Some strange damaged vehicles and the remains of an encampment were discovered so a contingent of Army personnel were assigned to the island. Something else was discovered that day, but all written records were sealed and the area was put under heavy guard. From that day forth a base was established on Capistrano Island and the mystery covered up. ” The richness of details in this report make me think about the possibility of Kano to be using his diorama propaganda to say something real. Unfortunately I didn’t find any doc that could