TSTC Powwow to highlight Native American culture

Texas State Technical College Waco
Reporter: Mary Drennon
Email Address: mary.drennon@tstc.edu

WACO) – Colorful costumes, social Native American dance and song and much more will be on tap this spring at Texas State Technical College Waco.

The Native American Student Association of TSTC will host the 2008 Waco Intertribal Powwow from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, in the gym of the Murray Watson Jr. Recreation Center on Campus Drive. The event is sponsored by the Four Winds Intertribal Society Inc.

The event is free and the public is invited to attend.

Highlights of the event include a traditional Gourd Dance with Head Gourd Dancer Bobby Cazares at noon and again at 5 p.m. Grand Entry will be 1 p.m. and again at 6 p.m. Ray Duncan will serve as Master of Ceremony, with Phil Stucker as Head Man and Rita Deer Sky as Head Lady. Drum group is Lodge Pole Singers and Arena Director is Steve Zavala.

There are no drugs, alcohol, firearms or pets allowed at the event. Spectators are welcome to bring lawn chairs, as seating will be limited.

Vendors or dancers interested in participating in the 2008 Powwow can contact Leah Williams via e-mail at waconasa@tstc.edu or call, toll-free, 800-792-8784, ext. 3622.

For more information, visit the NASA Club Web Site.
