The yellow flag with three stripes is the flag of the former republic of south vietnam.
Nearly 50 years ago, thousands of families fled south vietnam at the end of the Vietnam war. The north Vietnamese army invaded Saigon and annexed it, and reunified the country under a communist regime. The flag was changed to the red background with central yellow star.
Of those that fled south vietnam, many ended up in the USA and their families still carry with them the bitterness of being forced from their country. The yellow flag with three red bars is a very common symbol of unity and protest of an expatriate Vietnamese community living in exile. When you see these flags at public events, it’s likely the event or speakers have topics related to vietnam.
What are the yellow flags with three red stripes I keep seeing at political rallies?
The people who bring this flag to rallies are likely to be former citizens of RSV, or American veterans of the Vietnam War.
Why is it a feature of protests?
- Although it is legal to display the flag in Overseas Vietnamese communities, the South Vietnam flag has been banned in Vietnam, where displaying the flag is seen as a punishable offense by the government in Hanoi (presiding in North Vietnam).(Wikipedia)
All the more reason to fly it in the land of the free.
The yellow and three red stripes flag is the representation of Republic Viet Nam before April 30,1975. Many thousands of US soldiers have died and wounded in Viet Nam to protect the freedom and liberty of the United States and Free world against the communist ideology and aggression of the North Vietnam, backed by USSR and China.

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