On Sept 21st Ramon Hernandez was handcuffed while face down in an ant bed with a boot in the back of his neck. He then is mercilessly beat and tasered. . . . Why you ask? For leaving the scene of a minor accident, no criminal convictions were ever even brought against him.
Cops seem to always be screaming “stop resisting! stop resisting! I wonder if they scream that while having sex with thier wives? Watch that one fucking puke punching him in the back of the head over and over, while he is being tases, while he is being bitten by ants, while being choked, …. if you listen, you can hear the taser going t t t t t t t t tt in the background over and over, all while handcuffed….. bastards.
Why the hell does the video go black towards the end?
Nice work Boys in Blue!
Ramon Hernandez was beaten and shocked with a Taser during a September 2005 arrest for leaving the scene of an accident, a charge that was later dismissed. That following March, two of the officers involved were found not guilty of official oppression.
Only one of the three officers involved in the case still works for the Austin Police Department. Christopher Gray got his job back after serving a 70-day suspension. Officer Joel Follmer was fired, and Brad Heilman resigned.
Yet for Ramon Hernandez, his family and attorneys, the case was never over. They have waited nearly three years for this civil trial.
Video from a dashboard camera showed Ramon Hernandez as he was handcuffed, with his face in an ant bed, and shocked with a Taser 11 times. He was also kicked and punched more than a dozen times.
“I forgive them for what they did in my heart, and with my faith, we all make mistakes, we’re all human,” Hernandez said.
Yet as he sat with his attorneys Friday, Hernandez said he still wants justice to hold them responsible for their actions.
“Civil rights trials define what is acceptable in our community,” said Amber Vazquez Bode, attorney for Hernandez. “They’re here to draw the line in the sand and say this is what we accept from our police officers, and this is what we don’t.”
You think THATS something, watch as a cop beats a teenage girl HERE
[..YouTube..] their concept of “resisting” is very wrong in the very most of cases. full stop
[..YouTube..] he kept moving because his face was in a pile of ants…yall dont know shit! u yall would to dumbasses.
[..YouTube..] Most cops were fucking criminals themselves.. Maybe the guy was resisting but he is already on the fucking ground and being beaten,I dont care who you are there are three damn cops and they both gave him a little bit of something. Where is he gonna go 1. On the ground and beaten.
2. Handcuffed and on the damn ground.
3. The cars were already fucking there
4. He was fucked sideways and they kept beating him just put him in the damn car and fucking take him.
Two Words
Police Brutality
koch101,I mean cock1 you are too stupid to be a cop.I know cops are fucking
stupid,like they can’t spell or use proper grammer. But my friend you are a
complete jackass, way too fuckin retarded to be a cop, just a fucktard. A
wnnabe cop fucktard.
[..YouTube..] koch101,I mean cock1 you are too stupid to be a cop.I know cops are fucking stupid,like they can’t spell or use proper grammer. But my friend you are a complete jackass, way too fuckin retarded to be a cop, just a fucktard. A wnnabe cop fucktard.
[..YouTube..] put your hand behind you back it is that easy
[..YouTube..] And a message from Saint Lucie County,Florida to The OutLaws,The Hell’s Angels,The Rough Riders, & all other Biker Gang’s, Saint Lucie County Sheriff’s Office,Port Saint Lucie Police Dept. Fort Peirce Police Dept. & Florida State Highway Patrol run Saint Lucie County ,Florida
[..YouTube..] It wasn’t a threat it was a warning to behave in Martin County & Saint Lucie County, & even if it was a threat a threat is alot better than murder and drug dealing. That goes for The Outlaws, The Hell’s Angels, The Rough Riders & all other Biker gangs, Martin County Sheriff’s Office,Stuart Police Dept. Sewalls Point Police Dept. & Palm City Police Dept. run Martin County,Florida
[..YouTube..] @koch1010 well if you are a cop you are making a direct threat and no threat was made to you.your very professional.just what law enforcement needs another asshole
[..YouTube..] copspigs……..
Oh the HELLS ANGELS MC, I’ve had run ins with you pussies , I took great
pride in takeing one of your but fucking buddies down in Indian Town , I
added on a few charges just because I could , I have never had and trouble
takeing down Hells Angels, Out Laws, or Rough Riders,every one of you are
PUSSIES, make sure when you come to Martin County Florida you watch your
back CRIMINAL, Martin County is Run by The Martin County Sheriff’s Office &
Stuart Police Dept. & Sewall’s Point Police Dept.
[..YouTube..] Oh the HELLS ANGELS MC, I’ve had run ins with you pussies , I took great pride in takeing one of your but fucking buddies down in Indian Town , I added on a few charges just because I could , I have never had and trouble takeing down Hells Angels, Out Laws, or Rough Riders,every one of you are PUSSIES, make sure when you come to Martin County Florida you watch your back CRIMINAL, Martin County is Run by The Martin County Sheriff’s Office & Stuart Police Dept. & Sewall’s Point Police Dept.
[..YouTube..] I think you mean if (your) a cop,& How (couldn’t) 3 Officers. Well son the perp was resisting arrest they did what was nessisary to detain him!
[..YouTube..] if you a cop then comment on the video and tell me how 3 officers cant pull one guys arm out to put the cuff’s on him. one cop has his legs but what about the cop standing on the guys neck.. why isnt he helping pull the arm out??
[..YouTube..] uniforms dirty, radio equipment hanging off uniforms, guy still tryin to get up, still risisting, mmmmm got what was coming. don’t fight the police……GO MEN IN BLUE….
[..YouTube..] @eldirtyhombre i agree to a certain extent, but that’s why they have to keep on going after they get his arm???
[..YouTube..] not the first thing i’ve seen these are the people i’m supposed to trust i think people need to be checking on them and have someone higher to overlook the cops some are just to damn crazy… I understand they get mad, but obiously they took it too far…
freedom of speech asshole,dont threaten me.HELLS ANGELS MC
[..YouTube..] freedom of speech asshole,dont threaten me.HELLS ANGELS MC
[..YouTube..] You better watch what you say, Im a Police Officer with the City of Stuart Police Dept. and what you said could be taken as a attemt.murder treat on a Government Peace Officer, you could be arrested & put in jail for a min of 15 yrs, so watch your mouth
[..YouTube..] I think i have seen enough of officers abusing folks.
[..YouTube..] Guys, he won’t give his arm. They punched him in the arm to force him to comply. Pepper spray may have been in order, but the guy just had to cooperate.
[..YouTube..] What is America coming to and it’s officers of the Law.. I mean seriously, if its not random muggings or rapes, its being beaten by the police. Who do we need to be more scared of now, the average crazy citizen or an officer. I know plenty of good cops out there , from experience but there are many rotten apples.
[..YouTube..] Not sure about a gun to their head but I’m sure they would be scared as shit , if it happen to them.. ENOUGH is ENOUGH Wake up AMERICA, the police and government are trying to control us.
[..YouTube..] I would call that excessive force and it needs to stop. We are still citizens of the FREE world.. Regardless what he did , after you cuff you haul.. Sometimes, I wish they would experience it them selves and see how they like it.
[..YouTube..] I bet that dumbass wont resist next time, oh waiy he is a dumbass he will do it again. GOOD JOB ON THE PART OF THOSE OFFICERS!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] theres no reason to beat that guy like that,id love to see how tuff that cop is with a gun to his head
[..YouTube..] The officers did a very good job. Thnk you so much for protecting us.
[..YouTube..] HITLER cops in the USA
[..YouTube..] Good job.
[..YouTube..] i hope it happens to someone in there family it would be nice to watch it and make them watch it too… that’s a cop for you and want to know the better part of being a cop they ask you if you saw one of your partners doing something like this would you report it… guess what the correct answer is… No you dont report it… you go along with it… and if you do the rest of the cops dont like you…lol…
[..YouTube..] i hope it happens to someone in there family it would be nice to watch it and make them watch it too… that’s a cop for you and want to know the better part of being a cop they ask you if you saw one of your partners doing something like this would you report it… guess what the correct answer is… No you dont report it… you go along with it… and if you do the rest of the cops dont like you…lol…
If someones stepping on your neck while theres a fat fuck on your back its
kinda uncomfortable as you cant breath so of course hes gonna riggle around.
[..YouTube..] If someones stepping on your neck while theres a fat fuck on your back its kinda uncomfortable as you cant breath so of course hes gonna riggle around.
[..YouTube..] May the Pig cook with EXTRA EXTRA crispy without the Grease in it.
[..YouTube..] May the Pig cook with EXTRA EXTRA crispy without the Grease in it.
[..YouTube..] This guy was clearly resisting. If he wasnt, one cop could of handcuffed him. Just seeing 3 cops roll with this guy shows that something is wrong with the guy getting arrested. He must of been coked up on something.
[..YouTube..] that fat cop at the guys legs,cant get comfortable ,u fat fuck!fuck the police!may u die in the ever lasting flames of hell forever!pay day,someday!
[..YouTube..] that fat cop at the guys legs,cant get comfortable ,u fat fuck!fuck the police!may u die in the ever lasting flames of hell forever!pay day,someday!
[..YouTube..] Ive been arrested a few times, I chose not to fuck with them cause I know they would hurt me. this idiot deserves whatever he got.
[..YouTube..] haha you call me stupid? look at your comment. you cant spell and you have no grammer. so basically youre fucking stupid. obviously theres bad cops and all that, i never said there was or wasnt. maybe you shouldnt have kids so we can get all the rednecks out of here. maybe you should try school too, that might help. or learn english, either / or.
[..YouTube..] haha you call me stupid? look at your comment. you cant spell and you have no grammer. so basically youre fucking stupid. obviously theres bad cops and all that, i never said there was or wasnt. maybe you shouldnt have kids so we can get all the rednecks out of here. maybe you should try school too, that might help. or learn english, either / or.
y r u replying to me im not in any trouble with the law great grandpa
theory but beleive i know its hard to learn for you but there are such
things as bad cops and such things as geting wrong suspects so read more
think first then reply ok got it can you remember that ok buhby lol it
would be funny if youre dangerous grandma got taserd right fucken tard do
us all a favor and dont dont have any kids ever all we need is more copies
of shallow people with mouths quicker them there brains
[..YouTube..] y r u replying to me im not in any trouble with the law great grandpa theory but beleive i know its hard to learn for you but there are such things as bad cops and such things as geting wrong suspects so read more think first then reply ok got it can you remember that ok buhby lol it would be funny if youre dangerous grandma got taserd right fucken tard do us all a favor and dont dont have any kids ever all we need is more copies of shallow people with mouths quicker them there brains
[..YouTube..] stop doing stupid shit and you wont get in trouble
[..YouTube..] stop doing stupid shit and you wont get in trouble
[..YouTube..] stop doing stupid shit and you wont get in trouble
[..YouTube..] estimated 1 out of a hundred are 100 % innocent
[..YouTube..] estimated 1 out of a hundred are 100 % innocent