December 16th, 2009, thousands gather to participate in the Reclaim Power march in Copenhagen Denmark. The idea behind the march is to meet delegates who were walking out from the Bella Center, the location of the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference (COP15), and host a people’s assembly outside. The peaceful march, an act of civil disobedience, turned violent when police attacked protestors pushing to get over the Bella Center fence to meet with delegates from the walk out. … UN …
sure there were. people are angry and for good reason too. these climate talks aren’t about the people, they’re about government and control. if the G20 follows thru with this plan the whole world will belong to one government that can tax ANY developing country that emits carbon. the riot police are numskulls protecting this ‘new world order’.
The end was great :)
Sorry, your own video shows it was peaceful right up until you all tried to knock down the police line.
If I ran at you and tried to knock/trample you to the ground, I’d be guilty of assault. Don’t blame the police for fighting back when they’re attacked by a group of people many times their number. Or is it your impression that attacking the police is somehow ok because it’s their job to be attacked?
If that’s the case, any wonder so many police are hard to deal with peacefully?
Okay, we’ve got a serious problem in the world with the rich taking power, but this was STUPID. You tried to push past a police line. What did you expect would happen? All you did was give the police authority to use lethal force the next time you try this. You’ve tipped your hand, and it was a pair of twos. Be glad they were using rubber truncheons and not the steel batons they use elsewhere. Instead of getting an attitude adjustment, you’d be in intensive care.
This video is a testament to the bravery of all those involved in the protest. When people from all over the world are willing to risk serious injury to get their point across then eventually people will realise that there’s a real problem to be addressed. Of course the police were just ‘doing their job’: protecting the violence of the state system which your average privileged European barely notices…Nice one cops, hope you’re proud: you’re mercenaries for big business and hit kids for money.
Recent protests in Iran leads to many casualties, and arrests.
Accused that 150 were killed, and thousands were arrested.
Communications were interrupted by Iranian authorities, also many journalists and even diplomats had some trouble, more than 3 hour in police station.
Just day ago, one human rights advocate was seriously beaten inside the Belorussian Parliament.
Just couple days ago couple of Russian protesters were seriously beaten near entrance into Russian parliament.
You really think that “world of reach people” is more aggressive, than poverty-fighters, or ecological extremists?
In fact those protesters fight for bigger governments and taxation for all of us.
They think that reach people worse than big government.
They just don’t know what they are fighting for.
Co2 is bullshit and you all must admit that every cent and euro should invest to create Nuclear Fusion, not some bullshit Co2 payments… I will never pay one fucking cent.
Police attacked peaceful protestors? I think it went the other way around. I’ve never seen a single riot where police were the instigator and threw the first punch.
If you are going to protest then do it peacefully.
The Police are not there to protect the “Rich and Powerful” they are there to protect the people in the conference centre.
Even if the so called “poor” where in the conference centre and the “rich” where the protesters, they whould still protect them.
It has nothing to do with money or power.
They are just there to protect those in the conference centre and Danish citizens that dont want anything to do with the protest.
The Danish police protect anybody they are paid to protect and are no different from any others. Protestors were there to raise awareness of the gross inequalities of the Cop 15 by drawing in the media: they did this by risking serious injury and imprisionment to make alternative people’s summit. They were not armed, and the police knew their plan. There was NO plan to hurt anybody or invade the Bella Center. Peaceful protests did not bring about U.S. Civil Rights, but civil disobedience did…
these protestors are ridiculous… if the polar ice caps are melting on mars global warming is on a planetary level as NASA has stated were approaching a solar MAXIMUM…
not to mention we already pay hundreds of millions of tax dollars yearly to pump CO2 into dormant oil wells
google encana co2 puming station u.s or canada, or europe or offshore, beofre you support climat change research both sides… CO2 is the life for trees plants, plancton,etc. reduce it to much chnge the eco system
as far as iran we must concentrate on them now not only because of civil rights, but refusal of fuel rods and maintaining uranium enrichment,weapons developement,taking of iraqi oil wells, all in preparation of war.
we have to learn hitlers mistake and a two front war,overload afghans civil war, with the tankless,airforceless, buildingless taliban and eliminate them with millions of troops and have it as a western base of ops, take yemen, then dismantle irans racial gov’t and nuke facilities
@mzdamx3rs It’s not life for trees and plants, but trees and plants will absorb the Co2, and when they grow old and die, we have to bury them to get rid of the Co2.
without co2 we would not have carbon trees like millions of years ago… trees breath in co2 out oxygen, opposite of us..take oxygen away from us we die, take co2 away from trees plancton we develope a new ecosystem… smaller fish, whale sharks that feed on plancton will die fish that feed on them will and new adapted species will arrive…
the fact is there arent cars, factories on mars or pluto yet their warming.. mars polar ice caps ARE melting research it.. its a tax gimmick
@mzdamx3rs Thats all true, yes, but try research the thing about burying trees.. it’s a new theory :)
Break the law and when the police tells you to stop, provoke the police even more. When the police is forced to stop you violently, tape it and post it in the internet. Then cry desperately about it.
@Puaso: The protestors were trying to organise a media event called ‘the People’s Assembly’ which was to include the delegates, NGO’s,etc who walked out of COP 15 along with the activists outside: instead , the professional Danish Police managed to stop that from happening, and put the clock back for climate justice awareness by a few years. That’s upsetting to people who care about the world and want to see it flourish. The police may have the law on their side, but they were not in the right.
ya im going to look into it now thanks for the theoryim curious now…
You dont care about the world. You care about marxist revolution and the right to rob and murder your neighbors.
These marxists arent satisfied with 100 million victims, they want billions more. They should be rounded up and gassed before they take power again. It would be brutal but it would save countless billions from gulags and mass graves.
you don’t get it, we are not simply rising some co2 concentration. we are disrupting the balance of our global ecological system. and if we don’t turn around by 180° we are going to be hit hard, and our children even harder. this is a game of influence to the decision makers, and so far, almost no positive driving force has been built up. that’s why people go on the streets. to rise social consciousness about our real problems!
the government and their funded scientists say its due to co2… im just pointing out mars polar ice caps are melting faster than earths… given mars doesnt have a magnetosphere, but its still warming… we know there arent cars or factories there
just go on NASA’s website and you will see its on a planetary scale not earthly only…
if we turn around 180 right now it would be such a drastic hit it would kill much of our existing ecosystem as many species have already adapted
we have to maintain not change our ecosystem… animals will die and new ones will evolve this how humans came about… during the cretacous,jurrasic and up to 50 000 years ago humans could not of lived on earth as there was to much oxygen not enough nitrogen or co2… and before that so much oxygen there were carbon trees not disiguise forests like now…
increased taxes does not solve global warming… especially with a lack of accountability for where the money is distributed
yes we can pay more for gas so fewer drive….
but theres still hundreds of millions of furnaces in just the u.s and canada that burn gas or oil, 6-8 months with no emissions systems…
cars put out 150 ppm co2 max … furnaces put out 500ppm+ on one with the regs properly adjusted which few installers do… they run all day all night not just for a hour drive…
if co2 was such a concern emission systems would be required on furnaces, boilers, MUA’s, water heaters, etc. etc.
i have worked for a company that subcontracts to encana(thank your tax dollars for my wage) that is a co2 pumping station and these are hundred million plus a year tax funded, which are becoming popular even in europe now… were pumping more underground than comes out now… if your not familar with the oilfield and how co2 is used in oil wells as oils pulled and becomes thicker i suggest you research both sides..
national geographic has a great multi page article on international co2 pumping