BANKSTER ” HOLIDAY ” PLANNED FOR SEPTEMBER?? Kurt Nimmo Infowars June 22, 2009 Bob Chapmans influential International Forecaster is reporting on the possibility of a so-called bank holiday planned for late August or early September. According to Chapmans sources, US embassies around the world are selling dollars and stockpiling money from respective countries where they operate. [[ FDR imposed a bank holiday soon after taking office. It resulted in the government stealing gold from the American people and giving them useless fiat paper money in return. ]] Some US embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies, writes Harry Schultz, enough to last them a year. Schultz publishes the Harry Schultz Letter, an international investment, financial, economic, and geopolitical newsletter named as Newsletter of the Year by Peter Brimelow of Market Watch in 2005 and 2008.
wow What has America came too, From The land of milk and Honey too” Obama” Change you wont Believe………..
Give me libertly or give me death. Perhaps its time for another American Revolution. Without our cooperation, these tyrants are nobodies.
love the crack whore analogy
Oh, you think so? Read Jack London’s “Iron Heel” written around 1905. You can download it. Read the chapter on the “Philomouths” and the speech by the “Industrialist”. London had a crystal ball. One of the greatest writers of the English speaking language.
How is nwo = 666?
god isnt real so just shut up
Toothless crack whore – wow, way with words. Alex is right.
1 kings 10:14 kjv
lol, love the Mr Mackie impersonation, mmmokay….
Expose the fed and obama. moneypirates com. Spread the word
love that pic of the cunt Greespan, lol
WTF Alex! Give me some pertinent information or STFU!
If God is not real, then do not cry out to him in times of despair. I have discovered everyone who says that there is no God,when Trouble comes either God or Jesus comes out of there mouth immediately. And yes there is a God And believe it or not, he’s about to prove it. rEad revelation in the bible and compare it to the times, read mathew 24 and @nd timothy 3 and read it and then watch the news and watch the people in this world live under a spirit of error.
Well said my friend!
dude people of every time have thought that they were in the end times. Sure it is the end times…but not like u think it is. It is a change in human thinking. And people call out for god (even I do, while strictly atheist) because it’s so damn good and if he’s out there, u’d want him to be on your side,and while atheist I truely believe that god (if he existed) would not favor me or a believer. Whats the point in it for him if I was merely referring to him in his right name? If I get it right.
p.s I’m not a dude. lol
Still it didnt happen yet.
@prayerwarriorwvicu lol
@prayerwarriorwvicu love , creator , universe <3 xoxo keep shinnin :)
what happened ?, Alex is full of shit!!
Who is the bigger fear monger?
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@prayerwarriorwvicu Amen brother!
You, Alex Jones, are a top notch SCAM ARTIST feeding off people’s fear for your own profit. All wrong doings in life will eventually catch up to you. Don’t forget that.