Model OPD Officer and Copwatcher Come to Meeting of the Minds. [HD]

November 18, 2010 – Downtown Orlando – approximately 11pm. After performing his second copwatch of the evening, Jason and his date stopped and had an open discussion with a model Orlando police officer. He gives Jason props on his copwatch style, they talked about what we do, why we do it, and how we all can do better to develop a more positive relationship between the police, the citizens, and Jason didn’t realize it until later, but this was actually the third interaction he’s had this officer. This officer was the first (and still only) officer who has been put on the’s wall of honor. He’s a great cop and an asset to the protection of the citizens of Orlando and to the Orlando Police Department. Because we want to encourage excellence, integrity, and temperament from our Police Force, we have respectfully chosen not to post his name or badge number. Though he is right, he has given it to us before. :)