a six second clip of toronto police officers beating a homeless addict into oblivion. i witnessed the brutal attack from beginning to end – unfortunately my phone only records 6 second clips. notice the cop on the left driving the man’s face into the ground with his knee. a clear example of excessive force.
Since you know so much are police allowed to hit like that? I am just curious. Because that looked very bad.
if the person did something before the video started, such as fighting them, or if he is resisting. its not possible to see if he was resisting with only 6 seconds. its easy to hold somebody down for that long. if it had been a 15+ second video we would be able to tell, but its too short. usually police wont do something stupid in broad daylight in the middle of the street where everybody can see them.
So from your comment its safe to say that police would do sth stupid like this at night when nobody can see them? THANK YOU.
Anyone know the story of why they were doing this cause he was just laying there.
they should of beat him more.
Fucking pigs
Just standard procedure. This drugged crazy guy was resisting and was posing a threat so they had no choice but to take action and neutralize the situation. That is the job to police.
these comments are fucking ridiculous- this is the epitome of police brutality. these cops should be charged they had no right to use there billy bats on his legs he was obviously already restrained
Exactly. There are so many cops around the world, and a lot of them can be, or are trigger happy, and think they have so much power. I don’t know if any of you heard, but in Vancouver Airport 12 or more cops brutally assaulted ONE man. It was for something extremely stupid. Now, the man WAS guilty of sort of crime, but he did not deserve getting tazored (however you spell it) and brutally assaulted. Btw, I’m from Vancouver.
don’t in trouble with the law and no problem no?
Yes this is Canada a communist regime where they talking in slogens “serving the community ” police officers are beating and humiliateng people , a country where you can be arrested for everything where no proof necessary , where the Roman Law is ignored and you are guilty until you can not proof otherwise..It is a horrible country I wasted years from my life there.Never again.
@hellranch Nice rebuttal you fucking idiot. What does the length of the video have to do with anything?
he deserves it tho, fuckin homeless lives on our streets and government pays him from the money we pay from taxes, they take our money and give it to the dick like this one!
@buignerry diden’t you forget the goverment tortur???
or that everyone is foced to live in the same houses???
@jannikmt what’s that? learn your language man.
@tc413141 Yah its possible he just sexually assaulted a child or punched an old lady, I don’t think a cop will hit somebody that badly unless they did something bad especiallly Toronto Cops there like the nicest people i ever met
@sabbirsa not all, but there are assholes that would do things they arent supposed to. im sure there are cops like that all over the world.
I’ll bet this place is cleaner than where I live. I might have to move there.
what happened before the camera roled. it like 7 seconds of footage. if they aren’t strict they could get stabbed witha syringe or worse. the moment you are too soft is when you fail
All Cops Are Bastards!
Police officers are just doing their jobs, they have one of the toughest and most stressful jobs in the world.
@CovertOPSDragunov lolz u wanna bet ?? cops give us homeless ppl tickets that will scar us from getting a drivers license cuz we cant afford to pay them all because were trying to make a couple bucks for a bite to eat. hell im 5 months pregnant and on the streets and all the womens shelters are full INCLUDING the pregnant/parenting ones. so guess what ? i gotta BEG for my money,BEG for my food and cops ENJOY harassing me for trying to feed my unborn child inside of me . so what does that tell u
@STARZFAN31 who the homeless man or the cops???
@falkna excuse me some of those ” rodents ” are my fucking friends . im homeless as well getting internet access from the library and having to beg for the next meal . it dont help all the womens shelters and the pregnancy/parenting shelters are also full. so i have to debate on either streets or meal . im 5 months pregnant and on the streets . u obviously have never been homeless otherwise u wouldnt talk down about us like this.
@RyanEvH True they see the worst things, they see child abuse cause there the first responders people dieing, and alot of shit that the average person can’t handle