On the weekend of June 26-27 2010, during the G20 summit in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, constitutional rights of freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and due process were suspended. People were arbitrarily searched in public spaces, assaulted by police without provocation and detained without cause. This was not only a disgraceful event for the city of Toronto, but for all of Canada. This video is comprised of a compilation of footage taken over the weekend, some of which I captured myself.
@360Rod0 i meant the protesters…….. and yeah, the cops are like rabid dogs lul
Fucking assholes, seems to be the same at every G20 or G8 meeting no matter where it takes place
Never go on a peaceful protest…unarmed. Thats the lesson I have learned from this.
WTF! this is diktatorship! You must do something mr straight dope!
WTF! this is diktatorship! Fucl!You must do something mr straight dope!
I don’t understand the police officers that agreed to do this, as that one guy put it, these are people you’re charging down, what the hell is wrong with you?
LMAO! So much for Canada being better than other nations.
This is the main reason our governments do not want law abiding civilians to bear arms. They couldn’t handle new revolutions.
Wow, the clip at the end send a shiver down my spine and left me speechless.
Wtf was happening there?! are the lawsuits underway? It has been filmed on mass and people should organize over the internet.
my thoughts during and after watching the video was ; ‘what.the.fuck…’
i wish the police were more relaxed, i would have been talking to one of them, chillin’
But noooooo, these assholes wanted to create problems, so they could be in the news!! aint that nice!? (note the sarcasm)
@JemmaLoveU Yes escalation great idea /sarcasm You’re an idiot what your advocating would make the problem worse (much much worse) not better. I’d rather see the idiots in charge put in jail because they’re the ones that told the cops to do this. The cops didn’t just decide to start rounding people up on there own.
@TrueMetis Except I am an advocate of banning all lethal firearms and explosives within the military, private security forces, police forces and private use. I am talking about shields, batons, capture nets, mace, tazers. In short, all the things that give us the power to round them up for a change to see how they like it.
There’s dope that makes you straight???
@JemmaLoveU That’s moronic, in Canada private security forces and civilians are already limited in what weapons they can use. (most private security doesn’t use guns at all) But police and the military need guns, if the police don’t have guns in Canada they aren’t going to stop all the criminals that do. And a military without lethal weapons isn’t a military you might as well disband it, and anyone with a little bit of sense realizes that’s a bad idea.
@TrueMetis As for fighting them with shields, batons, capture nets, mace, tazers, etc. Not exactly the best idea for untrained civilians to fight trained police officers. You’d be fighting on their terms pretty much no matter what and you would lose.
Not to mention none of the shit you advocating would fly in Canada.
@TrueMetis You are a sheep. You have been indoctrinated and convinced that the government have the right to take away what NO ONE should be able to- life. Criminals are evil because they take lives, and when the government kills too they become JUST AS EVIL. The good guys are supposed to rise above that kind of barbarism. In fact, most of the people who join the military and police force only do so to gain power and abuse it, they WANT to murder people.
@TrueMetis ”Not to mention none of the shit you advocating would fly in Canada.”
It wouldn’t fly ANYWHERE in the world. The government will never relinquish power, they just keep the sheeple docile and kill off all the lone wolves like myself.
@JemmaLoveU You would be wrong, it has flown many many times and very recently at that. Usually resulting in the deaths of many many people.
@JemmaLoveU Yes I’m a sheep, even though I’ve already said I want to see the people responsible for this charged and convicted. Now I must point out that the government didn’t take any lives here, and that your good guy/bad guy comparison shows just how ignorant you are. There are no good guys and bad guys that’s black and white world bullshit. As for your crack on people who join the military and police, you have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever spoken to a cop or soldier?
My friend was in the riot police in Korea, and the protesting is worse there, I can’t believe it if he did any of this :S also what was with them when they suddenly started to attack as soon as they finished the national anthem?
@JemmaLoveU You guys don’t have the right to bear arms down in Canada?
see what happens when you DONT let civilians keep guns?
this sadly reminds me of half life….pathetic.
Next time bring rifles. Beats pepper-balls every time.
Exact same think happened in UK – people hoarded like cattle and kept in the economic district for hours. ironic i hear you say, to be hearded into London’s economic district but not really when the surrounding buildings look like temples. It’s an energy extraction ritual or something weird like that for sure.
I would love to be a riot cop.
But at the same time I am an evil cunt, so….