May Day Mayhem: three officers hurt as protesters gather in Seattle, but who’s to blame?
Seattle police are claiming May Day protesters were throwing tools and stones at the police. Â Some officers were hit with poles during the night they claim. Â Whatever happened, it ended up with multiple arrests and 3 police officers injured.
Riot police were using pepper spray, explode on contact chemical balls and and flash bang grenades. Police say dozens of vehicles building windows were damaged.
Seattle police captain Chris Fowler said the peaceful protest had “turned into a riot.”
The protesters were marching near Pine Street and police closed down the north Olive Street off ramp, that’s when police crashed their bicycles into the crowd of people and and began using their bicycles as weapons, throwing flash bangs, shooting pepper bullets and spraying pepper spray into the crowd of protesters.  The police chased the protesters toward Capitol Hill and then cornered them at the Seattle Central College plaza..
The Mayor of Seattle, Ed Murray defended the police actions: “The march quickly went violent.” “The officers made the appropriate decision to stop that march.”
In all, officials said 15 men and one woman were arrested for investigation of assault, obstruction, and failure to disperse.
Hundreds of peaceful protesters joined in peaceful May Day marches throughout Yakima and Seattle and other Washington cities to show their support for workers’ rights and to voice concerns over police brutality.

no human is illegal

police use bicycle as weapon

many people injured from police attacks

seattle police officers injured during cop caused riot

anonymous protesters marching

heavy handed police

police arresting protesters

Angry protesters, angry at police brutality and fascism

so many bicycle police
Obama continues to gin up the hate and here we have more of the poison fruit of his incitement. He could not contain himself at the memorial for the dead police officers in Dallas. He admonished law enforcement and spewed more about racial disparities.
In everything — jihad, freedom, law enforcement — Obama stands with our most vicious enemies. And 48% of the American people “approve” of him.
Read my book: The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America
Hey, if you are really afraid of the police you would just shut up and hands up. Comply and stay alive!
and if you card about the integrity of the people, the power of the planet and the racial divide that attempts to concurr us as men of this world, you would know that we have a right to question athority, we have a right to demand to know whats happening when the police pull us over and we have the right to not get shot by the police everytime they pull us over for no thing and no reason, you are pretty ignorant to say we would stay alive if we comply, we dont have to comply because the police have no athority over us!!!!!!!!