Part 2 of 3. James – Crawford III of the family Craig updates about his first hand court experience at BC Provincial Court. A tale of Police Corruption and Brutality, it appears they make up the law as they go along, and then retroactively charge a person, to cover their own asses. What happens when you do not give your legal name? How are you treated as a human being? Do police really think they can “do whatever they want” and simply manufacture charges against you out of thin air? James speaks about his court experiences, updating what happened after the first 2 video series from November and December 2008. This video details up to January 2009. More to come as the story is updated… For more on Police, Politics and Corruption, check out Hijacking Humanity –
Estoppel time.
its only gonna get worse man ( not for you, just in general ) .. theres way too much corruption, glad to hear ur staying strong on this though.
make them pay you for for your time say $6000. to go to court .
that may make them think . thats per hour ;)
hell yeah ! stay strong !!!!
so, you did not charge them for raising an army against you?
i agree! sue those slimy motherfuckers for harrassment! then they might learn to mind they’re own business. Take them for a million! which us tax-payers will have to pony-up, because we all know that the government can try to shake people down but can never give up the dough out of their own high-priced tax-payer sponsored wages wallets.
buffer, motherfucker, buffer!
Goddamn youtube(or some other higher power).