Part black.. Part white… Part Indian?

I was just sitting here thinking that I have never heard anyone say “I am part white… or a 1/4 black.

I thought of this after a friend of mine said “I am like 1/6 Native American.

Who is keeping track of all these records of who is how much? Is it Whites? is it Indians?

When i was in school, my teacher asked everyone in the class as part of some project to write a paper about who they were, where they came from and what nationality they were… well in mine i wrote about being Native American. unlike every other student, the teacher asked me right then and there what Reservation I was a member of… I stammered and hemmed and hawed and said “none” the class laughed and she said “Then you are not an Indian”   wow.

Who askes Tupac Shakure or Will smith what part of Africa they are from, yet there is no doubt that they are “African American”

What’s your opinion on this, please share. thanks.