Credit to Mauricio Ruiz and I wanna thank you for your amazing UFO Footage over Alvin TX April 11, 2008. Mauricio is the legitimate man who capture the incredible footage y Como dice Jaime este es la mejor evidencia en toda la historia. Ana Luisa Cid is one of the first Journalist of Mexico to reject the UFO phenomenon of Mauricio Ruiz that took place in Alvin Texas, April 11, 2008…. This is for fact Jaime Mausan was born (May 31, 1953) 10 years early then Ana Luisa Cid(September 17, 1963) Jaime Mausan started to investigate the UFO phenomenon around 1990 when Ana Luisa Cid was just finishing College… Jaime Mausan reference links… Ana Luisa Cid criticizes Jaime Mausan for been a false and acuse him for making up stories like the one I mentioned above that was created as a Computer Generated Imaginary…. Ana Luisa Cid Reference link…. Here is the forum claiming that was a CGI screen shots.. if so where is the exact video that was created that’s if there one… And here….
this is fake
there is another vid on here that proves it
fake? even the experts said it was not cgi AND NOW YOU TINY DICK WILL TELL US ITS FAKE? GET OUT OF HERE!!
dude for starters read first ezekiel’s vision of god in the old testament then you can glide threfrom
its true ibileve it
oh fuck off from here! think you really smart dont you?/ making up bullshit to justify your inability to face up to the truth.
well said, dont it just anger you when morons just blab fake at credible sightings..they shout fake at anything without even understanding that this sighting is been well documented and researched. This is a massive, the most clearest sighting ever.
Dont go that Abovetopsecret website, any person that goes there to be “informed” and know the “truth” you are going basically going to a UFO debunking, well financed site . They discredit all the good sightings. they have their guys to give their “theories” and cleverly take the interest out of the sighting. How can you even place a link James EBE’s???
Thank you @ SidneyXda.