WTO seatle police abuse
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actually, in this case the personal attacks are because i believe hes a moron… i really dont care if i lose or even win the argument… it still doesnt make him any smarter
well YOU are lucky there isn’t a minimum intelligence required to message here!
“You must be THIS SMART >— to post here.” lol
“…any good “citizen”….” WTF? The good citizens were the legit protesters! You have no idea what this is about. end of story!
You are an idiot. Please get a grip. Make a real point or just send these types to my inbox. Why bore everone!
The police ensure justification for ending a legit protest by aloowing a small violent group to disturb the shit. Same M.O. used elsewhere. My political bent , not communism fyi, doesn’t make any diff. of the fact this was a set-up.
…smarter than you. IQ scores?
They do this stuff all over
“agent provacateur! uoi!”
So you’re the WTO and you want to shut down a protest, you hire-up a few agent provocateur goons (Oh! I mean Anarchist) then after they break a few windows the police have a reason to shut down the entire “Legal Protest” and smack around a few peaceful citizens for good measure.
24Hrs later a few arrested “Anarchist” are bailed out by some unknown source.
Some time later in Europe at a WTO protest guess who shows up?
Why it’s those “Anarchist” again!
tear gas disolves in water.
Alex Jones is such a dumbass. The Black Bloc is the future.
Don’t “protest” the WTO, destroy it!
Welcome to the U.S.S.A. (United Socialists States of America) which is a “Police State” just like Russia was. U.S.A. freedom is a big lie, America used to be free before U.S. and English rule came into being. Anyhow, the Illuminati are fixing to ruin The U.S. and set up the New World Order and implant everyone with The R.F.I.D. Chip so none might buy or sell without it and they can track you down since the chip is also a g.p.s. device. The Illuminati next plan is to cause a great depression.
I was at this protest and it was no fucking joke man! I spent the rest of the week in jail because of those police riots! What a mess! I’m going to post my Indy Media interview soon!
Come on. We all know how that city turned out after “peaceful” protesting. If it was peaceful protesting then why did they bring and wear gas masks? Also, I don’t think it is peaceful when police officers leaving shift are being stalked to their the respective modes of transportation…
see a physiatrist!
This isnt why riot happend they rioted because police where abusing there power and wouldnt let people leave that wernt fighting back I livei n seattle many of people after this started wernt with the protesters. and the anarchy thing is a rocker thing anarchy aginst power.
keep the dump ass out of the way stay home. train the public! they dont have the right to push minority views on a majority of the people! your protest mean nothing, if its wrong
Anarchism forever!…F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
I don’t care;cop or not,if somebody attacks me,then I am fleeing or attacking in kind!
bunch of jobless losers hit em again, ooopss a little more gas hippie down with the losers
Narrator is a cunt.
That some people Can say “well,its my job”is the foot of nazism up your ass.When your job is your only morality,your neighbor becomes your enemy.these so called anarhist are government employees.
Notes & facts :
– UN blue = Israel Blue
– WTO could have held their meeting location secret untill the last minute to prevent any riot
– Zionist NY Times lied saing protesters threw Molotov coktails at police
– there would not had been any damage or violence WITHOUT the gov’t agitators
– FEMA camps is meaningful and were ready
– a worker’s protest seemed to have added to the turmoil
– false anarchists
Violence was PLANNED with WTO & US gov for a false terrorism AGAIN
Leaving so many evidences pleases Zionists who run the WTO, IMF and the Israel-blue UN. It’s like a dog pissing his territory.
New World Order is not a theory but a recipe in the making one can read in the Protocols of Zion who predict our future since at least 1864.
I rented the Hollywood movie “Battle in Seattle” where even the tittle is in lie. Hollywood is Zionist just as 94% of ALL MEDIAS containers and contents.
Include Alex Jones who never pronounces the word Zionist.
Want something even worst ?
Zionists are NOT JEWS ! Can you imagine this biblical lie ? many say they are NO REAL JEWS outside Palestine, even worst is that the only real Jews are Palestinians !
“Those who say they are Jews but are not Jews ARE the synagogue of Satan” Ap 2:9 and 3:9
LOOK AT WHAT SATAN IS DOING IN GAZA ! That,s our future New World Order.
You don’t bevlieve ? See the history of the Rothschild creating ALL WARS & revolutions !
this guy is a douche.