Alex discusses the latest in economic news including schools requiring students to bring their own toilet paper. Hal Turner, a radio host with ties to the FBI has been convicted of threatening several judges. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.
@Mr Dustock..just type in Alex Jones-Jessie Ventura on you tube loads will come up,stay safe!!
we are all feminist
Our entire economy should not rest upon foreigners like the banks the fed and stock brokers. It should how ever depend on the people of America and the gold and silver and copper and platinum. At this point America could transfer this broken economy by making copper into dollars silver into 10’s and 20’s gold into 100’s and 1000’s platinum into 10,000 dollars
@crypter27 I’ll have to check out those others. I subscribe to manwomanmyth.
End The Fed
@Cliner98 cool
@deathmarch5 I agree.The Federal Reserve is the source of power for the elitist that are overthrowing America.Then I’d like to see The trilateral Commission,Bilderberg,CFR broken up, and investigated.NO more secret clubs.Real men stand openly and honestly on political issues.AND and certain few families also need investigating.I want these law breakers in JAIL now,not tomorrow.
Recap=we now have a “PRIVATELY OWNED” bank called the FEDERAL RESERVE that is owned by FOREIGN INVESTORS who have been proven to OVERTHROW and MONOPOLIZE nations and governments.Our president just signed the SEC agreement to give MORE power and autonomy to write laws and control our ENTIRE economy.AM I THE ONLY ONE PISSED RIGHT NOW!HELLO Main St. Stop with your anti Constitutional ways and end the Federal Reserve now!Is it worth your SOUL to have a Cadillac?
The very government I FN PAY FOR, is poisoning me, stealing from me, doing deal with foreigners that undermine my interests, refuse to protect my borders, seek to silence me, seek to engage military police act that at best are questionable.there is no doubt in my mind that the employees on Main St. have lost their way in life and need to be voted right the F out.
So Alex says the government is illegally watching our pc’s and phones, I agree. Hello government I pay for.Let me save you time and money.we the people are furious that Main St. takes orders from the CFR and not us, your employers.we are also upset Main st. is violating the Constitution day after day.the Trilateral Commission and CFR are NOT your bosses, we the people are.Please start governing according to THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS, and not Mega Banks.
1st time that I`ve watched Jones & been bored. Repetative, re-hashing the same stories continually, he`s maintaing a hectic broadcast schedule so I suppose it`s inevitable that the material wears thin after a while ; (
fundamentalism for the win?
The globalists need to repent and get saved. God is going to judge them as oppressors, murderers, lawless, prideful, and evil doers. God will rally for the oppressed, widows and the fatherless. He always does. They should be afraid, very very afraid to continue on in what they are doing. He will have them in DERISION. At one time America was great because we were following the good principles granted to us by GOD himself and it will be so again. Do not accept a NWO.
@kcirdrab , the material is always changing and there is new information every day. If none of it sparks your interest you’re probably not human. Go through his archives and listen to guests who tell it like it is as they’ve experienced things first hand. Whether it’s Sheriff Paul Babeu or anybody else. This isn’t meant to be entertaining.
@TheGrowdaddy – This was a poor broadcast by Jones` standards, & as for Jones not interested in entertainment : o …. M-a-n, C`mon! get with the programme here – lol
@kcirdrab , I am with the program. I took the initiative to learn and teach as much as possible. Alex Jones saves me the trouble of having to scan through news headlines everyday. He employs a group of people to do that for him and I utilize them.
In this clip you have a CPS worker calling in speaking of his first had experiences. That is testimony and not entertainment. This will now be archived be placed in my permanent files.
I misunderstood your fist comment. But his video is EVIDENCE….
to the person who posted a comment at me (squirrle agent something or another.. fond tfeel like backspacing to see who it was in my PM box) anyways, I am not balless. I have a pair and they hang pretty damn low now. ;) but Civil War is going to cause alot of death in society. Our childrens lives will be the true innocent victems. And if 2 opposing parties on my street start shooting at one another, I’m busting out a bat and knocking them upside the head if one bullet comes even close to us
@MrDustock He doesn’t appear to have a website and the only way to get through to him seems to be via the channel that’s airing his new shows. Please let me know if you manage to get his contact info. P.
Wow, Your right, btw Youtube wont let anyone sub to you.. Iv tried to many times.. Says Subs arent aviliable atm..
Yeah! Who says American men want their women to join the slave force? Someone tell me:Am I a ‘liberal’ or a ‘conservative’ to suggest that women should be guaranteed by divine right, prosperity and security?If they choose to work at any job they choose, so be it;they should be free to do so.Can you imagine how positively this would affect humanity?Can you imagine how such a move would loosen up the slave (job) market? I strongly believe in entitlement,and I am strongly opposed to most taxation.
@Mrbosnia12 Right. I experienced the same thing. Denied access to my subscriptions.
@WhereEaglesDareWWII : There are two types of jewish people, my friend : Zionist jews, and non zionist jews. The ordinary jewish person is like you and me, it’s the zionists who are the power junkies (and a lot of zionists are not even jewish, they are of all colours… black, white, red, green, pink, violet and blue).
From Sunday’s show we went from Alex saying “Our nation and the rest of the planet has been seized by offshore ruthless criminal groups…” to yesterday’s statement of “… Obama and the globalists to get their world government established need this political smokescreen…” so which is it? Are we taken over or are we not taken over? He can’t seem to decide which one it is. Pick a hole and stick with it Alex… Come on Man.. you’re smarter than this.
israel/jews are the synagogue of satan
jews run the porn bizz, they run hollywood (evil) they run banking, the run the music industry, etc.
basically everything that is wrong and evil in this world is the jews fault. and thats a documented fact. 6 million did NOT die in the holocaust that is a giant hoax/lie to gain sympathy. mabye half that did really die
zionist jews were behind 9-11 with the nwo/bush admin
jews killed Jesus Christ
Jesus is Lord
Write on money and stick up as many of these infowars posters as you can! ( Everyone get involved so we can wake up as many people as possible! Thumbs up!!!