Woman’s Archive

Here is security camera video from this event: www.youtube.com Here is video from a local news station: www.kget.com From the Video description; Sheriff’s busted into my private home at approx […]

Police break into a woman’s home without a warrant. Raw video by home owner

Here is security camera video from this event: www.youtube.com Here is video from a local news station: www.kget.com From the Video description; Sheriff’s busted into my private home at approx […]


Cop Caught Trespassing, Copying Woman’s House Key



guards let pregnate womans baby die.Police brutality??I think so.


Police Brutality: On the night of August 1, at a Whitehall, Ohio Walmart, Virginia Dodson could not remember why she was sitting alone in a car. Coming to grips with […]

Police Brutality: Cop Slams Elderly Woman’s Head On The Concrete.

Police Brutality: On the night of August 1, at a Whitehall, Ohio Walmart, Virginia Dodson could not remember why she was sitting alone in a car. Coming to grips with […]