Just what is it that makes the USA the greatest country in the world???
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When the argument is “America is great!” vs. “No, it’s not, we have serious problems.” Isn’t that an argument you have to have before you can focus on solutions?
It’s the problem I see every day. This delusional ‘Religion is so great and America is so great so there’s no problem’ crowd. Then it turns to ‘You’re the problem because you don’t believe in god and you’re one of those blame America first. You hate capitalism and freedom.’ So which is it? Is there a problem or not?
Great comment… it’s sad that more people don’t think like you. It’s a shame that people think they need to get nasty and violent simply to get their point across.
I dont understand why every comment on here talks about which side is better. Both have pros, both have cons. But the pros and cons are useless until we start working together, nothing will ever get done when people are so self centered and conceded. Face the facts the world we live in is a different place and unless we work to together the harder it will get. Im not just talking about the USA, but the world in general. A lot could get done if we work together. Be optimistic, have hope, go Earth
Notice I said world and not America. Anyone anywhere looking at the world as a whole will see the kind of problems we shouldn’t have. America itself is just so…Whore of babylonic.
I’d also posit that there’s not a lot I can do for the situation. Personally yes, I can do whatever I want. That doesn’t mean I can do a lot more except for “Be the change I want to see.” I try to live like that, yes, but it only goes so far when most people are self-serving idiots. Literal usage.
Not particularly. I’d speculate that it’s hard for an intelligent person that doesn’t self-medicate to be happy with the world today. If you are then I think there’s something very suspect about your sanity or intelligence.
We’re already living in a “Brave New World” society in a lot of ways. Are you suggesting I take drugs in order to make myself feel good? What if that’s not the way I want to live my life? Trust me, I know what can make me happy and I’d just rather not in some instances.
are YOU happy? If you are, then there is no reason to reply since it proves my point. If you aren’t happy then go out there and find a way to make yourself happy. All I’m saying is a nation is only as great as you personally make it. Don’t blame game others for your happiness, don’t blame game anyone. That’s what America is about, accountability. And right now you are accountable for your own happiness
The Second Amendment was put in place to make sure that the people had the ability to take back their country if the government stopped representing US and what WE want. That is all it was for. So we could defend ourselves from any type of oppressive regime, whether it be foreign OR domestic. to Quote Lincoln… “and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” I don’t know about any of you, but this government is not FOR the people anymore
However, evolving does not mean abandoning our morals, abandoning what got us to the point of being ‘the greatest country in the world’. The US was started as the ‘Grand Experiment’, and for a very long time it worked. Now though, we’re too busy trying to lay the blame on others, to actually try and work on the issues. The second amendment was NOT put into place to make sure that every American could own a gun, in that time frame, most people did anyways… (continued)
i could not agree with you any more if i tried. does it really matter who’s fault it is? does it really matter if the dems did that, or the repubs this. No. we are ONE nation, and as such we ALL share the blame. at the same time, we all share in the glory of what we, as a nation, have done right. The problem is, it seems that lately, there’s more blame then glory. what we need is a president who doesn’t blame the other party for everything, and the other party not blaming the pres.
Things will get better when Bender becomes president
Move to north korea bitch
We have liberty and other countries don’t have that. Fuck you world
The production still has that gloss and sentimentality that American cinema seems to enjoy.
It feels like a trip down memory lane, when ‘we acted like men’ (2’44”) and ‘we were informed by great men'(3’08”). And of course, the music to enhance the sentiment.
The subtext still seems to be: deep down, we really are the greatest country in the world…
But not enough freedom of speech to where I can say fuck without getting censored.
its not just in the beginning too
I think the comments killed my dog
exactly. they weren’t better. the generation before them made the country great and they coasted on it. and have now run it into the ground and piss and moan about my generation being idiotic slackers when thats exactly what they feed us. you have to be lucky to grow up well parented and informed in america these days if you ask me.
:O the internet can’t handle all this realness!
i’m not siding with the faggot but just because you bash your own party doesn’t mean that your opinion/statements aren’t biased
The Ivy League Mafia is what killed America — with the rest of the world in tow.
Some times the best way to make a statement is to make it look like it was not coming from your side. Make the other side say what you want to say and you have won. Even if it means taking a hit in the process. Its like a boxing match rarely does the victor leave the ring with out a scratch.
It makes nervous all the bullshit with freedom in USA. It’s a fucking lie. You can’t do anything in USA, you can’t drink alcohol, you can’t smoke weed, you can’t buy a kinder surprise cause you could choke on the toy inside! But you can buy any weapon you want and kill anybody who scares you on your property… THAT’S FREEDOM?
America is not the greatest country in the world and never will be, at least I hope so for the good of humanity. I am not anti-US guy, I just say what I see.
We really are going to shit. Propaganda or not we are NOT the greatest country in the world. No where near it.
Love it! People hate hearing the Truth!
For starters, it’s HBO, which is about as commie liberal channel as you can get. Almost everything they peddle is propaganda.
Why does it matter if we’re the best country in the world? It’s idiotic Nationalism to think that it does matter.
“Star spangled awesome” Wins the internet.
(3) The Netherlands also changed a lot compared to the Golden Age, is that truly the fault of The Netherlands, or is it because other countries developed and there was lesser reason to move there. We realize it is the latter, and Americans should do the same; 1930-1960 was the Golden Age of the United States. It is ridiculous to think Golden Ages last forever, or comparing your current situation with one. :-)
(2) The Dutch Golden Age. Brilliant scientists all around the world moved to The Netherlands; it was the only country people did not get threatened with death for expressing their views. An insane amount of major scientific breakthroughs have been made around that time in The Netherlands. Think of a microscope, telescope, bacteria, sperm cells, and so on. To be continued (3).
I would like to debate that statement. America was by far the best country in the world in the 1930-1960s. What you should ask yourself is; was that truly because of the American people, or because of all the brilliant scientists, artists, physicists, mathematicians, and so on that fled from the rise of Nazi Germany? I think the latter, you can find an alike situation in The Dutch Golden Age. To be continued (2).
Yes indeed. Those are very little things. Little things from little man. Its not your business who marries who and I dont even bother to talk about soft drinks. Economy is the main thing of course and it should never be left on hands of somebody who believes in angels. That happened in years 2000-2008, and look at you now.
No, you have to get rid of the idiot liberals that think gay marriage is more important than the economy… that think giving handouts to lazy-ass people and coddling them like children is better than giving them what they really need– a swift kick in the ass so they grow the fuck up and take care of themselves… who say you can’t sell a 24 oz. sugary drink because the buyer might get fat, but selling two 16 oz. drinks is ok… and there’s much, much more, too much to list in this little box.
@Jordan Hanson
Its all happening because of religions. Fuck all religions
But it can be again, the greatest, one day. You just have to get rid of the idiots (religious geeks, Tea Party etc.)
OK, HBO made a fiction series where an anchor says exactly the same things Bill Maher says in real time ?
Guys watch the real thing, Real time with bill maher, it’s even funnier. (also by HBO BTW)
Are you assuming that I’m a right winger? …cause it sounds like you’re assuming I’m a right winger. – I am not a right winger.
Check my channel, brother. I’m a fan of Nujabes as well.
ones who made it so are the wealthy people who control the country.. Not the select few who complain. Yes, a lot are lazy, but its not all their fault.. Kind of a stupid statement.
Actually I think America peaked in the 10 or so years following Reagan.
OMG Every time I read something stupid or hurting on facebook or the news or whatever I would always think or go to this video and make myself feel better that America is not perfect and everytime I hear that I feel enlightened or at peace because it’s true America is not the greatest country. Sure it’s better than some countries in the world but it’s still not the greatest country that it’s meant to say it is. And that’s coming from someone born in the United States of America
So… when do you think we peaked? Let me take a wild guess…. Reagan era?
for everyone complaining about America’s economy…just look at Europe’s
Most countries in the world have freedom
Ain’t nobody got time to check the description.
That awkward moment when hw gives this inspirational factual lecture but he plays the dumbest character in the movie Dumb&Dumber.
Again America has the highest amount of citizens locked up saying America is the freest contrie in the world is a dilution
maybe it isn’t the greatest country anymore but it sure have freedom, freedom enough to have this aired on national TV
Says in the description: The Newsroom.
What is this show?