Terry Goddard, Arizona Attorney General on Ginee Karr’s Systemic Murder

After the City Council meeting on February 17, 2009, Mr. Karr, Ms. Stone and several witness caught up with him outside the council chambers. Although he was anxious to get away, they managed to stop him, for comment and of course got him on tape as they were also members of the azjusticenews.org media group. Mr. Goddard is considering a run for Governor in Arizona but we think the public should be forewarned that Mr. Goddard has two faces as most politicians do, and, he has failed to act on what he learned that night. Mr. Goddard was there with his press secretary Ms. Hilby and she gave us a card and stated she would be looking into our claims, however, all of this was aparently just a political blow off. There was also a young reporter from the Arizona Republic Newspaper, Marjon Rostami present and standing right next to us while we spoke to Arizona’s Attorney General Terry Goddard and she was very interested in the story about Virginia Mae Vivian Karr’s “very suspicious” deatgh as Mr. Goddard himself put it, as well as the ambush attack and assaults by still unidentified Peoria Police Officers, orchestrated by Magellan Health Services of Arizona, Inc., Mr. Mathew Fisher and Mr. Norman Sartor but not the Arizona Attorney Gernral Mr. Goddard or the Arizona Republic Newspaper have done anything about any of it yet. Notwithstanding, the omissions of duty on part of the Arizona Attorney General Mr. Goddard, and the ignorance of the Arizona Republic Newspaper editors in