Black attitude adjustment

Everyone knows some young black men have massive chips on their shoulders and act as society owes them something. Many are quite happy to disrespect authority and give the police abuse, then play the race victim when the police arrest them. In this video you see two such individuals. One is British and the other is American. Both have serious attitudes and problems with authority, but watch how differently the British police handle it compared to the American police! ————– The Ministry of Justice document, “Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System”, includes all kinds of stop and search incidents. According to the report, police stops and searches on black and Asian people have increased by more than three quarters in five years. Black people are now seven times as likely to be searched, per head of population, than whites. A total of 1126258 searches were carried out in 2008/9. Stops and searches of blacks rose from 118165 five years ago to more than 205000, while those of Asians rose from 59954 to more than 105000. There were 1142763 stops and searches across England and Wales during the financial year ending April 2009, an increase of 10 percent. Of these, 15 percent were black, nine percent Asian, three percent of mixed ethnicity and one percent from Chinese and other backgrounds. The figures are distorted by the fact that nearly half (42 percent) took place in London, where 54 percent of blacks currently resident in Britain are to be found. For