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This is about police brutality. Please visit: or http Please register there.
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if you remain calm and dont fight back regardless of what they are doing the rest of society will see that you did nothing wrong and that the police officer was at fault and things will change. by calling cops pigs and making their job harder your just gonna piss them off and make them behave worse because they will feel like people are out to get them. non violent protest shows that you were in the right and they were in the wrong and it will get the majority of people on your side it worked
for Dr.MArtin luther king jr and ghandi
(sorry i kept getting cut off because of the charater limit)
No human with power can be “good.”
ive gone through this “nonviolent protest” scenario of yours plenty of times. The cops, time and again, use all the force they can, and report what happened to the media however they want. The people are quick to put all “protestors” into one category and dismiss them, because thats how they are told to treat it. It just doesnt work like you think, man.
cops, keepers of social order and protection of property. no different from every other poor bastard out there. fucked up thing is that they are used to control their own people (the poor).
Originally (in the U.S.) the coppers were the Irish Imegrants hired to protect WASPs (white anglo saxon protestants) and there way of life.
Now it’s a proffesion to be respected?
we the poor are ignorant beyond time and space, willingly opressing ourselves to serve that of the top1% simply cus we’re toldto
yeah go cops
thanks bastards!
fuck the pigs
Jesus fucking Christ, not all cops are bad. A lot of them are, but also a lot aren’t. It would be nice if humanity could be trusted to live without any form of authority, but that will never happen.
Thanks bastards,
for breaking into my home, for stealing my valubles, for invading my privacy, for making a mess, for forcing me to spend all my money, for ruining my life…
Thanks bastards,
for a bad knee that will hurt to walk on for the rest of my life, thank you for invading my home, thank you for reporting every event the way YOU want, regardless of what actually happened, thank you for getting me caught up in countless expensive legal battles…. the system works? i think not
you kids are fuckin stupid with you anti government scenarios….grow up. it’s a song, get over it!
the person below obviously hasnt ever had to struggle.
and of course it doesnt make sense to you.
we could live without authority if people like yourself never became cops.
Without a form of authority the world would crumble. People can’t be trusted.
if people cant be trusted, then that implies that the people that are in authority cannot be trusted.
my life is up to me,
and yours up to you. it is up to us to trust ourselves, and to not let anyone make those decisions for us.
once those decisions are made for you……YOU HAVE NO VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that. Some people can be trusted, some people can,t. Goes the same with authority figures. Not everyone has the same mindset you do. Those that don’t would ruin the world.
okay then kids, change the world…
theres no goverment like NO goverment
@rikmomentary, if there was no authority people would have to govern themselves, those with bad morals would simply not survive, those who are to weak, ignorant, or dull minded would die, just like life was intended to be. Yeah at first there would be chaos but soon people would just live in small stateless communities, you rule yourself. Thats how I see it.
mmm saw them live back in September in Buffalo. So good<3
Communism would’ve worked if people weren’t such greedy bastards, but now the only way is anarchy.
Fuck the police!
the government is people
thanks bastards for letting a crack dealer go to chase down a graffiti writer..
if communism didn’t work how could anarchy, they’re practically the same thing. unless you’re just saying words. learn what you say before it gets onto the internet. I consider myself an anarchist but you’re just saying dumbass punk buzzwords