Sen. Kerry says he will answer it. he then answers a previous question someone else asked (i cut that part out because it isnt important to this video) then the guy asks his questions and when he is done all hell breaks lose. to the cop haters: i have no doubt the cops were going exactly by the book, the problem isnt them, its the book! they were doing their job and looked just as confused as this kid (this isnt something that they deal with often). … UF taser police brutality overkill …
ncerione, you simply do not know what you’re talking about. Check out my response to whbjoe for the facts of the matter.
never mind redrumrob, hes just the local TROLL
obsessed with this video for OVER TWO YEARS he hammers out this prepared speil to people voicing opinions like yours in hopes you will point out his bias & bullshit so he can cut into you with endless streams of profanities
the guy is a nutjob with no life. he calls himself an adult but hes here on youtube picking fights for jollies
check his treatment of others before feeding the TROLL
never mind redrumrob, hes just the local TROLL
see how unconcerned he is when the competing leaders of the country are from the same old boy’s club? clearly he is ignorant of who really runs the show
rummy here has been obsessively supporting this police action here for OVER TWO YEARS. look at the long list of offences he lists but the kid was only charged with two things & his probation is already over. maybe rummy is skull n brones too?
do not feed the TROLL
ok so Kerry is a Skull and bones memeber ok thats all that needed to be said :)
How on earth is that “all that needed to be said”? Your statement was foolish & showed your complete lack of understanding of the events of that day. Kerry being a member of “Skull & Bones” had nothing at all to do with Meyer’s being arrested. No one can make an educated statement about the events of that day without all of the facts. With all of the “help” that the media gives us it’s suprising that any of us know the facts about much of anything. Sad & pathetic but true.
“Kerry being a member of “Skull & Bones” had nothing at all to do with Meyer’s being arrested”
prove it TROLL
might want to talk to your doctor about some medicine to control that shaking of yours.
Facts, your right rob, I wish I knew the facts about what the Skull and Bones society does ;)
Yeah, that would be interesting whbjoe. Though probably not as interesting as all the rumors flying around about it LOL
Hey look, it’s reggieworth the troll calling everyone esle a troll, still here trolling the videos when he’s can’t admit he’s wrong about it.
“calling everyone esle a troll”
show it TROLL. its you & your hate group who repetitively post inflammatory comments to bait arguments with randoms. you whine a lot batman yet you dont seem to provide any evidence of your whining
is that what they tought you to do at the depatment?
the description you have written is more accurately describing your friend xxYoutub3Popo-imposter-TROLL. he calls people who have posted ONCE ‘trolls’
find a new hobby loser
Him throwing out “facts” from a book and asking incoherent pseudo-intellectual questions does not excuse him trying to hog the spotlight.
trespassing? what the fuck did he trespass on?
BitchinnShoes07, when he, by his own admission, refused to leave when ordered to do so by ACCENT & then by Police he was, under Fl law, Trespassing.
Alright then. I wouldn’t know cause I’m a minnesotan.
Sorry if it seemed like I was being confrontational.
It’s all good.
@BitchinnShoes07 go to my channel and go to my video of this, I’ve got a detailed explanation in the information of the video, and inserted comments about what is actually going on
camera guy sucks!
Land of the free !!!
Police brutality…bla,bla,bla, little b**th ass got what was coming to him, would have tazed him way earlier, anyone listen to this guy!! Jesus what an a-hole
KERRY IS A MEMBER OF THE SECRET SOCITY WHO ARE IN RIALITY DICTATORS AND MURDERERS — IN SHORT( TERRORISTS ) — attacking a student ?? ohh very brave kerry–come to the middel east mother fucker…we will cut off ur balls and make you eat it.
tupemoon, you’re a fucking moron. No students were ‘attacked’ & Kerry had NOTHING to do with his removal or subsequent arrest & drive-stunning. I don’t personaly give a shit about Kerry one way or the other but the fact is, the only reason Meyer was allowed to the mic, after disrupting the forum due to the Q&A being announced to be over & he realized he wouldn’t get to ask a question & refusing to leave when ORDERED to do so, was that Kerry intervened when he was being removed, you idiot.
never mind redrumrob, hes just the local TROLL who has been obsessively harassing people here for OVER TWO YEARS
the guy is a nutjob & has obviously made it his lifes mission to justify these cop’s abusive actions
clearly when both candidates for president are from the same old boys club, the questions must be asked. this would not be the first time someone was shut up for asking the ‘wrong’ questions at a political forum
do not feed the loser TROLL
never mind redrumrob, hes just the local TROLL. he loves spreaduing disinformation about this event to justify the bad policework
Andrew was never charged with trespassing & there is little concrete evidence that he was ever asked to leave for his actions
rummy just lists a bunch of laws broken that make Andrew’s case look worse because he has a hate-on for the kid
redrumrob & thebatman have been TROLLing this video for OVER TWO YEARS
do not feed the loser TROLLs