witnesses Archive

A completely different approach to proving whether the Jehovah’s Witness 1914 Doctrine is correct ….. or not. The process provides evidence that Jesus Christ, Satan, the bible and therefore also […]

Jehovah’s Witnesses 1914 Doctrine is Correct – Part 5

A completely different approach to proving whether the Jehovah’s Witness 1914 Doctrine is correct ….. or not. The process provides evidence that Jesus Christ, Satan, the bible and therefore also […]

A completely different approach to proving whether the Jehovah’s Witness 1914 Doctrine is correct ….. or not. The process provides evidence that Jesus Christ, Satan, the bible and therefore also […]

Jehovah’s Witnesses 1914 Doctrine is Correct – Part 3

A completely different approach to proving whether the Jehovah’s Witness 1914 Doctrine is correct ….. or not. The process provides evidence that Jesus Christ, Satan, the bible and therefore also […]

A completely different approach to proving whether the Jehovah’s Witness 1914 Doctrine is correct ….. or not. The process provides evidence that Jesus Christ, Satan, the bible and therefore also […]

Jehovah’s Witnesses 1914 Doctrine is Correct – Part 2

A completely different approach to proving whether the Jehovah’s Witness 1914 Doctrine is correct ….. or not. The process provides evidence that Jesus Christ, Satan, the bible and therefore also […]

Sponsor: LyfProductions.com – Free Talk Live host Ian Freeman of Keene reports he and other spectators are briefly imprisoned inside a courtroom while awaiting a Derry man’s arraignment. He says […]

Milford baliff blocks spectators into courtroom, say witnesses

Sponsor: LyfProductions.com – Free Talk Live host Ian Freeman of Keene reports he and other spectators are briefly imprisoned inside a courtroom while awaiting a Derry man’s arraignment. He says […]