UWO arrest October 14 2009

I posted this as a witness to the event, from the scene, not because of any agenda. Here are some links and comments I should have posted earlier. communications.uwo.ca www.standard-freeholder.com www.londontopic.ca Three important notes: 1. Many things occurred before the taping began. I witnessed the suspect refusing to comply and attempting to push his way through the officers. This behavior continued outside and was only partially captured in the either the first or second video. 2. I believe the police response was justified and reasonable based on what I witnessed. The suspect’s arm was underneath him and the police were trying to free the arm, he was clearly not complying. When the suspect got up, he did not look visibly injured or in a state worse than when he struggled to the ground. 3. All universities have the potential to be sheltered from the diverse situations that exist in the community at large. I recorded the event to document it, but this intent was lost through its dissemination. I apologize for any or all problems that this created.



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