Alex Jones proving beyond any reasonable doubt that your government declared YOU the people already before 9/11 as terrorists, criminals, worthless subjects to a self proclaimed non-personal royalty known as “The Feds”. Excerpt from “911 – Road to Tyranny” by Alex Jones. Full version available on GoogleVideo or visit
This video has been deleted 3 times. I keep finding it from other sources, but it doesn’t seem to last long.
Hello, I’m Alex Jones, a syndicated radio and television host based in Austin, Texas. For many years, I’ve been exposing the criminal activities of the global elite, also known as the New World Order. This collection of power-mad megalomaniacs has been using a successive string of terrorist events to usher in their corrupt world government—a world government where populations, as their own documents show, will be herded into compact cities, issued national ID cards, and, yes, even implantable microchips.
But in this film, we’re first going to look at some historical examples of tyrants and governments, oligarchies alike, using crises, in many cases, terrorist events that they themselves perpetrate against their population and against their own bureaucracies to create a crisis, to get the people to exchange liberty for so-called security.
We’re looking at some historical examples of this going back to Nero burning Rome, blaming it on the Christians. Then, fast-forwarding to Adolf Hitler burning the Reichstag shortly after being elected, the governmental building, to blame it on his political enemies, to destroy their Bill of Rights and Constitution, and to announce martial law.
Then, we’ll look at the Northwoods document from 1962 where the Joint Chiefs of Staff and many other sectors of the federal government, to the highest levels, were planning to blow up airliners full of Americans, full of American citizens.
Then we’re going to fast forward to the federal government training the drivers, cooking the bomb in the horrible attack, the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. They were caught doing it, it was in the news but got brushed aside. The FBI was caught on videotape admitting it, bombing the World Trade Center complex to get their agenda through.
Then, of course, 1995 with the Oklahoma City bombing, again staggering amounts of evidence, an absolute proven fact that the government had prior knowledge and was instrumental in engineering the attacks on the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City.
And then, of course, none of you have to be reminded of the tragic events in 2001 on September 11th. My friends, the government just didn’t have prior knowledge of September 11th al-Qaeda attacks; they actually funded, trained, protected, coddled, shepherded al-Qaeda into this country, trained many of the terrorists at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, USA. They threatened FBI and Defense Intelligence officers who tried to stop al-Qaeda, threatening them with arrest. Bush signed a now-public document, W199i, two months before September 11th, threatening them with arrest if they tried to stop al-Qaeda. And now, his approval rating went from 45 percent to 90 plus percent.
The USA PATRIOT Act that has just eviscerated the Bill of Rights and Constitution has been passed, and yes, it pertains to Americans. Their cashless society, compact city control grid, is falling into place. The people were preconditioned before all of these terrorist attacks to give up their liberties. Then the government will be able to protect them from terrorists. Look at who really stands to gain from this; look who has the motive. You know we tripled the FBI’s anti-terrorism funding in 1996 after Oklahoma City. They didn’t protect us in 2001 from al-Qaeda, did they? No, they funded and protected them, took their names out of the customs computers, took their names out of the airport computers.
Nurse been alive and back to health in a U.S. hospital, you’re going to see all the evidence. We had a war on drugs; there’s triple the heroin, double the cocaine on our streets, government’s own numbers, than there was eight years ago. Our prison population has gone from 1.3 million to 6.5 million in the last two years, going into 2002, with the numbers only expanding. We had a war on poverty; there’s more poverty. A war on illiteracy; there’s more illiteracy. Now they’re going to have this war on terrorism; you’re going to see only escalations in it because the government only gets more power, more control over our lives, more funding after each horrible event. A dozen people died at the first World Trade Center attack, 168 in Oklahoma City, 3000 plus in the second World Trade Center attack by the government. And now they’re telling us, “Get ready for more attacks,” and yes, if we don’t take microchips, if we don’t accept the microchip population, then we’re going to get attacked again. Already the states admit they’d already been implementing a national ID card scheme.
And then, of course, the total goal, why the New World Order is pushing all of this, we know they want tyranny, we know this global government is behind it, they’re now publicly talking about a New World Order. How did they get all this, and what’s their final goal? A world population reduction of 80 percent, everyone crammed into compact cities. And yes, the United Nations is preparing to release mass plagues on the earth because the elite want the life extension technology for themselves. They know that technology is a double-edged sword that can be used to empower humanity or that can be used to totally enslave humanity. And they know they’re in a race against time, that their window of opportunity is closing, and they’ve got to dehumanize us, they’ve got to enslave us here on the global plantation now or they’re going to lose control.
The New World Order is run by absolutely ruthless individuals hell-bent on dehumanizing the entire human community, obsessed with total control. These megalomaniacal Satanists are absolutely sworn to the creation of a worldwide tyranny called the New World Order. This is the evidence, and it is conclusive. 9-1-1: The Road to Tyranny.
War empires are built and maintained by it. Populations rally during times of war. Nothing centralizes power like it on Earth. All throughout history, leaders have used this unifying force to control populations. Humans instinctively shift into mindless groupthink when faced by an outside threat, whether real or manufactured. But now, in the 21st century, the system of control continues, but with more sophistication.
You see, if there isn’t an enemy to fight, you have to manufacture one. In AD 64, on the 10th of August, Nero, the Emperor of Rome, set the city ablaze while he fiddled. You see, he had a problem; the Christians were getting too popular. Of course, after he torched Rome, people were more than happy to rip them limb from limb in the arena. The persecution of the Christians is only one of many ancient examples of governments persecuting populations after creating crises.
On February 15, 1898, treason was committed by William McKinley’s navy when they blew up their own ship in Havana Harbor to create a pretext for war with the Spanish government. Adolf Hitler had already been elected president, but he wanted to abolish the chancellery and make himself a Fuhrer. To do that, he had to create enough of a crisis to create massive levels of fear in the population so they would willingly lay down their republic and give it into the hands of this monster.
On the night of February 27, 1933, Adolf Hitler’s stormtroopers, historical documents now conclusively show from Nazi archives, burned the Reichstag government building to the ground. A wave of arrests then took place across the Reich as the Fuhrer told the people, “Yes, I will protect you. You will have a utopia world. Everything will be given to you by the state, as long as you offer total fealty and support of your Fuhrer.” The people bought the utopia but were totally enslaved.
On December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. It may have been a surprise attack to the American people, but not to the federal government and the military. Months before the attack, they knew the Japanese were preparing for an all-out assault in the Pacific. And now, even the History Channel admits, as well as any other historical record, that Roosevelt, 12 days before, knew the actual date of the attack. They had Admiral Yamamoto’s communique saying, “On the morning of December 7th, we will attack the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor and deal a death blow.” Roosevelt had campaigned on keeping America out of the war, but his backers had been funding the Japanese war machine for years, as well as funding and encouraging Hitler’s Blitzkrieg. They needed a global crisis to bring in a global government and the birth of the United Nations. That’s why six months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt had the naval command remove the code-breaking machines from Pearl Harbor, as well as dismantle the radar. They had to have the crisis to create this global system of tyranny. Think of the dastardly deed they had committed, leaving our troops, our sailors, our boys, to die.
The global elite had attempted to create a League of Nations at the end of World War I. World War II had to be bigger and on a larger scale, so the people would say, “Give us a global government to protect us from these horrible wars.”
Good evening, my fellow citizens. This government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet military buildup on the island of Cuba. Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. The purpose of these bases can be none other than to provide a nuclear strike capability against the Western Hemisphere.
In the early 1960s, the federal government needed an excuse, a pretext to invade Cuba. Seldom do we see examples as sterling as the Northwoods document, where the federal government actually put the plan to paper. It was actually carried in published media reports, in ABC News, and, of course, The Baltimore Sun. The federal government proposed blowing up airliners full of Americans, saying that “casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of indignation.” The mad General, the architect of this plan, was General L. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff. He got approval for his Faustian plan all the way up to the Secretary of Defense. President Kennedy was not amused.
In the plan, they elaborated on how they could bomb Washington, D.C., and blame it on Cuba, attack Marines at Guantanamo Bay using U.S. Army soldiers dressed up as Cubans, or they said, just like the sinking of the Maine to get into the Spanish-American War, we could blow up a ship. Again, here they are admitting the problem-reaction-solution system and how effective it is to motivate the American people to get them behind a war, a nuclear war with Cuba and the Soviet Union.
You didn’t believe that the government was capable of hijacking its own aircraft and killing its own citizens? President Kennedy had always been a servant of the elite, but he was so shocked by the Northwoods document that he signed Executive Order 11110 shortly before his death, announcing that he would abolish the Federal Reserve System. He also began to pull us out of Vietnam and signed an order to abolish the CIA. It was at that point that he was assassinated. You see, he had decided to be a leader of the people, to defend their interests, and the New World Order couldn’t allow that to happen.
Now you’ll see the evidence of the federal government targeting the World Trade Center twice, October 28, 1993, and October 31, 1993. New York Times, as well as the December 15, Chicago Tribune, the federal government was actually caught on tape by their informants ordering them to let the bombing go forward, to cook the bomb, to give the terrorists the detonators to create yet another crisis, this time to usher in a police state and a war upon the American people.
Unlike the Northwoods plan, the FBI actually carried out the attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. They actually hired a retired 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, Ahmad Salam, and paid him one million dollars, and gave him real explosives and a detonator and told him to build a bomb and to give it to the foolish people that he was controlling to allow them to attack the World Trade Center complex. There was only one problem with their plan, Mr. Salam was not as ruthless and sociopathic as the FBI and their globalist controllers. He began to get very concerned, right before and, of course, after the attack, saying, “Why are you giving me real explosives if this is just a sting operation?” When they told him to go ahead and let the attack go forward, he secretly recorded the head of the FBI in New York ordering him to let the bombing take place.
It’s very important to understand that all the evidence you just saw is documented 110 percent. It is part of the public record. The FBI admits it. But the media wrote a few stories about it or a couple of nightly newscasts. It was never heard of again. But unlike Pearl Harbor, where the government allowed the Japanese to attack as a pretext for war, the federal government financed and controlled this attack on the World Trade Center to create a system of anti-terrorism, to sic a Homeland Security system on the American people.
There was only one problem. The drivers of the truck didn’t park it up against the main support column as they had been ordered to do by Mr. Salam and the FBI. No, my friends, they parked it about a dozen feet away, and so it didn’t bring down the building, and in consequence, they didn’t get the massive death toll they needed to create the martial law system they were hell-bent on implementing against our constitutional republic and the American people.
To the American people’s heart, the feds finished the job on September 11, 2001. On April 19, 1995, in downtown Oklahoma City, multiple bombs ripped through the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, and as usual, federal fingerprints were all over this tragic event. Then-President Bill Clinton, taking his orders from on high, from the New World Order chieftains, needed a crisis to get his gun control agenda through, as well as his plans for a socialized America.
Taking a page out of the strongmen’s handbook, Bill Clinton knew that a crisis of this magnitude, endless images of mangled children, would pull on the heartstrings of the American people, and they would beg for the Anti-Terrorism Effective Death Penalty Act that he had failed to pass just a year before. The bill absolutely eviscerated massive sections of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
We’ve been investigating this tragedy for over six years. The amount of evidence is staggering. Let’s just hit some of the key points now.
Let’s get into it. Station, that one explosion caused because here’s now what we are starting to learn about the succession or what someone obviously hoped would be a succession of explosions. The first bomb that was in the federal building did go off. It did the damage that you see right there. The second explosive was found and diffused. The third explosive that was found, and they are working on right now as we speak, I understand both the second and third explosives, if you can imagine this, were larger than the first. So try to imagine two or threefold happening, what we’ve already seen. There it is, just incredible to think that there was that much heavy artillery that was somehow moved into the downtown Oklahoma City federal building. Two other explosive devices were found that were not detonated, and they were larger than the first.
I think he said another bomb. Oh my God, another bomb. We just saw, if you were watching there, there was a white pickup truck backing a trailer into the scene here. They’re trying to move people out of the way so they can get it in, appears to be the Oklahoma County bomb squad. It’s their bomb disposal unit, essentially, is what it is, and that is what they would use to, if the report that we gave you just a few moments ago turns out to be correct, that they have found a second explosive device of some kind inside this building, they’ll back that trailer down there, and the bomb squad folks will go in, and they will use that trailer, you see the bucket on the back there. Sort of this is how they would transport the explosive device away from this populated area to try to do something with it.
The Justice Department is reporting that a second explosive device has been found in the AP Murrah building in downtown Oklahoma City. Mike, you’re still with us, aren’t you?
Yes, I am, and I might tell you, in addition to that, that, in fact, what we were told at the scene a few minutes ago was that, in fact, two different explosive devices were found, in addition to the one that went off. So a total of three confirmed through federal authorities that a second bomb has been found inside that federal building in Oklahoma City. It was an explosion at nine o’clock this morning that did that damage you’re looking at right there, blowing off the entire north face of that building. Again, you’re looking at the north face there. A second bomb was found on the east side of that building. A bomb squad is on the scene. That second bomb has not exploded. We don’t know quite the status yet if they’ve managed to defuse it, but it has been confirmed that a second bomb was found on the east side.
Is that one device was deactivated. Apparently, there’s another device. And obviously, whatever did the damage to the Murrah Building was a tremendous, very sophisticated explosive device. So President Clinton just called Frank Keating, Governor Frank Keating, and he says that three FBI anti-terrorist teams are en route to Oklahoma City right now. They are saying that this is the work of a sophisticated group. This is a very sophisticated device, and it has to have been done by an explosive expert, obviously, with this type of explosion. The medical teams downtown are unable to get into the wreckage to retrieve more of the injured because of the presence of other bombs in the area.
Well, I just took a look down the street at the Murrah Building again. I see another bomb truck going. So apparently, they’re going to try to get out that third bomb that’s been talked about. Still a lot of activity around the Murrah Building. Security concerns that another one still might go up. Fortunately, it didn’t because the second device that they found, we understand, was even more powerful than the first. They then found a third device, and you can see the look on this woman’s face at the fear that she might have to go through the same thing again. They then found a third device, which was also larger than the first. Hard to feel lucky at this point, but certainly, through some good work by some munitions experts and the explosive-sniffing dogs.
Further tragedy has almost certainly been averted here, but it was a stroke of luck that we actually defused the bombs. It’s through the bomb material that we will be able to track down who committed this atrocity. It would have been an incredible help to have been able to get a hold of those unexploded bombs. Unfortunately, the ATF, according to police and firefighter testimony, were inside removing them and spiriting them away because they had to keep their stories straight that there was only one bomb. Out of hundreds of people we interviewed, we couldn’t find a single person who said they’d heard only one explosion.
But, you know, did you live here, Charles, at the time of the bombing? I worked right here in this building. I was at work. I was at work.
Did you feel it? Yeah, I thought this building was blowing up.
How many blasts did you feel? Two.
And how far apart were they? Oh, probably about ‘boom’ and then it’s ‘boom.’
It’s a historical fact, part of the public record, that there were multiple devices inside the Oklahoma City building, and that there were at least two explosions. The emergency radio transmission transcripts show clearly that the police and firefighters were on the record witnessing the ATF removing unexploded devices.
But you see, we have the actual scientific facts. We have the University of Oklahoma’s own seismograph reports, as well as the U.S. Geological Survey reports – two different scientific institutions showing multiple explosions. But you see, McVeigh would have had to have had accomplices, and that didn’t fit into the federal story, especially if the reality showed that it had to be somebody who had access to a federal building for long extended periods of time.
General Benton K. Parton is the former head of Air Force weapons development and had over 30 years of experience running the Air Force weapons development program. He has multiple engineering degrees. General Parton was amazed by press reports claiming the building had been blown in and that a truck bomb could cause that damage when even basic understanding of explosive signatures shows that the building was blown from the inside out, not from the outside in. Within days of the blast, General Benton K. Parton was on the scene, but, of course, he was barred access. But from video as well as photographs of the columns, it was obvious to any trained eye that the columns had been blown off by shaped charges.
In a detailed report, the former head of Air Force weapons development laid out the physics and the mathematics. It was a physical impossibility for a truck bomb, even made of military-grade explosives, to cause the damage that was seen at the Oklahoma City federal building. Now the seismographs come in; you see, the seismographs first registered one distinct explosion and then a group of explosions so close to each other that they couldn’t be separated. You see, the feds had to have a diversionary blast; they had to be able to tell the world that it was that lone nut McVeigh out front. You see, they needed McVeigh’s truck bomb outside so they could cover the fact that there were actually explosives inside the structure.
And if you look at the actual crater that was there, it was so small it could hardly be measured. But later, in media reports, it got bigger and bigger and bigger. Another key piece of evidence that General Parton raises is that a single bomb explosion cannot account for the failure of Column B, which was further from the truck bomb than Columns B4 and B5, which did not fail. He concludes that the asymmetrical nature of the damage of the Murrah Building is one indication of demolition charges being used in the bombing.
In modern history, literally thousands of structures of every type and design have been destroyed commercially to make way for new structures. But that didn’t matter to the ATF, the federal government, and the media; they turned structural engineering on its head, demanding, and telling the world that a single truck bomb actually did this damage, with a signature that clearly showed that the building had been blown out, not in.
Not only was the scientific and engineering world in shock disbelief, the general public wasn’t buying the story because they had seen what had happened. Now let’s go to an actual news report from the day of the tragedy:
Some of the floors have just crashed together; I mean, there are some points where you just literally can’t get in at all. And then, from Chopper 4, at some particular points, we could see all the way through the building. That’s the force of the explosion; it just blew out all the walls. Outraged by the federal cover-up, leaders from across Oklahoma, led by State Representative Charles Key, banded together to put together the final report – 550 pages detailing this criminal federal operation.
Now, let’s look at the cowardice of the ATF. You see, they got a warning, but they didn’t pass it on to the children in the daycare center. What he told him is that he thought that they had received a tip that morning of the bomb. Yet another witness, a rescue worker, says after she talked with an agent at the bombing scene, she also suspected the ATF was warned. An agent stayed away from their office that morning. I asked him if his office was in the building, and he said yes. And I asked if there were any ATF agents that were still in the building, and he said no; we weren’t here. Witness number one approached an ATF agent nearby; he claims he asked the agent what had happened, and witness number one says this is what the agent told him. He started getting a little bit nervous. He tried reaching somebody on a two-way radio; I couldn’t get anybody. And I told him I wanted an answer right then. He said they were in the briefing; none of the agents had been in there. They had been tipped by their pagers not to come into work that day. Plain as day, out of his mouth, they were tipped; why wasn’t anybody else? There were a lot of people; good people died down there, and if they knew, they should let everybody else know.
Oklahoma City paramedic Tiffany Bible, who heroically responded just minutes after the blast on April 19, 1995, swore in an affidavit that when she arrived, the ATF was in full bomb gear. Bomb gear that takes at least 30 minutes to put on. When she asked them, ‘Oh my goodness, were you guys hurt inside the blast?’ they said, ‘No, we got tipped off by our pagers not to come in today.’ Agents forewarned about a bomb in Oklahoma City – did they know the Murrah Building was a target? The ATF says no, absolutely not. But tonight, in a story you’ll see only on the News Channel, you’re about to hear otherwise from people who were at the Murrah Building that morning.
We’re asking simple questions, and we can’t get any answers, so it makes us that much more curious. You know, where the hell were they? The News Channel did ask for a private meeting with ATF officials to discuss the credibility of these witness reports, but the ATF refused, saying they had no more to say on the subject.
Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and so did Timothy McVeigh in Oklahoma City, so we’re meant to believe. But hundreds of eyewitnesses reported seeing Middle Eastern men crawling all over this operation. Let’s look at John Doe number two. Because I sat there, and I saw McVeigh; he was with another person. Do you have any doubt in your mind that there was a passenger in the Ryder truck? That’s even more; I have no doubt there was; there was definitely a second person. No matter what, there were two people. In this field, John Doe number two. There was a two-million-dollar price put on his head, and now they’re saying there’s no John Doe number two. And our witnesses picked out of photo lineups. The News Channel shared the information and surveillance tapes of this man with the FBI; they had some of that material long before our reports went on the air. And I was looked out the window, and I saw a Ryder truck, and I saw a man get out of the Ryder truck; she was just ten feet away from the man depicted in this sketch when he stepped out of the Ryder truck. Uh, he was of complexion, and he had black curly hair; he was wearing the baseball carpeted, his curls were sticking out of his head; his shortening back, but you could still see the curls in his hair. He was not an American; he was full; you could tell by his skin, his face, the way his face was. We asked if I told Dan Vogel if John Doe number two is still part of the investigation; does he exist? The answer: yes, the FBI is still trying to locate and identify John Doe number two. The man in our reports is Iraqi today; the FBI says they are not pursuing a Middle Eastern connection; this doesn’t mean it has been ruled out; that could change tomorrow. State, local, and federal police around the country actually detained dozens of Middle Eastern men trying to exit the country. Former Iraqi Republican Guard officers like Al-Husseini Hussein. Despite all this evidence, the Clinton Justice Department said, ‘Release them; we don’t want to talk to them.’ There is no Middle Eastern connection. In the making of this documentary film, our team has interviewed scores of former FBI agents, current FBI agents, police officers, detectives who were on the scene and who worked the case. They detained, they arrested members of the Iraqi Republican Guard while trying to flee the United States; they would open up their bags and find blue jogging suits, bomb-making materials. They would try to hold them, try to charge them; they could have convicted them in front of a jury, according to my sources. But Bill Clinton demanded their release. Later, I interviewed David Shippers, the man that impeached Bill Clinton, that brought down the mob in Chicago. And David Shippers stated that the Oklahoma City bombing team was the same people involved in the World Trade Center attack on September 11th. And guess what? Al-Husseini Hussein was actually working in the Boston airport. It’s amazing; now we see the grand plan of the feds; these people are actually working for them. All the evidence shows, and the details are chilling. We’ll also focus on surveillance cameras; cameras that caught the bombing on tape and maybe the men behind the bomb. The News Channel has new information tonight that there’s a chance surveillance tapes could be the smoking gun evidence. Now we asked candid questions in a rare face-to-face meeting with ATF officials close to the investigation. We learned that video collected from downtown businesses the morning of April 19th may someday be played before a jury. Officials won’t say who or what exactly is on the tape; however, numerous sources have confirmed the tapes exist and that they reveal more than one bomber.”
Please note that this text appears to be a transcript from a video or speech and contains some repetitive and fragmented phrases, which have been retained in the improved version for accuracy.
Remove the extra spaces, fix grammar and spelling in the following:
Looked out the window, and I saw a door’s truck, and I saw a man get out of the last truck. The tape shows John Doe number two getting out, shutting the passenger-side door. He steps toward the front of the truck and is momentarily out of the frame of the surveillance camera. Shortly, he appears back in frame, walking toward the rear of the truck, still on the sidewalk in front of the Murrah Building. Again, he turns east toward the front of the truck, looking toward the street.
John Doe number two then walks diagonally across Fifth Street toward the east, as if heading toward the YMCA or the intersection of Fifth and Robinson. He again leaves the frame of the camera. Another camera, shooting from another angle, clearly shows the actual explosion that destroyed the federal building and killed 169 people. So, what does the mysterious John Doe number two look like in the tapes? The man who stayed inside the Ryder truck, possibly triggering the bomb, well, his features are obscured by a baseball cap, and the portion of tape seen by our source shows the same kind of cap shown in the composite drawing first released of John Doe number two. The cap was a sports cap, flame-style. The man himself was taller than the man resembling McVeigh and much thicker in build. He appears to have a dark or olive complexion.
Our source saw only a few minutes of tape; he didn’t see all of the almost 20 minutes of surveillance tapes that reportedly were distributed to FBI agents around the country to help in their investigation. But they do show enough to raise some crucial questions: Who actually set off the bomb? What was John Doe number two doing in the cab of the truck after the McVeigh lookalike got out? And how did John Doe number two get away from the Murrah Building?
My understanding is there was a video of McVeigh getting out of the Ryder truck, jumping into this other pickup with John Doe number two. Well, where’s that video? Are we ever going to get to see it? Do you realize what you’ve just seen, America? The government had multiple surveillance camera tapes. In fact, when it finally came out in court, the federal government declared in 2001 that they wouldn’t release the videotapes because of national security implications. But there were actually 12 surveillance camera tapes that had these different Islamic individuals, these Arabic men with McVeigh and others, as well as the BATF, hiding out right down the street, preparing to pounce on the operation and declare themselves the heroes, the saviors, the victims. Think about it. Now, in 2001 and right into 2002, the federal government claims national security and refuses to release 12 plus surveillance camera tapes. What are they hiding? And the feds never tried to use it in court. I mean, they had McVeigh pulling up alone and bombing the building, and it was just a truck bomb. Why not use the actual surveillance camera tapes to do it? But they didn’t do that. You have to ask yourselves why. What’s on that tape?
Well, after you’ve seen all this evidence, it’s clear federal involvement, ratcheting up the police state right here in America. Danny Coulson, the FBI’s top counterterrorism agent, checked into an Oklahoma City hotel nearly nine hours before a truck bomb nearly leveled the Alfred P. Murrow Federal Building. The Embassy Suites hotel receipt of Danny Coulson, the director of the FBI’s terrorist task force and founding commander of the bureau’s hostage rescue team, was dated April 19th, 1995, with a check-in time of 0:20. That’s military time for 12:20 AM, almost nine hours before the blast. Chief Agent Coulson lied to the American people. He told a Time magazine reporter in 1999 the harrowing tale of how he sped over 100 miles an hour from his home in Dallas trying to get there after the bombing to save people and conduct an investigation. Oh, and by the way, the FBI won’t release any of the credit card statements and records for any of their agents. What are they trying to hide?
The system wasn’t working. Going through the system didn’t work. I did everything that they advised me to do, but it didn’t do any good. Hobby Heidelberg was an upstanding member of the community with no criminal record. He’d been a grand juror for years. But when he started asking questions about the Middle Eastern connection and FBI prior knowledge and BATF involvement, the FBI actually came to his house brandishing firearms and told him to shut his mouth if he knew what was good for him. When he refused to be part of the cover-up and demanded that he be able to call witnesses as his right as a grand juror, the judge kicked him off the case. Just one more piece of this massive cover-up.
The news channel has learned of another strange development. Apparently, before the bombing, Governor Frank Keating’s brother Mark had been working on a novel about a terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City. Stranger still, one of the characters in the novel was named Thomas McVay. Governor Frank Keating’s brother, Martin Keating, wrote “The Final Jihad.” In the book, Atom McVay masterminds the bombing of the Oklahoma City building. He dedicated the book to the Knights, the secret circle, a known Illuminati group. And he wrote the book two years before the tragic events of Oklahoma City. If the truth was known to the public, it makes it even more tragic, even more horrific. You see, it’s now a monument to the police state, a monument to the sacrifice the government made of American lives, American blood, of American tears, as an excuse to get the feds to be able to circle the wagons against the American people, to have a pretext, an excuse to expand their police state. They covered the whole operation up. It’s clear they had prior knowledge that multiple bombs were detonated on the inside of the building, that the feds have grabbed the 12 surveillance camera tapes, and are refusing to release them even in 2002.
Threatening grand jurors, destroying the building, and burying it under guard, the federal government blamed this tragic event on Christians, conservatives, and gun owners. But if you look at the evidence, it’s clear who’s behind it: the federal government. And they used this just like Hitler used the Reichstag to get martial law cranking in America. $62 million is coming to Oklahoma soon to help anti-terrorism and disaster relief efforts. Government crime certainly does pay, especially when it’s government-sponsored terrorism against its own institutions.
That’s right, the BATF locally got tens of millions of dollars extra funding, but so did every other federal agency that tries to control the American people. A $24 billion increase in anti-terrorism funds, and after September 11, they’ve now tripled that. And of course, the BATF ensured that the building was completely demolished so there couldn’t be any evidence of their heinous acts.
And that’s right, ladies and gentlemen, they actually buried the building under guard at a private landfill, with Wackenhut guards protecting it from A to Z, federal fingerprints all over it, and doing everything they can to suppress the truth. For Bill Clinton, the servant of the New World Order, whose approval rating exploded after the attack, and his attack dog, the butcher of Waco, Reno, she was very happy to blame it on Christians and conservatives and gun owners. It was her excuse to expand federal control over local police and to merge the military with the police in new giant anti-terrorism training camps where the military and the police prepare for mass gun confiscation and extermination of the American people. Evidence of that’s coming up later.
Oh my God, oh my God, you’ve seen the evidence of government-sponsored terrorism throughout history. Now, let’s take a closer look at what happened on September 11, 2001, and how it’s being used to usher in a new world order. What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea, a new world order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a new world order, can emerge.
Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. The Council on Foreign Relations, known as the CFR, an organization publicly sworn to destroy American national sovereignty and usher in a tyrannical world police state, could not contain their glee on September 12th, the day after the tragic attack. They announced their new world order: “There is a chance for the President of the United States to use this disaster to carry out what his father, a phrase his father used I think only once and hasn’t been used since, and that is a new world order.” There it is, the CFR actually admitting that this crisis was helping them to bring in a new world order, global government.
And how would they get that job done? You see, for decades, going back to Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security adviser, they had been breeding, creating these terrorist organizations, funding them, and training them to attack America. Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and other luminaries of the global system, actually bragged in his 1998 book, these criminals love to brag, “The Grand Chessboard,” of how America would be attacked by Afghan terrorists and how global government, a war for global government, would then take place in Central Asia, how it could be used to roll out national ID cards in a global police state here in the United States. All of this was being planned back in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s.
The relationship between the CIA and the Afghan freedom fighters, the Mujahideen, even predates Ronald Reagan. The bonds that were forged there with the Central Intelligence Agency led to the creation of their super asset, Osama bin Laden, the rich Saudi Arabian sheikh whose family, to this day, builds all U.S. military bases in the Middle East, North Africa, and in Central Asia. It’s on the record that bin Laden is a CIA asset. And every time an American president needs a distraction overseas, a ship or an embassy gets blown up. On October 12, 1998, the USS Cole, while docked at the port of Aden in Yemen, was attacked. Seventeen Americans were killed, 39 wounded, sacrificed yet again on the altar of globalism, just like clockwork. Every time Bill Clinton was in trouble, an embassy, a ship, a barracks was blown up. Just like Oklahoma City, the CIA asset bin Laden was delivering, time and time again, and Bill Clinton was there protecting him, refusing to allow foreign countries like Sudan, even Iraq and Afghanistan, to give them the files of where al-Qaeda was in the world, and yes, where they were active even in the continental United States. Sudan even offered to arrest bin Laden three separate times. Bill Clinton answered by bombing, with state-of-the-art cruise missiles, their only pharmaceutical plant, denying Africa desperately needed medicines.
You see, in reality, it’s a lot bigger than just Republican or Democrat. The reality is the Central Intelligence Agency, controlled by Wall Street, has been grooming this creature and his family over the last 50 years to carry out dangerous projects in the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa. Back in 1996, the CIA worked in tandem with Pakistan to create the Taliban. Then in 1998, when the Afghans offered to arrest bin Laden, the CIA responded publicly, telling them to do no such thing. They needed this boogeyman for one more big action. And his family, the entire time, was being rewarded with giant satellite company deals, oil company mergers, and some of the biggest construction projects in the world.
The new world is coming. America will become increasingly vulnerable to hostile attack on our homeland, and our military superiority will not entirely protect us. Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers. Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers, possibly in large numbers, possibly in large numbers.
Shortly after September 11th, witnesses came forward documenting that bin Laden had actually met and planned the September 11th attacks with the CIA for ten days in Dubai, in an American Army hospital. French intelligence was so upset by what they had learned that they actually got media reports published before September 11th, specifically warning that bin Laden was planning to hijack aircraft and fly them into tall buildings in downtown Manhattan, as well as the Pentagon. Of course, the Pentagon, the Defense Department, didn’t need to be warned first. Media reports that came out said that five of the hijackers had been trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station. Later, media reports, the Pensacola News Journal confirmed that three of the hijackers had been trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station two years before September 11th. The San Francisco Chronicle also reported that one of the top lieutenants of al-Qaeda was actually an FBI asset, not to mention a member of the U.S. Army.
The next piece of evidence you’re about to see is the biggest smoking gun of them all. President George W. Bush signed Presidential Decision Directive W199i, telling FBI agents as well as Defense Intelligence officers that if they tried to stop al-Qaeda, they would be arrested under national security implications. It’s been in every publication from the Wall Street Journal to the Washington Times. Actual lawsuits have now been filed by FBI agents who are outraged by the fact that they were not allowed to stop al-Qaeda, the global crime syndicate that George W. Bush and his family fronts for. Has everything to gain from the September 11th attacks: a national ID card, a national control grid, a cashless society. It’s part of the public record. George Bush signed the documents, threatening Defense Intelligence and FBI agents with arrest if they stopped al-Qaeda. This is the most absolutely treasonous, treacherous thing he could possibly do. George Bush is a mass murderer.
Before the Bush administration shut him down, CNN’s “American Morning” with Paula Zahn actually reported that FBI Deputy Director John O’Neill resigned because he felt the U.S. administration was obstructing the FBI and their attempt to stop al-Qaeda. They went on to report that Bush signed W199i, restricting the investigation. Again, this is high treason, absolute fact. George Bush signed this public document. BBC has a copy of it. And George Bush is an intimate partner with bin Laden, a traitor to America.
Months before September 11th, 2001, Indian, as well as Pakistani diplomats, had gone public with the fact that U.S. special forces were massing in Tajikistan, preparing for a full-scale invasion of Afghanistan. So the U.S. government was massing troops outside Afghanistan, publicly getting ready for an invasion right before September 11th. Another smoking gun, another red flag.
We already talked about the Deputy FBI Director, John O’Neill, quitting because George Bush signed an order not allowing him to stop al-Qaeda. You’re probably wondering, “Why doesn’t he go public now?” Well, there’s a problem. Mr. O’Neill is dead. His new job was working as the head of security for the World Trade Center complex, and he died in the collapse of September 11th, his first day on the job.
The Bush and bin Laden family connection goes back over half a century. By the 1970s, George Bush Jr., as well as Osama bin Laden and his big brother, were already vacationing together, owning airports as well as oil companies together. Even before September 11th, the Wall Street Journal had called for the Bush family to end the relationship with the bin Ladens. Then, of course, there’s the Carlyle Group, the biggest defense contractor on the planet. And guess who the majority owners are? The Bush family and the bin Ladens. They could profit in the hundreds of billions off of this new war.
Now you begin to understand what’s fueling these criminal activities: money and power.
Dozens of respected publications have asked a simple question: What brought those buildings down, especially Building Seven that wasn’t even hit by an aircraft? Lou Cachioli, a 51-year-old firefighter in New York who was trapped inside the building, reported that multiple bombs were going off all around him. There are other eyewitnesses, former military munitions experts, and police officers, as well as structural engineers. The oldest firefighting magazine in the country was absolutely outraged, demanding a real investigation. According to their evidence, there’s no way that aircraft could have brought down those buildings. And don’t forget Building Seven. Nothing hit Building Seven, but still, it collapsed in a symmetrical fashion.
The September 12, 2001, San Francisco Chronicle reported that Mayor Willie Brown was warned by the federal government not to fly on September 11th. He was warned the evening before. Now, of course, under pressure from the White House, Willie Brown refuses to say exactly what federal agency warned him, just that he was warned not to fly on September 11th. I wish the rest of the American people would have gotten that warning. But, of course, if the American people would have been warned, then the government’s terrorist attack wouldn’t have had its desired effect: to have the people begging for a nightmare global police state.
On September 3rd, Salman Rushdie, author of “The Satanic Verses,” got a warning from U.S. authorities not to fly. They went so far as to ban him publicly from flying, and the FAA admits they did it on the record. More chilling evidence of the U.S. government’s prior knowledge. But you’re saying, “Hey, wait a minute, what was that whole war about? We went in there and took out the Taliban.” No, they escorted a couple hundred goat herders to torture them publicly at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay. The real leadership of al-Qaeda and Taliban, the few that were left in Afghanistan when the war started, were flown out to safety and paid in gold bars in Pakistan by the U.S. federal government.
Here’s George Bush at the United Nations, telling the people not to tolerate anyone that investigates these facts:
“Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th. Malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.” I guess it’s un-American to investigate the facts. Let’s just call it a conspiracy theory, especially those FBI agents that have gone public about George Bush telling them not to stop al-Qaeda. Conspiracy theories, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theories.
What you’re about to hear is not a Freudian slip. It’s a carefully crafted speech as Bush throws it in your face about dark cults of evil gaining power off of human suffering:
“The hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a cult of evil which seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering. Theirs is the worst kind of cruelty, the cruelty that is fed, not weakened, by tears.
Theirs is the worst kind of violence, pure malice, while daring to claim the authority of God. We cannot fully understand the designs and power of evil. It is enough to know that evil, like goodness, exists. In the terrorists, evil has found a willing servant. Evil has found a willing servant. Evil has found a willing servant.
Five months before September 11th, David Shippers, the man who impeached Bill Clinton and brought down the mob in Chicago, was actually getting investigative reporters on the O’Reilly Factor warning of an impending terror attack on lower Manhattan. We’ll take you now to an exclusive interview with David Shippers from my syndicated radio broadcast.
I began to get information concerning the Middle Eastern connection in Oklahoma City. We’ve had Colonel Craig Roberts, who was a detective working the case, on this show many times. A month before the attack, predicting one was imminent right here on this show, and he has all that same information. They actually arrested some of these guys, and the Justice Department in ’95 said, ‘Release them.’ That’s right, and the word’s out right even today that they’re not allowed to touch them. The Oklahoma City police are not allowed to touch these people, and again, from what I’m understanding, they’re up to something again in Oklahoma City. I don’t know what it is or what their target is, but these same people are at it again.
Later, you got it from FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota that there was going to be an attack on lower Manhattan. Everybody, yeah, I mean, it’s everybody.
And I would. That’s what started me calling. I started calling out there. I first, first of all, I tried to, if I could get a congressman to go to bat for me and at least bring these people out there and listen to them. I sent them information, and nobody cared. It was always, ‘We’ll get back to you. We’ll get back to you. We’ll get back to you.’ Then I reached out and tried to get to the Attorney General. When finally we got an Attorney General in there that I would be willing to talk to, and uh, again, I used people who were personal friends of John Ashcroft to try and get him. One of them called me back and said, ‘Alright, I’ve talked to him. He will call you tomorrow morning.’ This was like a month before the bombing. The next morning I got a call. Wasn’t from Ashcroft. It was from somebody in the Justice Department, one of his handlers.
And uh, I started telling him the situation. He said, ‘Well, you know, we don’t start our investigations at the top.’ I said, ‘I’d like to talk to the Attorney General because this is vital.’ And he said, ‘We don’t start our investigations at the top. Let me look into this, and I’ll get back to you.’ Well, as I sit here today, I’ve never heard from him.
Now, again, David Shippers, I mean, you’re big in Washington. You were the top lawyer that got Clinton impeached. You’re highly respected. You know the senators, the congressmen. You’re calling up. You’ve got these FBI agents and others feeding you this information. They’re being pulled off the cases. They’re angry. That’s even been in the news now from Minnesota and Florida and other, in Illinois. They know what’s going to happen. The Sudanese in ’96 and ’98 tried to arrest bin Laden. Clinton tried to give us the names of al-Qaeda. Clinton wouldn’t take it. Didn’t want any part of it. Wouldn’t touch it. So we’ve got all this developing. We’ve got police officers and FBI on the ground who know who bombed Oklahoma City. They’ve got them in custody with blue jogging suits and bomb-making components. They’re ordered to release them. All this is unfolding. 3,500 to 5,000 Iraqi Republican Guard. We know there’s a Saddam-Iraqi connection here. I mean, they knew this. Why in the world, David Shippers, did they allow this to take place, is the question?
I’ll tell you something. This is one of the things that, to me, it is almost inconceivable. Inconceivable that with the knowledge they had, that they would turn their back just to assume that they had investigated and gone in after the Oklahoma City bombing as they’re doing now, there never would have been an attack on the trade towers. As a human being, as a former prosecutor, as a lawyer, as a guy who represents agents all over the United States, it is inconceivable to me that those bureaucrats in Washington would turn their back on the obvious for their own purposes. And now the World Trade Center complex is absolutely destroyed. There’s more coming. Now, you say that from your sources. I know you represent a bunch of FBI agents that are hopping mad. You probably can’t talk about the specifics. You say they’re you’re representing them. Are they getting ready to sue or something?
Well, they’re hoping to. I don’t want to get in court. I want to get them into the intelligence committee, somebody who can go to these, someone who has the authority and the ability to go to the FBI bureaucrats and say, “Butt out. We’re going to do this right.” I’m sure you’re aware that on History Channel, they’ve been reporting for years, it’s now confirmed that we had prior knowledge of the Japanese attack and they allowed that to take place.
And now you see the UN empowered World Court empowered looks like the UN is going to get to take over all that oil supply there in Central Asia. The face scanning cameras were in trouble. Now they’re on the fast track.
This is sure brought the police state sure has.
And I’ve been saying for years that once you have license, which we’ve had, the next step is tyranny. And it’s really is scary. It’s, it really is scary. The whole thing is scary. The American people are saying, “I want to be safe.” And I would, that’s what, exactly what they started. Remember though, I forget what nitwit it was that came out and said, “You know, you can really blame some of the Rush Limbaugh’s and the talk show hosts who are fomenting this, this terror.”
Well, that was Bill Clinton.
Yeah. Clinton made that statement. This is, and they had a handy guy in McVeigh. They had a real handy guy. I also know, and I know this through affidavits that I’ve read, that there were people, eyeball witnesses who saw the Middle Eastern man running from the scene, alongside the bay. And why don’t the feds just release those 12 surveillance camera tapes? If it’s just McVeigh alone, surveillance camera tapes are going to show that there was a Middle Eastern man running with him. Some of these people who were, who gave affidavits, were interviewed by the FBI during the course of the investigation. They were interviewed about the second person they saw. And the agents tried to make them say that the second person was Nichols. Every single one of these people said absolutely not. It was a Middle Eastern type individual, Al Husseini.
Now, listen to this. None of those 302s, none of those investigative reports have ever surfaced. So the FBI comes up with all these thousands of documents that they claim they overlooked, but the key ones where they tried to get them to say it was Nichols never surfaced.
What were they saying about the attack on Lower Manhattan originally?
The original report that I got was that there was, that they had arranged for three attacks on the United States. One, they were going to take down an airliner. Two, they were going to attack a federal facility in the heartland of the United States. First one’s TWA, Oklahoma City, reverse order. And then now, and the third one was going to be a massive attack in Lower Manhattan. The original plan was a suitcase nuclear tactical nuclear weapon. These people that were, that I was talking to were very, very, very credible people. But, okay, here’s the bottom line question.
You’re getting intel, attack on Lower Manhattan, third big attack. What did you say? I mean, who did you talk to? I mean, we know you tried to get to the Attorney General, and I didn’t get to the Attorney General. My first move was to go through some of the people I knew in Congress to see if I could, you know, somehow, because I was working on a two-front. It was really a two-front war. On the one hand, I wanted to get someone to listen to Gina about Oklahoma City. But on the end, what was coming up, what may be coming up, on the other hand, I was trying to get somebody to understand that Hamas is, has infiltrated the United States. I tried the House, I tried the Senate, I tried to get to the Department of Justice. You know, the very people that put up roadblocks from on the attack against the terrorists under Clinton are still there. And, uh, they still constitute a, uh, almost like a boat between the people with information and the people who should hear the information. So when you’re talking to these Justice Department people and folks in Congress trying to give them all this information, what do they say to you?
They say, “Oh, my, that’s wonderful. Yeah, we’ll, we’ll get right back to you.” I have never got a call back. When I was on a radio program out east, out in Pittsburgh, and I just, me, I hinted at this. I just hinted that the FBI was sitting on information when they should have been sharing it with others. And, uh, as a result, there was a breakdown in intelligence. The next morning, I got a call from the office of the Speaker of the House, who happens to be an Illinois Republican, Hastert, bastard, right? And, uh, they said, “We understand, they hadn’t heard the show, but they under, they, they said, ‘We understand you’ve got some information, etc., etc.’ I said, ‘Yes, I do. I would really like to share it with somebody. I have at least two and maybe three witnesses that should be subpoenaed to come out there and testify in executive session and tell you what I was talking about.’ Okay, we’ll get back to you. That never hurt again. A couple of days later, I got a call from the Senate Intelligence Committee. We hear that you’ve got information, etc., etc. Yes, I have information, and I’d be perfectly willing to bring it out to you or I’d be perfectly willing to, uh, have my witnesses go in there and testify, but they have to be subpoenaed. Okay, we’ll get back to you. That was last week. I still haven’t heard a word. I talk to people like you who are in the media, people who are really well aware of what’s going on, and they cannot believe that this can happen. Strangely enough, the one person that one people that I haven’t heard from is the FBI intelligence people. Of course, if I did hear from them, I wouldn’t talk to them anyhow, because they’re totally incompetent. They got their funding tripled after the first time. Boy, that’s great. They can all get a raise and they can all sit around and tell everybody that their informants tell them this and informants tell them that. I’m still trying. I’m still trying, and I’m still trying to get some somebody to listen to me out there and listen to my witnesses and to at least take the material. You know, Dana Davis had the same stuff. She showed me. She walked into the FBI in Oklahoma City shortly after the bombing and said, “Here, I have all this material. It may be of some assistance to you.” And they said, “We don’t want it.” They refused to even take it, just like Sudan trying to give us the names of al-Qaeda and arrest. Exactly. And they said, “We don’t want to do that.” Well, then, I think it, you’re an investigator. You’re a prosecutor, Mr. Shippers. You prosecuted the President of the United States successfully, got the indictment but not prosecuted. The outfit here in Chicago for five years. So, you know, you can see the motive. I see more intelligence funding. I see the cashless society with the biometrics. I see an expanded UN. I see NATO planes patrolling our skies right. UN General McKenzie on Nightline, the 19th, the week after the attack, eight days after the attack, saying, “We need UN troops on our borders.” I see global government being empowered and a takeover of the Middle East and Central Asia by the West. I mean, I see great dividends for them by allowing this to happen. So, I hope to God you’re wrong. I do. But, uh, and I can’t fight with your argue with you on it because it does seem to be heading that way. Trying to protect their country, the heroes get crucified. The heroes get crucified and the bureaucrats sit out there and tell each other what a great job they’re doing until another city blows up and then they say, “We need more tools.” They have all the tools in the world. They could have found the money years ago if they had just listened.
We’ve got to go public because we tried to do it the right way; we tried to do it by going to the people in whom you would normally repose your confidence and trust. It didn’t work; nobody cares. Well, we know this: the bureaucrats are going to get even more funding. Now, you want more evidence of prior knowledge? On October 24, 2001, the Associated Press reported that Ari Fleischer, in a White House press briefing, admitted that George Bush and much of his cabinet were already on Cipro on September 11th, three and a half weeks before the first traces of it popped up in Boca Raton, Florida. This is a whole other section; we can make a whole other film on it. But it was actually proved that the anthrax was sent from Fort Detrick, Maryland, a U.S. weapons lab, again to create fear. Another smoking gun. It never ends.
I know the information in this documentary film is extremely painful, but the facts are the facts. Bush signed a document blocking the FBI and Defense Intelligence from stopping Al Qaeda. They’re actually suing him over it now. And realize that it’s Democrats as well; the New World Order controls things at the top. And if we don’t hold government responsible, they’re going to use this terror to get more control over our lives.
Now President Bush is seeking to restrict Capitol Hill probes. He had Dick Cheney call six separate congressional committees and threaten them, telling them not to investigate September 11th. And of course, the president has also activated the secret government for the first time in history. FEMA command bunkers are brimming with National Security Agency personnel. And on top of it, Congress wasn’t even advised; neither the Senate leader nor the Speaker of the House were even told, despite the fact that they are the direct line of ascension in the chain of power. Why is it the president, including elected officials in the Continuity of Government program? Back in 1999, there was a rising young star in Russia. He just stepped down as head of the KGB, the new FSB, Vladimir Putin. He was Boris Yeltsin’s top deputy. But how was he gonna get into office when the polls showed the people didn’t want him? Simple. He was caught blowing up three separate apartment buildings, that is, members of the FSB were, with explosives. Moscow police actually arrested them. Now, in 2002, members of the FSB, the Federal Security Bureau, have gone public with the information, as well as explosives experts and Vladimir Putin’s best buddy, Boris Berezovsky. They seized his media empire when he reported the facts. Again, Moscow police back in 1999 actually caught members of the FSB planning the bombs in a fourth building to create fear throughout the population. Now, other top government officials have gone public saying that they knew the government was actually preparing to bomb buildings in 1999 as a pretext for control, and now they’re actually seizing the videotape that proves it when Russian journalists, as well as Russian politicians, try to bring the film back into the country.
So, carrying one of them terrorist manuals, are we? It’s Ashcroft standing over Uncle Sam, reading a book that says “The Bill of Rights.” Sounds like a joke, doesn’t it? You’re about to see the evidence. It’s actually the facts. They’re teaching police if you read the Bill of Rights, you’re with the terrorists. What does America come to? We’re becoming more and more Sovietized every single day, and our new gracious homeland leader is George W. Bush. It’s a sick joke. Who really stands to gain from this terrorism? The evidence is clear; the forces of the New World Order.
Now let’s talk about terrorism. Let’s talk now about terrorism and about those who see violence against innocent civilians as a legitimate means, in their view, to achieve their ends.
This new law that I signed today will allow surveillance of all communications used by terrorists, including emails, the internet, and cell phones. The answer is yes; it’s a war we have to win if we’re going to protect the people of this country. I think the real issue is what do we sacrifice? What do we give up in the process? So, there is going to be a continuing trade-off between security and liberty and freedom going forward in the 21st century. Security is having this discussion right now with the political leaders. We’re probably going to be asked to do some things that many people might not like because it’s going to call into question some of the freedoms that we’ve had. Politics of terror in the 20th and 21st century, inspection of any major terrorist event reveals that it is actually governments financing terrorist organizations to get a desired political outcome, to condition their population, to accept higher levels of control. You’ve seen Hitler, Stalin, Mao; you’ve seen them all do it throughout the 20th century. And now in the 21st century, they’re telling us it’s going to be the century of terror and the century of a New World Order. Look at the U.S. government; they tell us to give up our rights while our borders stay wide open, while tens of millions of people pour across our borders, come in through our ports and land on airplanes. They have the nerve to tell American citizens that we must accept a national ID card in the name of safety. Use some common sense; the government tells us to leave the borders open, even after September 11th, and then treats us like slaves. Doesn’t make any sense unless you’re a slave master. You see, ladies and gentlemen, you have been declared the terrorist. You’re looking at an FBI flyer, and they’ve gone out nationwide where the FBI actually states that Christians, conservatives, gun owners are part of terrorist organizations. Defenders of the U.S. Constitution are listed as terrorists. If police encounter them, call the FBI anti-terrorism hotline immediately. Even defenders of the U.S. Constitution, people that make numerous references to the U.S. Constitution, wait a minute, I thought police swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, not in the New America. Not within America with a big, fat K. Face the facts, America; you are the terrorist. Abby Newman claims the checkpoint was unconstitutional; state police say the stop was legal, and Newman took it too far when she assaulted them. You can take a look at the video from the trooper’s car taken here from the website and judge for yourself. Notice that the media wouldn’t show a full screen, so no one could tell what was actually happening. We’ll show you what really happened.

Its going to happen soon.
id get out the car and knock him the fuck out, then he wont wanna know who i am the cunt
I like how the cop is all like alright thats asault ohhhh and that resisting arrest just charging her for what ever pops in his head ha thats some fucked up shit
Our constitution is nearing the end of it’s life span as most people in this country are no longer interested in any of it’s content. We will probably move into a pure Oligarchy within the next 4-8 years or so; I am guessing at some point during Obama’s presidency. I hope you like it America.
you are now a terrorist congratulations
We are not under the laws of our founder fathers but under the laws of the central bank.
and what are you doing mr pussy
wow just wow. “You are under arrest for resisting arrest…”
This is what happens when you out smart an officer. They dont like to be proven wrong
Universal Law:
1. No man or woman in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against any individual’s life or property. [against my life or property]
2. Force may be used in self defense against persons that initiate force, threat of force or fraud against any individual or their property. [against my life or property]
3. There shall be no exceptions to 1 and 2.
Universal Law is a prerequisite for world peace and especially for peace in YOUR personal world.
It’s easy to see who is the criminal. If you or I did what the cops did we’d be violating the law becasue we initiated force against the lady.
A man can’t grant power to anyone or government that he can’t himself do.
DMV statutes are not law.
Statute: A legislative rule of society given the force of law by the CONSENT of the governed.
It’s gross negligence for a government actor/agent to fail to distinguish between a law and a statute.
Gross negligence is a crime.
Wake up and know the solution.
Watch the free videos listed at thinkfree(_DOT_)ca
Replace the (_DOT_) with a “.” (period)
And see the Universal Law post a few posts below.
When they ask: “Do you understand these rights…” or the judge asks “Do you understand”, what they are asking is do you stand under my jurisdiction? They’re asking for your consent to contract. They aren’t asking if you comprehend what was just said. They want to know if you stand under the charges.
NO! I don’t understand nor stand under. I don’t consent and revoke any and all assumed, believed, presumed power of attorney to you.
Whats wrong about this ? He wanted to see her identification,as far as I know cops everywhere can do this,here in Serbia they stop you in the street,check your ID,and let you go.. What the fuck was she tinking,her behaviour is suspicious just because she doesnt want to show her ID ……Its routine,nothing NWO about this,its ridicilous… I know whats NWO,but this has nothing to do with NWO. Hes a cop and he politely asked her to step out of her car and show her ID…stupid woman…
Let me tell you what’s wrong about your view: You just compared Serbia to the United States. Well THAT and *only* that is “ridiculous”. Unwarranted searches are against the US Constitution and this cop just violated her rights. The US was founded on the right of personal freedom that is/was the big difference to Europe.
I mean,we are the “western world” too….. Thats why I compared Serbia with USA,its not like wer Saudi Arabia,Iran,or Lybia…. Well,I guess your Constitution just isnt what they follow these days.
Alex Jones is a MORON. He’s laughing all the way to the bank, with YOUR FEAR MONEY.
Man if you know a police officer or military person, send this to them!!
This is so sad only because that is the way they actually think
this is very sad. We need to show our government that we aren’t terrorists. We need to show the government just how patriotic truthers, birthers, and other anti-nwo people we are. Lets all wear American flags along with Oath keeper flags. Anybody who hasn’t worn an American flag and is a truther is crazy and needs to wear one. Thats the only way we can bury their terrorist label.
yeah this is sad! We need to stand up against the accusers that accuse truthers as terrorists.
and the normal joe here thinks the lady is crazy and just didnt do what shes told without thinking man, we get what we deserve, and sad thing, the honest true people here will be innocent victims , the police should be ashamed, the are merely the mafia’s knock around guys.
the government loves dumb inbred cops like this, and the one thumbing this comment down hates freedom.
We are truely fucked by the govt