Police Intelligence Analyst Fired For Blowing Whistle On False Flag Terror Strategic Threat Assessment Matrix concluded that 7/7 was an inside job Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Wednesday, July 13, 2011 A British police intelligence analyst who was asked to create a strategic assessment concerning terror threats was fired when he told his superiors that the threat of an “internal tyranny” was far greater than that of Islamic terrorism, after discovering that both 7/7 and 9/11 were false flag attacks. Tony Farrell, who has a university degree in statistics, was employed for 12 years as a ‘Police Intelligence Analyst’ with South Yorkshire Police. His job was to provide a yearly ‘Strategic Threat Assessment Matrix’ to enable police to prioritize resources and activities. Fully expecting Farrell to regurgitate the contention that Muslim extremists posed the biggest threat, his bosses were stunned when Farrell instead reported that the 2005 London bombings were staged by British intelligence and that the official story was a “monstrous lie”. During an hour-long interview with Richard D. Hall which was broadcast nationwide on UK television last week, Farrell revealed how one week before the 5th anniversary of 7/7 in 2010, he began researching information suggesting that the official story behind 9/11 was a total fabrication. Farrell cites the Alex Jones Show as being instrumental in his awakening to this knowledge …
i wish i could talk to tony farrel, ive got some more to add to this ! but why cant infowars answer me ? it doesnt make sense ,ive got evidence to offer
Corruption in the courts? Very true with no doubt. As Shakespeare or was it that American bloke (can’t remember name) who said – first shoot all the lawyers!
Whether the report is ludicrous or not it should still be in the public domain so that the people who elected the government can read it and make a decision for themselves Tony Farrell should release his findings prior to any meeting or tribunal in the interest of the Country so that this coalition which was not elected be removed
this man is to be commended for standing for integrity and principles, even at the cost of losing his job.
Yorkshiremen are know all over England for telling it as it is & Tony Farrell is no exception.
@woodbinedrinker When i have idiots pestering me and i have to litigate to them like a 3 year old then yes i wish i did get paid by the word!
jones=government pide pipper
This is fucking awesome.
and yet to this day many sheep i mean people are brain washed into thinking it was muslims
the muslims aint fighting the terrorists for nothing this war against muslims and islam is a big big false flag the muslims are fighting for the rest of humanity from becoming slaves to the nwo zionists goverments come on people wake up grow up
Why did this guy do an interview on that fake thing promoting the no planes “theories”?
wish these conspiracy theorists would fuck off.they are so full of shit and desperate to make something of thier empty lifes,they make up shit and tbh i find it all very offensive to the memory of the dead.also the people who believe this crap need to get a hobby
For anybody who believes,we have freedom of speech in Britain,should seriously
watch this video….
Check out the “official crown court papers” from the court case that lead
to me being the 1st ever british poet to be given a “5 year rap & poetry ban”
(Video on my page)
“Donhonki” “First ever crown court BANNED british rap-poet” (2009-2014)
Just uploaded new video “Proper grateful….
This clown must be a lying Muslim.
why do people continuously try to make saints out of U.S military? It was an inside job. Just accept the fact that just because we feel we have freedoms doesnt mean we do! the simple things are just pacifiers so we dont question the government. simple as that.
You know a “source” is not who he claims to be or something isn’t right when it all links back to “infowars” and Alex Jones.
@hawkermustang lol what a cunt
@relmmih6 The idea that Muslim terrorists caused 911 is a conspiracy theory.
You are the kind of gullible puke that would let a Sheriff have total control of a murder investigation when the murder victim is a dead hooker found in the Sheriff’s bedroom.
If you don’t believe in conspiracies you must not understand that our govt. borrows money at INTEREST from a private central bank that creates the money it “loans” from THIN AIR! In other words, it “borrows” counterfeit money.
we wont be hearing about Tony Farrell on boltan&co or any of the other sacks of shit on sky news that’s for sure.. funny to watch them all these days regarding that other major sack of shit murdoch, and how they try to spin the news of the world hacking.. hopefully that sack of shit is destroyed along with sky news and all it stands for.. WE all need to support Tony Farrell, as he said himself its a good chance to shine the spotlight on all this new world order evil
where is ventura? i like the way he rocks back and forth when he’s thinking.
@theoneali Yeah, he is a lying Muslim cunt.
@greenpower0922 well good luck with that, and it doesn’t matter what they do with Ron Paul, if he gets elected on the platform he is using it will no longer matter, the genie will be out of the box. The march is for freedom, it’s simple, you either support it or you don’t. If you do and your not to fat to get off the couch go to your courthouse in March, your not gonna slow me down or discourage me with shit like that, and no,,,,i don’t believe he will be manipulated, they will probably kill him
@hawkermustang amusing
Apparently Tony Farrell has a Facebook account, I have looked under both Tony & Anthony Farrell & cant find it. Can anyone help me out ? Thanks
Great stuff.