Complete video at: Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman discusses “Collateral Murder,” a video posted to the website WikiLeaks that allegedly shows a US helicopter in Iraq attacking and killing civilians, including two Reuters news staff. “You see these individuals on the ground blown to pieces,” she says. “This shows the power of actually having the video tape, showing the pictures.” —– Amy Goodman has exposed human-rights violations in East Timor and Nigeria, has been arrested covering the Republican National Convention and was the first person to interview exiled Haitian President Aristide. “The role of reporters,” she says, “is to go to where the silence is and say something.” Known for her dedication to untold stories and issues that are chronically overlooked, Goodman has made a mark as an investigative journalist who looks beyond mainstream media news. Now it’s your chance meet the icon and ask her what the news should really be talking about. – Commonwealth Club of California Amy Goodman is the host and executive producer of Democracy Now!. She is co-author of the national best-seller The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media that Love Them, written with her brother David Goodman. The book was chosen by independent bookstores as the #1 political title of the 2004 election season. The book was also chosen as one of the top 50 nonfiction books of 2004 by the editors of Publishers Weekly. Democracy Now! is a national …
@kingofqwerty Anti western is extremely popular. Take a look at France. It’s pretty close to tearing itself apart. In the end you really have to stand up against the Hard-liners wherever you find them. The US Model of Use of Force UNTIL GWOT was to roll in, bomb someone into the stone age, or threatened to do so, to get people to comply. Panama Desert Storm, Grenada, Ground Forces do not stray. But they do now. We’re standing our ground and resisting. Only ones that are.
@kingofqwerty I do agree that alternatives for oil have to be found. When the world doesn’t need oil the jackasses can choke on it. “Religious Dogma” is not crap. In times of great or privation it gives you strength and in times of success it reminds you to be humble. Besides even if you don’t follow a “Dogma” as you put it, you’d be amazed at the fervor that borders on Zealotry that people will display, and what they focus on. I choose to believe in a merciful God personally.
@madmedic92 At the same time we know thtat there is no justification for the war except the greed for oil and geopolitical power. We know today that there existed no real evidence of WMD and that several reports of Iraqi WMD’s were forged. The whole idea of bringing “freedom” and “democracy” to Iraq is just and after construction.
@madmedic92 To me God is nothing but a comforting fantasy, to choose God is to willfully deny truth and say to yourself – I can’t deal with reality and the implications that a universe without God imposes.
Christianity is used as a tool by republicans to get christians to vote on things they don’t actually believe in – like taking away benefits for the poor – waging war for profit and so on. In a perfect world, christians would actually read the bible.
@kingofqwerty well . . actually there was. There’s some really nasty chemical stuff. It wasn’t reported because it didn’t fit MSN’s narrative. And reports of WMDs were based on what the greatly reduced CIA (thank Bill Clinton) had. Sadam kinda like to play up more than what he had. See “Arab Strong man”
@kingofqwerty I can’t imagine someone NOT believing in God. There are more things in heaven and Earth than can be dreamed in your philosophy. All the myriad of Wonders in this world, and the improbability that we’d all be here, as we are, leads me to the conclusion it is highly unlikely there is NOT a God.
Christianity is not a tool of the Republicans, or Democrats. I have read the bible. Cover to cover. I’ve also studied Islam Shinto, and Buddhism.
@madmedic92 We see it differently then I guess. I can’t see how something so amazing can be the product of a God that in my eyes is petty and vindictive. I might call the universe God – but not the God of christianity.
I did not mean to offend you – I’m sorry if you saw it that way.
@madmedic92 What president could get elected without saying he’s a devout christian? It is most definitely a tool for the powerful to get votes. The more unchristian – like the bush administration – the more they talk about God.
@kingofqwerty Petty and Vindictive? Thats people. There is a tapestry that you can not see because you are one simple strand but if you are fortunate enough (near death experiences help) but yes there are darker colors, it makes the tapestry as a whole all the more beautiful. The God of Christianity is poorly understood, by most, but if you actually read the bible and look around you just might be lucky enough to see whats going on. but then epiphanies are rare, and not everyone has one
@kingofqwerty no offense taken. I do get a little honked when people refuse to see the good Soldiers do, or refuse to see that there are reasons to fight. I also get honked at people who dishonor those that have died. but then sadly, honor isn’t a value this society places in high esteem anymore. Neither are Fidelity, Charity, Chivalry, or Honesty. everyone is quick to point fingers and blame but few are willing to DO something to make the world a better place. Soldiers are Doers.
@madmedic92 I hear you man, you’re brave people. I’m just angry about how this war was sold with all the lies – and I’m angry about how Rumsfeld has dragged USA into the dirt with by instituting torture as a method of interrogation – that’s something you would expect of a 3rd world nation – not USA.
@kingofqwerty You’d be amazed at how much you DON’T have to torture. Just look a little intimidating and you’d be AMAZED at what Iraqis give up. But if you ever stare into the eves of a fanatic. . . its terrifying. there is NO wrong too big. Its like literally looking into the eyes of the devil.
@kingofqwerty Thomas Jefferson? Who said what difference does it matter if my neighbor has no god or 20. He wasn’t espousing Atheism, because he was, in fact a christian, but advocated a live and let live philosophy. very interesting guy. we’ve also had a Gay president, but he’s not really thought of too highly in Historical referance, because he pretty much ALLOWED the Civil War to happen, but hey at least you can say it happened.
love amy goodman, just wish she would come clean about 911
@madmedic92 you’ve just proved what i was talking about, i’ll try to clarify my point.
What you experienced and i’m sorry you had to go though that, is the result of a mess which didn’t start with your situation, people need to be very thorough when they think about joining the armed services, you need to know about who’s really pulling the strings. Again i’m sorry to say this but as a soldier you’re only a pawn in the game set by corporate thugs. The big picture my friend, the big picture.
Little CIA wikidude publishes in NY Times.
@MoronsnUtube who EXACTLY is speaking totally outa context! Who invaded iraq i the first place! US forces ! heck they knew marines are gona loose their lives ! wth man! you are trying to prove an unjust war to be just when it simply isnt!
@petarro Thumbs up buddy! There are some you cant convince so let them be in their utter ignorance! But friend! Its good that some of us can see the truth & speak up for it!
@madmedic92 WOW !!! you sure are a fanboy! So you actually support the devilish eagerness of the pilots to shoot the innocent! & do u really support the way they laugh about their achievement afterwards! & do you think shooting those rescuers that came afterwards in the van to help the injured driver was just??? you must be high if you say so!
PS: if u have got family issues! Whats dat to do with killing innocent iraqis!
@lazylightningny whats with you! are you an ANTI HUMANITY or something like that! ??? didn’t you saw the video! ! !
@madmedic92 It was your job! you chose it! no one forced you yet i must say your job was the most honorable thing that happens in a war! treating enemies & friends alike! but hey! Your govt made Iraq your enemy, on the grounds, they never really were your enemy anyway!
PS: US forces invaded Iraq in the first place! So you should blame your govt if you want to blame some one!
@madmedic92 What is wrong with you! ! ! your country invaded I.N.V.A.D.E.D Iraq! Its not like Iraqis Invited you to invade their homeland! Jeeezzzz!!! whats are you complaining for when you were the ones who started this war!
@Defsolid yeah and all a soldier ever thinks is that he is serving his country! my ass!
@madmedic92 thumbs up for you friend! you are doing a noble deed but you must know that your govt is the one you should blame! not iraqis! wouldnt you fight to defend your country from invading forces no matter what the reason! ??? I dnt know about you but surely i wud fight the invaders till either i die of the invaders leave! simple
@madmedic92 LMAOOOO!!! C’mon! read statistics! Iraq couldn’t even show superiority to its neighboring countries not even in conventional warfare! let alone be a threat to USA! Attacking USA would have been like going to the moon with nothing but an electric fan! THATS AS REAL AS IT GETS!