silence Archive

2008 Tammy Christopher is suing Grady County Oklahoma after Deputy Sean Kinght shot her dog. While the police officer told her that the dog charged at him when he stopped […]

Police Brutality: Cop Kills Dog, Tries To Buy Owner’s Silence!

2008 Tammy Christopher is suing Grady County Oklahoma after Deputy Sean Kinght shot her dog. While the police officer told her that the dog charged at him when he stopped […]

Still nothing from the medina camp on her latest flip flop on 9/11 truthers, and her continued silence only makes the matter worse.Credibility is “everything” when dealing with the main […]

Alex Jones Tv: Medina’s Continued Silence on Her 9/11 “Flip Flop” Statement is Despicable!!

Still nothing from the medina camp on her latest flip flop on 9/11 truthers, and her continued silence only makes the matter worse.Credibility is “everything” when dealing with the main […]

Street Preachers are told they are preaching to loud at USF campus. Ruben talks about why sodomy is called an abomination in the Bible.    


Street Preachers are told they are preaching to loud at USF campus. Ruben talks about why sodomy is called an abomination in the Bible.