Following a hint posted in a thread of ATS forum, about possible UFO activity on the San Clemente Island, southern California, I got in the website of Tim Kano, a WWII veteran and expert and military dioramas. Kano built a stunning scale-model of San Clemente and supposedly made up a story jamming real historic facts and sci-fiction elements, to promote his work. According to him, during the north-american civil war, local people of Californian coast started to report weird activities on that island, mainly after the supposed mysterious vanishing of some troops of Federation, that had a outpost settled there. The elder Californian indians have been claiming that San Clemente is an “evil place” and totally avoided the island, since old times. In the ’30s the US navy owned the island and during the WWII, supposedly occurred an incident involving navy vessels and a mysterious force that fired up against them. In the exact words of Tim Kano – “Some strange damaged vehicles and the remains of an encampment were discovered so a contingent of Army personnel were assigned to the island. Something else was discovered that day, but all written records were sealed and the area was put under heavy guard. From that day forth a base was established on Capistrano Island and the mystery covered up. ” The richness of details in this report make me think about the possibility of Kano to be using his diorama propaganda to say something real. Unfortunately I didn’t find any doc that could …
Coronado base
The name “stargate” is from Hollywood. The possibility of it being possible is fact. Any physicist will tell you the same.
@st4ticblu3 – Agreed. Not sure about a gate though … all of this is theory anyway … at this time no one can prove anything. It is all based on maths and theory.
maybe it’s an alien base at the bottom of the sea?!?
Good Job here…
I’ve had an overview at this thread posted at ATS about this subject.
More… it was a Header line in the mail they use to send to me. This one i openned today.
Up to where I could understand… I sensed that it was really that military trying to push ahead his book sales. Nothing bad…
BUT… about the 2 pyramids deep into the sea I think it’s very reasonable.
I’ll take a deep reading at the posts of this thread now.
Rating five….
Doc (38>39)
I think you found Atlantis mate!!
I think you found Atlantis mate!!
Have you noticed the X’s on the ocean floor in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle?
Perhaps the black looking anomalie is some sort of evil aura or naval “cloak” type technology that prevents satelittes from getting an image??Who knows? Very intriguing though
hmmm… i looked the pyramids with google earth and one side is 35 km long! hmm little bit large for a pyramid no?
Very interesting information, thanks for sharing this!!!
ALSO, I can’t thank you enough for not adding some kind of obnoxious or ominous music in the background. I was able to focus on what you were presenting and not dismiss it due to severe audio annoyance. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
It’s hard to please everybody. Some people complain when I don’t add background music. Some people enjoy the silent videos. Some time ago I agreed that such bkgr music could take down the credibility of the subject, but later I concluded that specific songs can take a subject to extreme dramatic levels.
Above Top Secret (ATS) and C2C suppress the truth! They banned me for talking about certain UFOs! watch?v=L7_ICeHmfWs
Whatever you’re smoking, please send me some. You’re completely out of your tits. Seek psychological help immediately
I think it was just fog. Anyways, San Clemente Island can be viewed in quite good detail now. Those structures are interesting tho. But at 4000m below sea level it’s a bit far fetched to suggest it is an ancient sunken city. And those walls are even at deeper level, down to 6000m! “Obviously they are not natural formations” I don’t find it that obvious…
with this stargate do you think aliens are coming and going or is it our government or maybe both.
There are strange sea floor tracks off the coast of New York City… they look like someone drew them in with the stroke of a computer mouse (see them at google maps) .
Also sea floor cities north of Europe. (See them at google maps) .
In answer to spnkysprky yes it’s an evil aura thats produced by using ancient secret spells fro Sumer, oh and a AIR BRUSH !!! what the #$%^&*
ive grown up in so cal and visited catalina island ( a sister island of san clemente island) and i always wondered why no one is allowed to visit the other islands as fully and thoroughly as catalina. if u drive up the 5 from oceanside to san clemente (camp pendleton) u see a lot of peculiar buildings, specifically one warehouse with two dome shaped buildings. the amount of cars in the parking lot looks like quadruple the capacity the buildings can handle (the visible ones anyway)
how do those symmetrical lines underwater indicate a sunken city?
READ THIS. MIGHT EXPLAIN THE UNDERWATER FORMATIONS MORE ELABORATELY AND NOT SO MYSTERIOUSLY. talks specifically about san clemente islands and underwater structures surrounding it. Im surprised the creator of this video didnt find this info, its was the 3rd link google gave me when i searched “san clemente island underwater base secret” Must have not done that much research and jnust included his own conclusiosn concerning aliens and such. the video game outro kinda destroys ur credit
makes u seem like u want to believe it instead of just facing facts, very unprofessional
Do you wanna talk about underwater bases. Lets talk. Do you know AUTEC, right?? Bill Birnes exposed it as the Area 51 of US Navy in one of the last episodes of UFO Hunters and a former employee said that the Greys work on AUTEC with Navy personel. After this episode, UFO Hunters was pulled off air. So, think twice before claiming what discredits or not, my researches. And regardless if there are underwater military bases near St Clemente, I believe that there are remnants of Atlantis there.
And so WHAT??? Can you prove I’m wrong??? NO, course you can’t. So your criticism is baseless and redundant, as 99% of the debunker-wannabes that attack my videos.
people really need to stop getting on google earth and analyzing shit that probably isnt anything major… its starting to get ridiculous… do yu really think the govt would allow this to be photographed and released on google earth if it was incredibly secret? no. idiots