Are There Any Drug Abuse Hotlines I Can Call?

In many cases, a Drug Addict won’t quit until it’s too late. Sometimes you need to call one of the Drug Abuse Hotlines and get quick help. One place is called the National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Foundation and they will refer you to the right people who can help.

This is a free service and will give you immediate answers concerning drug addiction that your loved one may have. And as long as you call an Official Hotline, you cannot be turned into the police. Sure you can call from a payphone but their objective is to get you help, not turn you in. They just wanna make sure you get the assistance you need before the problem becomes out of control.

Also you’ll be happy to hear that you are protected by confidentiality laws. The only time your anonymity may be compromised is if your situation was such that someone else was in danger because of your actions or potential future actions. In other words, for example, if you said over the phone that you were strung out and planned on killing someone else, then yes, that person by law would have to be notified and you could get in trouble.

But as a general rule threats of suicide will only get you help. An actual attempted suicide I believe is technically a misdemeanor, but you would need to check with a lawyer to be sure. If you call a drug hotline you can also try blocking your phone with *67. I’m not sure how effective this is, but I’ve heard it works well.

There are a lot of resources on the Internet that will point you in the right direction in getting the help you need. If you do google searches like “drug hotline”, this should get you started. Just make sure you get some help for you or someone you care about before it is too late. Remember, each day you wait is one day your health gets worse, and your addiction grows stronger. The sooner you break it, the sooner you can get on with the rest of your life.

Let Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you about Drugs Intervention and Substance Abuse Intervention at our Substance Abuse Prevention Website.