UN Powers Violate Their Own Resolution By Targeting Gaddafi Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com March 21, 2011 As the contrived moral high ground behind the absurdly hypocritical “humanitarian” pretext of the attack on Libya collapses in the wake of Russia, the Arab League and the African Union condemning the US-led NATO bombings, so does any pretense of legality that the “no fly zone” resolution holds, because the obvious attempt to assassinate Gaddafi violates not only US law, but the UN’s own charter. Vladimir Putin’s characterization of the air strikes as a “medieval crusade” and his warning that the attacks prove why Russia has to build up its defenses against NATO is the most damning indictment of the campaign thus far. It follows an Arab League u-turn as well as an African Union condemnation, as all the lies and bluster about a “humanitarian mission” crumble within days of the assault being launched. The Orwellian delusion that the “no fly zone” anything other than a cruel hoax became obvious within hours, as NATO rejected Libya’s proposal for independent third party countries to patrol the skies and instead launched an instantaneous bombardment of Gaddafi’s military facilities, strikes that have killed dozens of innocent people according to Libyan claims that have been confirmed by Russia. From the very beginning, this war had nothing to do with “protecting civilians” and everything to do with toppling the …
@kbspapa Everything they do, every act they pass is for our “security”. Not that security is not important. I do realize there probably are real terrorists out there. But I think they are using it as an excuse to invade our privacy and take away our rights.
@mnstrbassplyer1 “The Lord is Coming?”
That’s just another lie you’ve been fed to you by the power brokers that establish tax free trusts and foundations like churches and universities so you won’t stand up for yourself. They made you lazy and lie in wait for someone else (The Lord) to do something instead of getting up and taking a stand yourself. The end times have been coming for a 1000 years. Why don’t you just keep waiting while the world crashes down around you.
I see a lot of commentors here think that it will take civil war in order to take our country back. That’s just what they want you to do. It will give them the final excuse to declare martial law and turn us into the dictatorship they’ve always wanted. The truth is that we do have the power to turn things around. It’s called getting back to The Constitution and the free market principles of small federal government and sound hard based money spread out in the hands of the people. It still works
@mdssdp “why does he always avoid the fact that this NWO is controlled by zionist jews?”
Because it is NOT. There might be some Jewish elements but it’s not a jewish conspiracy. As Alex clearly says, it’s the international bankers that run the show. The house of Morgan and Rockefeller are among the 2 biggest players and are not at all jewish. The Rothschilds are German Jews but are just a part of 2 dozen families that are behind this. You have to know your enemy before you can defeat them.
@mickeysears tell that to the tourists, just go back to watching your movie.
what’s with the feminazi BS blaming men? it isn’t just the men. i didn’t know hillary clinton, susan & condoleeza rice, janet napolitano, angela merkel & madeleine albright were males. the women are just as crazy as the men, maybe even crazier lol
Its all Biblical Prophecy, awalkwiththelord(dot)com. Better get your ass right with GOD. Its coming soon……………
He calmy states.. “it’s the beginning of world war 3” what we all need to realise, is that when this all plays out.. people will be calling anyone talking like this, a traitor!
I can see it.. I think. But the end game, the real point where every able man woman or child in the west make a choice between liberal & tyrannical rule is if there was a false flag so big, everyone in the country would be affected. And the choice is, would we stand against the real culprits, or do we join them?
fantastic show! Thumbs up this so others see you liked it!~
forget about the mainstream media. those pigs are hopeless. most have never served in the military but they seem to support every military intervention in the world. bunch of chicken hawks. send them all in first, the men AND the women, to take the first bombing. send in the pro-war politicians too. And the “defense” manufacturers who make money from weapons designed to kill. if jones didn’t mention things like the “NWO” & “satanism” he’d be more credible.
@ledaohio if locking me up is what it takes, then locking me up is what they’ll have to do. Disobedience has worked in the past, it worked for Ghandi and Martin Luther King. It draws attention to your cause, generates sympathy and public support for your cause. I still believe this war can be won through peaceful means.
@steamidjf Our only hope is IVAW.ORG and thousands more like it participating and hopefully being heard on mainstream media on a daily basis. Which will never happen since Murdoch owns damn near all the networks. Have you seen Inside Job, Fair Game, or Outfoxed? If not, inbox msg me for the links.
Evil seems to be winning, Alex has made some really good points here.
Alex Jones for president of the United States!
@fireinmycrotch lmao fire in ur crotch, i am fucking retarted?? just because i have faith in the bible, and see what aj is talking about as the works of satan, ur asking me if i am retarted… aj is bill hick’s?? lol really?
let me ask you one thing, why are you watching alex jones, if he is such a sjill??
@fireinmycrotch shill excuse me..
“Join the U.S. Navy – A Global Force” as advertised on CNN. Why have they stopped advertising this? LMFNO…
What we sow is what we reap. According to a European freelance reporter based in Russia, the Russian government had sent 3 Akula submarines to the Mediterranean that were built during the 90s despite that turbulent period. And the Russian oil revenues had accelerated their final construction. How many were built, the reporter does now know. The Chinese had sent 1 warship already.
@roycpc464 evil serves it purpose, but shall not prevail. Just Know That.
RasKemet out……..
More Secrets and more Lies, We know the song so well .
You are so far up the ass of the neworldordeal that you stink of their shit. YOU FUCKING LITTLE PUNK!!! GET OFF MY SHOW. Just another O’Reilly. LOL you couldnt even hold it together. You where probably there the day they murdered Cooper. I wish it was okay to murder you but some mental midget is going to say you’re a Hero! I think it needs to be done any way. I want a trophy.
Alex Jones is a true Republican
we need chritian pepole like that
we need christian pepole like that
for as much as he makes the point that our tax dollars are being used for a larger secret mission, I applaud Mr. Jones. Unfortunately,his style is offputting and counterproductive.
Sincere statements are heard by angels and the very elements react. Now that he has a large audience, we won’t turn on him for slightly altering his style. Elaborate descriptions of NWO act as satanic invokation whereas when even a tenth of what is right and good in US mobilize, good will triumph.
Voice of the Riots!! Check my new video out.. Problem with Authority by C.R.Y.M.E.