We’re Under Attack: Support Alternative Media in the Infowar

PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO THE MONEYBOMB infowarsmoneybomb.com All Donations will help the Infowar to expand– including plans to complete the new studio, launching a TV & Satellite program & more WATCH OR LISTEN TO THE 24/7 FREE LIVE VIDEO FEED ALL DAY THURS, OCTOBER 14TH www.infowars.com Alex Jones in particular, and patriot groups in general are under attack. The ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, both major parties and the mainstream media have all singled out Constitutionalists and grassroots movements in attempt to quell the uprising of populist anger and hold onto the establishments power. At the same time MSNBC, Nightline, CNN, Media Matters and others are all attacking Alex Jones for his supposedly-dangerous & extremist views, a wider awakening is taking place. Alex’s audience is growing rapidly as The People learn about how the system manipulates both parties, while saddling the nation with debt and working towards a world government and unified currency. Alex Jones urges his supporters to face the challenges at hand, while recognizing the great strides made towards awakening the population to the real issues– eugenics, 9/11, the New World Order and beyond. Most of all, Alex asks for financial support– to secure the expansion and reach of the Infowars operation– in the Thurs, October 14th Moneybomb. If you believe in the mission against the New World Order, if you’ve seen the effectiveness we’ve had in combatting the system’s propaganda and if you want us to