HUMOR: 4 Native American Jokes

  Overstaying One’s Welcome
Two Indians at Plymouth Rock watch a huge ship full of white people pulling into the harbor.  The one looks at the other and asked “Do you think they’re going to stay overnight?”


What’s In A Name?:
A Native American has six beautiful children, and is very proud of his achievement. He is so proud of himself that he starts calling his wife “Mother of Six” which she hated, but, in spite of her objections he continued.
One night they went to a party. The man decides that it’s time to go home, and wants to find out if his wife is ready to leave as well. So he shouts at the top of his voice, “Shall we go home mother of six?” His wife irritated by laughing_native_american_indian_2her husbands lack of discretion, shouts back “Anytime you’re ready, father of four!”


The Great River
There were three Indians traveling through the woods when they came upon a great river.
Needing to get to the other side, they each in turn said a prayer;

The first Indian said “oh Great Father give me the strength to cross the great river”!
And he was given strong arms and legs so he could swim the distance with ease, which he did in a matter of hours.

The second Native prayed: “Oh great spirits, please give tools so that I can cross this river”!
To which he was given sharp rocks, stout sticks and lashing vines which he used to make a small canoe and paddled across the river, taking many hours.

The third and final Indian exclaimed “oh wise and powerful grandfather, please make me wise”!
To which the Grandfather turned the native into a woman, who crossed the river by using the bridge that was about 100 feet upriver and took her a couple minutes.


The Hitchhiker:
A native maiden was walking in the plains when she injured her foot.  Luckily she was picked up by a lady in a buckboard wagon who offered to ride her all the way back to her people’s camp.
While they were riding along, the white woman noticed the Native woman kept glancing down at a bottle of whisky laying on the floor of the buckboard.   Not wanting to have ill thoughts of her, the white woman explained “I got that for my husband!”.  After they rode along in silence for a few more minutes, the native girl replied: “mmm, you made a good trade”